FA: Awarding & Disbursements Listen & Learn
Purpose: Remediation WebEx Listen & Learn session for FA: Awarding & Disbursements
Audience: All College Staff
FA: Awarding & Disbursements Meeting Information
Gap Analysis (Listen & Learn)
Topic: FA: Awarding & Disbursements
Meeting Date/Time: March 27, 2017 2:30 - 4:00pm
Meeting Facilitator: Kim Wasierski, Jerry Perez
Meeting Information: FA: Awrding & Disbursements WebEx Recording
Meeting Attendees:
- WA171-Ronda Reineke, Tammy Zibell
- WA172- Ashley Johns, Danielle Lee, Alex Bailey
- WA220-Kim Matison, Susan Mooi
Meeting Objectives
Gap Analysis / Requirements Gathering The goal of this meeting is to gain a mutual understanding of the identified remediation gap and to document any requirements necessary for the remediation of that gap. For example, if there is a reporting gap, we would identify what information is needed (specific data elements to include) to bridge that gap and how that information needs to be retrieved (reporting frequency, parameters).
Key CS Modules Involved
- Financial Aid
Meeting Notes and Decisions
- Determining Aid Eligibility
- WA171- Query to find students who have agency/third party funding. Need more training to help set up business processes. The query does exclude students from showing up over and over per term. Currently they have an IT person to help sort and filter. Business process change that SF handles the process now. Could the query be run by dates? Loan aggregates and mass packaging. Aggregates doubling amounts. Hard for other staff from other departments to aid their awards due to the possibility of canceling other types of aid. Prospective students and not being able to provide and estimated award letter. SCC have created an outside process to handle this. Residency, Refund holds not stopping refunds from being processes. Linking to issues with E-083
- WA172- For the agency funding query are the dates really by tuition calc? Checking the query to see if this is accurate. Seems like too much work to be running and working the report even once a week. Agrees that date range may work better. Residency query work around is ok. Issues with SAP and manually work around especially with concurrent students. Degree audit not being reliable can affect disbursing. Refunds can manually be made by the district office and refunds blocks are not working for paper checks. Prospective student estimated award notices have a manual work around.
- WA220- Agency funding query is a time consuming report. Issues with disbursing first then agency/third party being identified. When does SF actually post the agency/third party funding? How can we only identify students who were listed originally and now have changes? If the query cannot have the date range prompts can there be a SI to assign to stop disbursements for any student with FA awards and third party funding so FA has time to review eligibility and post the third party funding. Aggregate issues that were discussed on Friday. Would be interested in CCS’s process on prospective students estimated award letters. Would like more training around E-083
- Packaging Aid
- WA171-Same issues as SFCC. Summer packaging. 125% query for SNG couldn’t get it to run. Spinning and not producing results. Kim will try to run the query. Scholarships are ok. But had security issues with setting up a loan item type
- WA172- As of right now Summer is very manual with limited documentation. 13702 24987. No query has been developed or delivered to find students whose FA load has not been updated to a N when not enrolled. Issues with overrides and FA term. Work-study is very manual. Students getting numerous award letters. SNG does not prorate for LTFT. Manual process. Ready to review list goes off CPS process date but the want it to look at applied date. Mass packaging process for TCC? Little documentation on aid adjustments and can it be automated? Aid cancelation in mass affecting Pell and what are the pros and cons on issues and needs better documentation. When pull report for SI’s for FLF to also see SAP status and enrollment level. After census the amount of students that need to be adjusted is large. Repackaging instructions. How do we use it? How to update the repack plans. E-083 how does it work? Does it affect disbursements in any way? How to stop disbursements for students that are partial withdraws? Are they any impacts with drops? Repeated coursework. Are using a workaround that was created on campus and is used outside of PS. Scholarships disbursements going out for dropped students. Manual process to aid year activate a scholarship students and build FA term, budgets. Requirement is met but it’s a very manual process.
- WA220- Interested in best practices in aid adjustments. More information on repackaging. Mass cancel seems to have worked. Can SNG and CBS be prorated automatically? Adjusting awards is very manual and takes a lot of steps. Awarding- adjusting awards when validating not sure how its’ splitting 1 dollar. The system wants to add or deduct a dollar for Pell. Is there already a doc for mass cancelation? Summer awarding as a trailer. Are they any tips or best practices on awarding aid?
- Managing Aid, Including Scholarships, Non-credits Awards, Waivers
- WA171- Remediation ticket 20998 needs additional training. Fund Roster is very big and it’s hard to work with. Over award report runs but does not show any students. Using query already developed to help find students CTC_FA_OVERAWARDS. SBCTC needs to test the delivered over award report to see if it is broken. Same issue with over-awarding single terms but not for year. Would like more instructions on external award load process. Would like to use it for Athletic awards.
- WA172- More training on scholarship processes. Disbursements going out when they shouldn’t. Fund roster works. SNG Waitlist query CTC_FA_WAITLISTED_AWARDS . Not user friendly. If they could attempted vs completed credits also it would be helpful. Way to find overrides on FA Load and Acad load on FA term. Use this option so they can still package at full time. Would like a query. FA term at census lock for summer. Needs query. Would like a date range prompt on the Agency Funding query. Recently finding students who are over the $4300 commitment if other scholarships come in they have to reduce CBS. It’s a manual process now. Issues with workforce funds for book charges not paying off the charge. Anything manual can be automated. Term over-awards. No way to monitor this. Could potentially make a student over awarded. Would like more training on the External Award process.
