FWL Business Process (5/9/17)

Topic:  FWL Business Process:  Standard Business Process for all colleges; List of changes for FWL system process

Meeting Date/Time:  May 9, 2017

Meeting Facilitator(s):  Brian Lanier

WebEx Recording:  Due to the personal information available within this Listen & Learn remediation session, the recording is being hosted in the Community of Practice Canvas course. This is in keeping with our FERPA commitment. All SSN/Bank Data are redacted. Please contact Jo Munroe for viewing access.

Key HCM Module Involved

  • Payroll for North America
  • Workforce Administration
  • FWL

Remediation Ticket Information

Meeting Notes

Jameeka: has created a new role for CTC Disability Admin so that the Disability screens can be locked down better.  Right now it is in testing.  Once it’s tested then an email will go out to the colleges and then the permissions can get refined.

Spokane: Is there a QRG for this?

Jameeka: Yes, there is already one out on the reference center, but can add the information about the specific security role.

Job End Date is almost ready for testing, we’re just refining documents for UAT.  

Had sent an email to Debbie in Spokane about the Visa query, and need a follow up.

Debbie: When was the email sent?

Jameeka: Early April or so.

Debbie: Will need to find the email.

Jameeka: Tacoma will the new Disability Admin role work for you as well?

Tacoma: Yes.

Jameeka: Put a QRG about Degree information on the ctc reference site, have people had time to take a look at it?

AP: Is this something new?

Jameeka: I created a QRG and posted it to the site.  Can send an email with a link to the QRG.  The link is also in the ticket associated with remediation.

Melody: We don’t go out to look for new QRGs so we need pretty clear announcements for additions.

Brian: A continued update: Balloon payments are in production.  W-2 configuration in self-service is in testing right now.  Change for Benefit Eligibility passed UAT and is moving into Production this week.  So some of these things are moving through the system.

Melody: About Benefit Eligibility: need a recap.

Brian: Tacoma informed us that the Benefit Eligibility report was showing bad data.  We had a listen and learn to come up with the box in FWL to exclude contract types.  It has been tested and will be moved.  

Melody: So we didn’t UAT.

Brian: We needed someone from CS, Benefits, Absence, and it was complicated so we had ERP test it.  If you would like a webex we can set it up for you, but you will need to have a lot of people there to run the items.

Melody: For Spokane, HR would be excluding.  Not Campus.

Brian: Then we can set up a webex for UAT at a later date.

Sam: Today we’ll be talking about suggested business process for FWL.  Business process itself will presented to all 34 colleges and then based on the college setting and number of employees who do the work, so it’s ok that it isn’t done exactly this way, but this is a general best practice outline.

Start with the hiring process: this is done in the HR office to enter the data in HCM, next step is adding the instructor to the advisor table, it’s up to HR to send the EMPLID to the office that enters info to the instructor table.

Once the Dean knows who is teaching what class, then the information is entered into the schedule for classes.  Adding the instructor to the class must be done by the Admin asst.  This data is sent eventually to HR so they can verify.

Instructor Term Workload can be filled in by the Admins.  Once all the data is filled in and ready to go, then calculation is performed.  Enter all the information first, then calculate.  i.e. a day would be scheduled as the FWL processing day.

Melody: There are times we don’t know all the information.  Particularly for 10th day and online information.

Sam: Admins will have to verify everything because they have all the information already: hours, pay, etc.  First verification needs to be done at the admin level.  Used to do this verification on paper.

Melody: So Admin enter, and verify, then HR will verify, then Dean will verify?

Sam: Once the system generates the paylines it doesn’t mean you’re getting paid for sure.  Everything needs to be done before generating the contract.  Once the contract is generated and approved then the PTF will need to be paid.  Generating the contract can be done by the admin, but HR wants to review it first.  Some other places, the Dean reviews first before it goes to HR.  Differences here are fine.  

Contract is viewed in Spokane, so AWE will route it to Dean next for signing off.

Those steps in AWE will make the process smoother.

Admins tend to want to go one by one, but we recommend batch actions.  It saves a lot of time.

I query the list of instructors from the pay line (once pay lines are generated you can query them).

After that is Pay Line extract (HR office or Payroll) and they determine if it’s ok to pay.  

Final step is pay sent to be uploaded to PSHUP file.

It sounds “easy” but we know it’s a lot of work.

Questions about ideal business process?

Melody: Do we have a timeline for testing AWE?

Sam: Today we’re just talking business process, we don’t have a timeline for testing available today because we need to prioritize the FWL improvements.

Melody: Still thinking about a centralized email for FWL notifications etc.  It takes time to have that email created.  So want to know lead time.

Sam: If you want to start that process can you send the language you want in the email notification that would then go to that email?  Language can be changed later, but it would be good to have the language for: HR, Dean, employee.

Melody: Is this specific to CCS or standard for all colleges?

Sam: We can look at both.

Melody: We have a home grown system where a field is programmed into the email which includes ID etc.  Can we merge in fields?

Sam: When it goes to the Dean it will be based on a record.  So if that Dean is the supervisor then the email is targeted.

Melody: So we can make email unique?

Sam: Yes.  What do people think of the business process?

Melody: Think it business process sounds good, but how are these changes accommodated for?

Sam: Initial calculation can be done one at a time or in batch.  I suggested that the batch is used, rather than one at a time.  Admins get nervous when paylines are generated, but they don’t need to assume the existence of paylines means payments automatically.

Melody: Will emails be triggered by recalcs?

Sam: Yes, changes will result in more notifications.  Before approval anything can happen, but once it’s approved it will need to be regenerated again.

Melody: We can’t delete previous calcs.

