Other Remediation Topics-Solution Design (6/1/17)

Meeting Information

Meeting Topic:  Other Remediation Topics - Solution Design

Meeting Date:  June 1, 2017

Meeting Facilitator(s):  Emmett Folk

Meeting Info:  WebEx recording pending

Meeting Objective

  • Remediation Solution Identification  The goal of this meeting is to gain a mutual understanding of the viable options for remediating the identified.  For example, if there is a reporting gap, we would discuss any delivered pages or reports that provide the required information or if a query would need to be developed.
  • Remediation Solution Decision Making  The goal of this meeting is to make a decision on the remediation solution that will be pursued to address the identified issues and their associated remediation tickets.  For example, if there are several solutions for a reporting gap, we would decide on one of those solutions to be the final resolution of the identified issue(s) and their associated remediation tickets.

Key Modules

  • General Ledger (7 tickets)
  • Asset Management (2 tickets)

Meeting Notes

Remediation tickets linked to prior sessions

Ticket # Requirement ID Requirement Summary
19297 GL3 – General “…integration and reconciliation of data between GL, Payroll, and Student”
This ticket has been linked to our prior Accounting Processes session, specifically for the HCM-to-FIN and CS-to-FIN cross-pillar integration overview document work items.
Ticket # Requirement ID Requirement Summary
19318 GL48-Period & Year-End Processing “Support period-end adjustments…”
19321 GL50-Period & Year-End Processing “Support the use of an adjusting period…”
These tickets have been linked to our prior Accounting Processes session, specifically for the Year-End Close process overview document and QRGs as well as the Year-End Adjustment process overview document and QRGs.
  • Other Remediation Topics
    • From College Critical Issues
      • None
    • From Open Remediation Tickets
      • GL  Accounting Structure Tickets
Ticket # Requirement Summary
19329 “Support the configuration of as many account numbers as System is likely to need over the next 20 to 30 years…”
19291 “Assign attributes to chart segments, segment values, and account numbers …”
19304 “Provide standardization of sub-objects and mapping to a systemwide structure…”

Follow Up Notes:

  • Spokane  While there may not be gaps for Spokane as they related to the specific line-item requirements in tickets 19329 and 19291, this does not mean they believe there are no gaps with the overall requirement category of “GL  Accounting Structure”.  They believe that a redesign of the PeopleSoft Chart of Accounts is needed in order for the system to function properly.
    • Need to be able to identify spending activity with specific Vendors that have transactions coming from multiple PS sources across multiple funding distributions (example, Department of Corrections)
    • Payroll liabilities being recognized against the same full distribution that the associated expense is; doesn’t need to do this, just needs to recognized (balanced) at the Fund level

Remediation Solutions:

  • CCS Department Framework Update
    • Spokane’s Departments are still in their original conversion framework; were not updated after the new, global framework was developed by the college Chart of Accounts Workgroup
    • Need to work with State Board to determine a conversion plan for getting Spokane onto the new framework; preferably to be done so use of the new framework starts at the beginning of a fiscal year
  • TCC Department Framework Verification
    • Update to their framework was done
    • Need to verify that current framework fits within the new global standard

GL - Journal Processing Tickets

Ticket # Requirement Summary
19305 “Support automated and manual journal upload.”
19306 “Perform validation on all journal entry processes based on standard system validation processes…”
19299 “Provide a journal entry toolset, including but not limited to a standardize spreadsheet template…”
19313 “Incorporate adjusting journal entry approvals…”

Remediation Solutions:

  • Resolution of previously identified issues
    • GLE Analysis Type issues identified in the “Grants Accounting Processes” sessions
  • Templates for Recurring Journals to automate these entries
    • Documentation/Training
      • QRGs (4) on the use of Standard Journals in GL
        • There are three different types of Standard Journals: Recurring (same accounting and amounts), Template (same accounting, different amounts), Spread  (same accounting and amounts, but spread evenly across an entire year)
      • WebEx Training session on Standard Journals after QRGs are developed and deployed
      • TCC tested Standard Journals as part of refresh activities and it did not work
  • Parameters/policy are there around uploading entries from external sources
    • Documentation/Training
      • Update to the “Importing a Journal Spreadsheet” QRG to include policy/procedure statement from the State Board around when it’s appropriate to use the upload utility

AM - General and Disposal Tickets

Ticket # Requirement Summary
19723 “Assignment of unique record IDs to assets… and update of additional tracking numbers (e.g., State asset tag number).”
19713 “Dispose of financial and non-financial assets.”

Remediation Solutions:

  • No gaps for CCS
  • TCC Asset Conversion
    • An approach for recording asset transactions for FY17 is already in progress
    • TCC Assets need to be converted shortly after FY17 year-end close

Topics and Associated Remediation Tickets

Ticket # Requirement ID Requirement Description Assoc. Topic
19297 GL3-General “Distribute and report labor costs based on user-defined criteria, with full integration and reconciliation of data between GL, Payroll, and Student.” Reassigned to Accounting Processes session
19329 GL12-Accounting Structure “Support the configuration of as many account numbers as System is likely to need over the next 20 to 30 years based on user-defined criteria (e.g., sub-object code; sub-revenue code).” GL Accounting Structure Tickets
19291 GL13-Accounting Structure “Assign attributes to chart segments, segment values, and account numbers (e.g., alpha-numeric values) to enable the implementation of security rules, user permissions, business processing rules, data integrity controls, budgetary control rules (e.g., at sub-object level; at sub-sub-object level), and other relevant controls such as account activation and de-activation.” GL Accounting Structure Tickets
19304 GL24-Accounting Structure “Provide standardization of sub-objects and mapping to a systemwide structure for each unique GL created at the college-level” GL Accounting Structure Tickets
19305 GL39-Journal Entry & Processing “Support automated and manual journal upload.” GL Journal Processing Tickets
19306 GL40-Journal Entry & Processing “Perform validation on all journal entry processes based on standard system validation processes and user-definable business rules.” GL Journal Processing Tickets
19299 GL46-Journal Entry & Processing “Provide a journal entry toolset, including but not limited to a standardize spreadsheet template, to facilitate streamlined journal entry and upload.” GL Journal Processing Tickets
19313 GL47-Journal Entry & Processing “Incorporate adjusting journal entry approvals, tracking, and workflow notifications in GL module.” GL Journal Processing Tickets
19321 GL48-Period & Year-End Processing “Support period-end adjustments, roll-up transactions, and carry-forward processing based on business rules.” Reassigned to Accounting Processes session
19318 GL50-Period & Year-End Processing “Support the use of an adjusting period in the accounting calendar configuration with accompanying automated adjustment of carry forward balance based on user-defined business rules (e.g., option for prior period entries).” Reassigned to Accounting Processes session
19723 FXA1-Asset Management “Assignment of unique record IDs to assets and enable the creation, maintenance, and update of additional tracking numbers (e.g., State asset tag number).” AM General and Disposal Tickets
19713 FXA37-Disposal “Dispose of financial and non-financial assets.” AM General and Disposal Tickets


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