OAAP Terms Setup

Purpose: This document references configuring the Terms Setup in the OAAP.

Audience: Online Admissions staff.

Colleges charging application fees in OAAP must coordinate with their Student Financials staff to update the Application Fees configuration in ctcLink. For each term you set up to display in OAAP, an Application Fee must also be set up in ctcLink. If this Application Fee setup is missing in ctcLink for a term a student applies to in OAAP, the application will fail to submit. See QRG Managing Admissions Application Fees Configuration.

Create Terms

  1. The terms are fetched from the Term/Session Table in PeopleSoft before being displayed in the list on the OAAP. 
  2. Following an overnight process, new terms added to the Term/Session Table are available on the OAAP Term Setup page.
  3. If you would like to add a new term to the existing rows in OAAP Term Setup without deleting the current term, you will want to add new terms instead of editing an existing row. This will append the new term(s) to the existing row.
  1. Access the Online Admissions Application Portal.
  2. The admin user can log in using the LDAP username and password.
  3. Enter the Username and Password.
  4. Select the Sign In button.
  5. The OAAP Dashboard displays for the Admin.
  6. Select the Institution Setup drop-down menu.
  7. Select the Terms Setup from the sub-menu.
  8. The Terms Setup page is displayed to the right. View the OAAP Template Mapping for Term Setup section. If you’ve built out your term session table, the OAAP can pull up to two years
  9. Create Terms Setup by completing these required fields:
    • Academic Institution
    • Types
    • Programs
    • Terms (Multiple Terms can be selected)
  10. Select the Add button.
  11. A Terms Setup Saved Successfully message displays.
  12. Select OK to return to the main page.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Create Terms. This link will open in a new tab/window.

OAAP Template Mapping for Term Setup

Admit Type
Academic Program
OAAP Template
First Year  + Academic = General Admissions
First Year
General Admissions
First Year
Non-Award Seeking  =
General Admissions
First Year
Professional Technical  =
General Admissions
First Year
Transitional Studies  =
BEdA/ Transitional Studies
Reapplying  +
General Admissions
General Admissions
Non-Award Seeking
General Admissions
Professional Technical
General Admissions
Transitional Studies
BEdA/ Transitional Studies
Running Start  +
Running Start
Running Start
Running Start
Running Start
Non-Award Seeking
Running Start
Running Start
Professional Technical
Running Start
Running Start
Transitional Studies
Running Start
Transfer +
General Admissions
General Admissions
Non-Award Seeking
General Admissions
Professional Technical
General Admissions
Transitional Studies
BEdA/ Transitional Studies

Existing Terms

 Terms will only appear in the Terms Setup menu until the first date of the term configured on the Term/ Session Table. Changes made after the beginning of a term will result in prior and in-progress terms being removed from the Terms Setup table. To intentionally remove a prior or in-progress term, select the pencil icon in the Action column and then select the Submit button without changing.

  1. The Terms Setup page displays.
  2. Select the pencil icon in the Action column to remove future terms without deleting other terms.
  3. Uncheck the term you want to remove from the Academic Terms drop-down menu, then click out of the box. 
  4. Select the trashcan icon in the Action column to delete all the terms on a row.
  5. A warning message displays.
  6. Select Yes or Cancel to perform the applicable action and return to the main page.
  7. Select the pencil icon in the Action column to delete a current or previous term(s). Changes made after the beginning of a term will result in the term in progress being removed from the table. If you would like to add a new term to the existing rows in OAAP Term Setup without deleting the current term, you will want to add new terms instead of editing an existing row. This will append the new term(s) to the existing row.
  8. Select the Submit button.
  9. Verify the deletion of past terms. There is still a display of current and future terms. 
  10. Process complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Existing Terms. This link will open in a new tab/window.


Derreck Pressley

What happens to applications for a term that is deleted? Is there a way to move those applications to another term in a batch?

Derreck Pressley

If all the terms are listed on the same row, how does it know which term to delete? It seems like it would delete all the terms when you just one to delete one.

Tanjagay Martin

Hi Derreck, Thank you for your question. Submitted and in-progress OAAP applications are not affected when you remove an older term from the Terms Setup table. Suppose a student has an in-progress application for a term that you've deleted. The student can successfully submit the in-progress application. If a student requests to move an admit term after submission, staff will make the changes in PeopleSoft. ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer

Tanjagay Martin

Hello Derreck! Colleges are responsible for removing older terms from the OAAP Term Setup table. Selecting the pencil icon will allow you to activate the Academic Terms drop-down list and uncheck the specific term you wish to remove. The term will no longer be available to students to select once it has been removed. ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer

Hajira Syed

Does it take overnight for the terms to be available in OAAP after the term/session table has been setup? I just setup term/session table for 2235-Summer 2023 but that term is not available for me to select in OAAP.

Tanjagay Martin

Hi Hajira, Thanks for asking such a great question. The following was added to the QRG, "Following an overnight process, new terms added to the Term/Session Table are available on the OAAP Term Setup page." I hope all is well with you, Hajira! Have a fantastic day. ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer

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