Sam: I’m talking about classes.  If they delete an instructor from the class or adjust the load itself.

Melody: So any recalc will still stay in history for the term.

Sam: Yes, the history stays, it doesn’t go anywhere.

Did everyone have a chance to review the list?  Tacoma?  Feedback?

AP: Our admin asst have never been in the process before, so with the timing and everything we don’t work quite like this.

If any changes are done for Spokane, I don’t want AWE to cause multiple approvals generated for AP in specific.

But the list, looked at it briefly.

Sam: I was trying to guide the colleges to let them know which dept should be doing what.  But in Tacoma, since AP enters the data into the schedule of class the process itself doesn’t really change.  And calculations can be done in batch still.  

AWE system can be there if you want it on or not.  You don’t have to have it all on.

Melody: So they can turn AWE on or off, so no notices or all notices?

Sam: I don’t mean the whole system.  If she doesn’t want to use the whole thing, she can use pieces of it.  Certain actions will trigger things, and she doesn’t have to trigger the notifications.  Ciber confirmed this was possible.

Ciber: Simpler configurations can be launched sooner.

Sam: We had some issues from tickets and enhancement requests.  But we need to prioritize the requests.  So what do people want to see first?

Melody: So what is this?

Ciber: Tara had mentioned we have an issue with future dated rows in the course catalog.

Melody: So this looks at future HR data?

Sam: No this is specific to class dates in Campus.

Melody: But it sounds like we want the future date.

Sam: But you wouldn’t want to mix a summer calculation with fall information.

Melody: I don’t know when we would be doing that.

Sam: We’re trying to make sure future actions don’t mix into current calculations.

AP: Confused.  Doesn’t it look at effective dates?

Sam: It isn’t right now, that’s why this is an enhancement request.

Melody: We need a process mapping because I’m not getting why this is an issue.

Sam: We want the system to recognize effective dating because it should.

Second item is the AWE.

Three is when we roll up the term to the next one it doesn’t eliminate classes that weren’t available in the previous term.

Spokane: We like #3, but would like to chat later about term to term or quarter to quarter copying and there may be times it was only offered fall but now it’s offered fall to spring.  So a term to term copy may work.

AP: For Tacoma we always copied present quarter over.  So term to term.

Sam: The roll is causing some data loss, so we should talk more.

Four is to have the catalog # in the calculation result.  Want the # in the description since it’s hard to tell what’s going on.

We can’t go through every item in detail today.  But we need feedback about the priorities.

A few items can be combined, like 6/7/8 can be done at once.

AP: Excited about #8 on the list

Sam: Would like that to be done first, personally.  Spokane?

Melody: No feedback at this time, need to look at the list and talk to the staff.  Will email comments later.

Brian: Will 1:30 today be ok to look at Benefit Eligibility?  Will send a webex link.

Spokane: Yes that will work.


The process is as follows:

This process will be done in the HR office to verify employment and entering the data in HCM.  Once the system generates an Empl ID, proceed to next step.  (NOTE:  From this step forward, all processes will be managed in Campus Solutions).

This process will be based on the College decision.  You have have the choice to continue as an HR representative to enter the data to the Advisor table or communicate with the Instructional office to maintain the table and proceed to add the instructor to the Advisor table.

This process will be maintained by the Administrative Assistants in Campus Solution.

After a decision is made to assign an instructor to a workload teaching assignment, on the meetings tab in Schedule of Class the Instructional office will be assigning the appropriate Assignment type based on the rate agreed in your CBA (request a list of Assignments types from Sam to identify which one is appropriate one to use for each class.)

This process preferably will be maintained by the Administrative Assistants in Campus Solution.

Non Instructional Assignment (Special Assignment) will be added to the Term workload table for a non-teaching load to any instructor, example :(Advising, Meeting, Department Chair, Stipend, Special Project, Librarian, Counselors etc.…) If the college decides to have HR handle this process differently and pay it as an additional, please keep in mind that is based on any Faculty Agreement for any College, the instructor is entitle to review the teaching load assigned to him or her and it will require an appointment letter.

This process will be maintained by the Administrative Assistants in Campus Solution.

After assigning The Instructor in Schedule of Class and choosing an Assignment type, you will need to execute the FWL Calculation Process to loads to the FWL Grids in the Maintain Faculty Workload Page. The FWL Calculation Process allows for Initial Calculation for each instructor to generate a contract type (formula) for each class. If you already know all the classes that are taught by that instructor you can proceed with the Calculation Process for the instructor in batch or one Contract type at the time.

Hint: if you initially started the Calculation Process once for an individual through the Run Control ID Process Scheduler and later more assignment got added to the instructor teaching load, you can use the (Recalc All Button on the FWL page).

This process will be maintained by the Administrative Assistants in Campus Solution.

Once the Calculation is Process calculate for an instructor, the Instruction Office will be able to view the payments on the CS to HCM Pay Line for each class that require payment for an instructor.

This process preferably will be maintained by the Administrative Assistants in Campus Solution. This process requires approval by the Dean or the Approval Authority to approve the workload teaching assignments, FTE and pay before sending the pay to payroll.

The Faculty Workload Contract Process executes the FWL Contract Process via the Process Scheduler that generates the online (electronic) Contract, also referred to as an Appointment Letter.

After a contract has gone through the approval process, it is ultimately visible to the instructor in the Faculty Center.

This process will be maintained by the Human Resources Offices/Payroll in Campus Solution.

This process is how to mark “OK to pay" and run the automated process to extract all Pay Lines to send to payroll. HR will be verifying each payment to control the Pay Lines accuracy before OK the Pay.

  • You can find more FWL Resources by following the Reference Center link below.



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