Payroll Calculations - W2 configuration in Self-Service & Arrears/Suspended Deductions (Listen & Learn) 4/13/17
Topic: Payroll Calculations - W2 configuration in Self-Service & Arrears/Suspended Deductions
Meeting Date/Time: April 13, 2017
Meeting Facilitator: Brian Lanier
Meeting Information: Listen & Learn
WebEx Recording: Due to the personal information available within this Listen & Learn remediation session, the recording is being hosted in the Community of Practice Canvas course. This is in keeping with our FERPA commitment. All SSN/Bank Data are redacted. Please contact Jo Munroe for viewing access.
Key HCM Module Involved
Payroll for North America
Meeting Topics
Payroll Calculations - W2 Self-Service Set Up, Arrears and Suspended Deductions
Remediation Ticket Information
Listen & Learn Meeting Notes
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-Brian-would like to talk about W-2 and self-service
-Spokane-so far as they know they have no problems with self-service, only issue was the recent address authorization change from the Image (currently being worked on by Vivian at ERP), w-2s are working well, employees can see them and print them
-Brian-view works great, but there is more that can be done for W-2, there is a consent and withdraw from consent forms
-Spokane-they know it’s there
-Brian-consent needs to be sent out as an accept/decline for an electronic W-2, if employees consent they no longer need a paper W-2
-Spokane-Do they consent every year?
-Brian-No it is until they withdraw consent or sever employment
-Lisa-Is that related to 3Cs?
-Brian-Not to my knowledge, but we’ll check on that
-Lisa-wants to make sure the consent form is done properly
-Brian-it comes through like other emails to people from HCM, which is normal functionality
-Lisa-If the employee overlooks the first one can it be sent again?
-Brian-the form is in self-service, so they can consent at any time
-Janet-how soon will the employee receive that consent after they are hired?
-Brian-once you set up the consent they can go to self service at any time to accept or decline the consent for W-2, you could send out an email and notify them, but it’s in self-service year round
-Melody-once we terminate an employee they cannot get into self-service, so if they separate they can’t go into self-service?
-Brian-once they terminate they must be given a mailed form
-Melody-why can’t terminated people access the system after termination?
-Brian-I can check on that, it sounds like a security issue, for the electronic W-2, it goes back to paper form automatically if you terminate, Tacoma and Spokane is this something you would like to be pushed forward for configuration?
-Tacoma-Yes, as much as we can automate we would like. To come back to self-service, what we would like to see is when an employee goes to update something they would like to receive notification, they have other systems that they want to update with the correct PeopleSoft information
-Brian-If you turn on notification, you are also turning on approvals, but we need to check on that, maybe a query would be more useful there than native functionality. What we need to know is what needs to be directly updated and what doesn’t.
-Melody-We thought we had already gone through that. Some things are global.
-Brian-Since the Image came in and it changed name change, we want to make sure what people have is what they wanted. Just to verify.
-Gwendy-W-4 changes under the pay period report changes you can do a range of dates to see what W-4s changed, but the report pulls all company changes both Spokane and Tacoma.
-Mark-that includes self-service changes?
-Brian-I hear that that report needs a customization by company, but please do take a look at that report, to get back to W-2 it will require some language for consent. Since the consent is global it needs to be decided for all. What body could provide that language? Language is needed for: confirmation, resend, and consent email. For testing we took language from IRS website. We will forward the language to SBCTC and the colleges.
-Tacoma and Spokane-we would like it configured
-Brian-Next item is arrears and suspended deductions, we want to talk more about it, and show everyone where the codes are set up in the system, let’s see if they are set up correctly, arrears and suspended deductions are set up when the codes are set up, Lynn wants codes from legacy to be brought forward to the current deductions and we’ll be looking at that but we’ll show you more about what we’re talking about
(navigation in the system)
-Brian-these codes are global so we all need to agree, as you can see, you can see 000025, see Process Information and Partial Deduction Allowed and this is where the configuration happens for the deductions, so if any deduction is not behaving as you expect it to then the deduction is missing the check box here, so we need to go through as a group and decide what to do with the deduction
-Mark-What’s the difference between suspend and arrears
-Brian-Let’s think it through, suspended means the whole amount wasn’t taken, and arrears is the partial was taken but not the entire one
-Martha-why can’t the suspended deductions be automatically added to the next check?
-Brian-I think we’re getting lost in the language, and I think it does behave the way you think it does
-Martha-But if they don’t get a check it doesn’t go into arrears, right?
-Brian-remember HCA Average Cost going to the vendor, she wants to know if arrears can be added to that paycheck as well, and we’ll look into that?
-Martha-we would hope for that
-Brian-Don is out this week so we’ll see what we can do, we will put our best foot forward, any other questions about this screen? And would a query with a list help you decide? Could you look at it?
-Spokane-yes run a spreadsheet and let’s just talk about the ones we don’t agree on
-Brian-Any codes specific to the college they would have to decide, global ones we need to agree, so are there any T&L issues to discuss
-Lisa-I want to see full utilization in the system (Time and Effort)
-Brian-So we have talked about that internally, and we are still working on getting that in to the system and we are working with Finance, would like to get it out soon
-Spokane- we would like to talk about approvals, they only see the week, and they can’t see old entries
-Brian-that is a preference and employees and managers can set that preference, we can send documentation out on how to send that preference
-Spokane-Issue is in the actual link sent out by T&L, no matter how you’re set up you only see a week worth of time, despite being set up by pay period we still only see the week
-Brian-employee and manager self service have different preferences so they should probably take a look at that
-Spokane-and we would like more exceptions, one of them is work study people who need to enter the right program, why can the employee submit wrong TRC, similarly if an employee is working Hourly they keep trying to submit the in and out and lunch wrong
-Brian-system is not smart enough to error out on submission of TRC, but only after Time Administration is run does the system know it needs to be an exception
-Spokane-the Hourly one should get caught at the time of submission, we also have codes that show up on certain people that don’t apply to their job, they shouldn’t be able to see those
-Brian-we would need to see some examples of those, since TRC is set up by pay group, when they go to T&L they see hourly codes, those TRC lists we created are not global, they are by work group and those are local, we need to see the Job Data and the T&L code selections
-Tacoma-recent problem we’ve had is when we run Time Admin we don’t see the report where not all time is being pushed to payable time, we put in a ticket
-Brian-We will looking into that about the overlapping the time admin runs
-Mark-It was good to hear we can edit the TRC codes, we don’t need Snow Removal
-Spokane-would like for the future that when a new faculty is brought on they get coded with “1st quarter” and then behind the scenes on benefits they get coded for benefits, when benefits goes in and makes then SB1 that that gets updated in some way
-Brian-so you want a report to produce when someone moves from SB0 to SB1?
-Spokane-No they want something that actually changes the benefits information and a status field that is specific to Spokane called “quarter 1”
-Tacoma-doesn’t use that eligibility group spot
-AP-the only time I used this is to differentiate 9 months and 12 months faculty, but it was only for absence accrual
-Brian-we will look into that
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