- WA220- Award status codes report in legacy. For example they used a status 6 to manage remaining SNG funds. Fund rosters seem clunky and cumbersome. Trying to work with IT to pull all suspended students with different types of aid so they can get dropped from classes. Possible query to pull specific SI’s for students with active aid that are not meeting SAP. Workforce aid posting issues. When validating it affects other aid. Need more clarification of error messages and how to resolve. Add section about common errors and how to resolve to business process documentation. Need good documentation around external award load and its use. No way to monitor term over awards. Could potentially make a student over awarded.
- Create Disbursement Schedules
- WA171- Loan Disbursement notifications are ok.
- WA172- Student awarded Loans Su-F-W-SP not sending disbursements in sequential order after the 10/1 date and does not show on authorization report. 5326. Issue of timeframe of disbursements displaying on self service. Shows the date from set up of when the first disbursement can be made to SF.
- WA220- Loan Disbursement notifications are ok.
- Support Disbursement of Funds, Including Scholarships
- WA171- Keep informed about any training possibilities and outcomes of these tickets. 20962, 21397, 21444, 21453. Need a lot of training on customer accounts. Issues with the Refunds that are processed manually in a paper check and swapping funds.
- WA172- Issue with students who have a FLF due to being less than full time. Award activity not being updated so once they are full time it’s still not releasing to be disbursed. Term load level not matching. Disbursing students incorrectly with W’s. Acad load not being updated any longer after census. Also with the awards that have minimum units attached. Anyway to find backdates in system? TCC uses QCS_SR_ENRL_REQ_DTL. PWD disbursements are manual and seem to be working. Potential disbursements going to students who drop over the weekend who are disbursed on a Friday. F01 Service Indicators do not pertain to scholarships. Disbursement holds don’t work. Estimated award letters is an outside of PS process. Would like it to be a PS process.
- WA220- Disbursements rules can be set up. It’s working. Workforce item type issue (already reported) where is the issue? In item type set up? Need additional training on SF item type set up, charge priorities, and customer accounts. Scholarship processing seem to be working ok.
Meeting Action Items and Follow Up
- None
Related Concerns or Issues not in Critical Issues Lists or Remediation Tickets
- None
Topics and Associated Remediation Tickets
Ticket # | Requirement ID | Requirement Description | Assoc. Topic |
FA52-Award Packaging
Track the status of each award (e.g., offered, accepted, declined,
waitlisted, amount).
FA29-Award Packaging
Enable users to configure summer as a header or a trailer term based
on user configurable business rules (e.g., specific to student; multiple
award terms).
FA41-Award Packaging
Enable users to determine whether to update student records based on
ISIR data.
FA43-Award Packaging
Track all award types.
FA28-Award Packaging
Define payment period based on user-configurable business rules
(e.g., specific to student, multiple award terms, awards paid out over
overlapping terms).
FA45-Award Packaging
Automate packaging and repackaging of award aid based on user-defined
business rules (e.g., student enrollment changes).
FA55-Award Packaging
Validate specific requirements prior to award generation.
FA40-Award Packaging
Simulate 'what-if' scenarios including Title IV returns and
repackaging, both on an individual student basis and in batch. For example,
in the event students were to drop a class and reduce the credit load
resulting in a change from full- to part-time status, enable the simulation
of Title IV return and repackaging calculations.
FA34-Award Packaging
Support other specific WA State financial aid programs eligibility,
packaging, disbursements, and reporting requirements (e.g., State Need Grant;
Workforce FA).
FA48-Award Packaging
Support packaging of individual scholarships.
FA51-Award Packaging
Add comments for each award with an associated GL account.
FA81-Award Disbursement
Configure and manage non credit awards, waivers based on user defined
criteria (e.g. reconciliation between district accounting, and financial
Configure and maintain award attributes such as sponsorship and
scholarship information.
Manage scholarship and other departmental funds in a distributed
FA47-Award Packaging
Support both centralized and decentralized packaging and repackaging
based on user-configurable business rules, user permissions and the
applicability of multi-institutional funds and restricted funds (i.e.,
restricted scholarships and awards).
FA46-Award Packaging
Enable packaging based on user-definable student population groups,
in batch or according to other multiple user-defined criteria (e.g., matching
FA38-Award Packaging
Automate corrections based on user-defined criteria or tolerances.
FA58-Loan & Grant Processing
Support a central database to perform all Financial Aid, scholarship,
and sponsorship/third party funding (e.g., Labor and Industry) operations
based on user-defined criteria.
FA49-Award Packaging
Set a percentage or amount limit/tolerance for over-awards.
FA35-Award Packaging
Identify if student is ineligible for block financial aid packaging
based on user-defined criteria.
Calculate estimated or actual need processing for prospective
students and generate estimated award letters.
Load potential award recipient data from scholarship results
FA42-Award Packaging
Track continued student eligibility for aid based on
user-definable-criteria (e.g., satisfactory progress, number of credits; pace
of progression; degree audit).
FA74-Award Disbursement
Support rule-driven processes built around eligibility and
disbursement conditions.
Post Financial Aid disbursements and adjustments to the GL.
Support disbursement of scholarship funds based on user-defined
criteria (e.g., EFT, payment to students without SSN).
FA53-Award Packaging
Create a disbursement schedule according to user-defined criteria and
automatically generate notifications to students stating the schedule and
differentiating between memo entries and actual entries of guaranteed or
dispersed aid.
SF77-Financial Aid Disbursements
Integrate all admissions processing with award/ aid processes/
systems and decision to disbursement financial aid.
Disbursements |
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