Commitment Control - Solution Design (5/30/17)
Meeting Information
Meeting Topic: Commitment Control - Solution Design
Meeting Date: May 30, 2017
Meeting Facilitator(s): David Bowman
Meeting Info: WebEx Recording Pending
Key Modules
- Commitment Control
Meeting Notes
Commitment Control and Budgeting
- From College Critical Issues
- Operational Budget building system (Tara to put on “parking lot” listing)
- What is the short-term solution
- Need to track temporary and earmark funding
- Need to perform Position budgeting
- Need to identify temporary versus permanent funding
- What if scenarios
- Fully functioning Commitment Control system
- Budget Checking
- Travel (TA) expense is encumbered and paid, but not liquidated
- Business Process decision
- Separate discussion needs to occur to determine best practice
- Business Process decision
- Purchase Requisition (PR) not liquidated when Purchase Order (PO) is encumbered
- Training (linking PR with PO) linked on a line bases
- Grant/Contract/Project budgets set at control level
- This is a global decision
- Travel (TA) expense is encumbered and paid, but not liquidated
- Budget Checking
- Operational Budget building system (Tara to put on “parking lot” listing)
From College Remediation Tickets
- Generate Budget to Actual Reports
- Spokane would like end-user to be able to download budget/actual data themselves
- Security access and Training
- Report to show beginning fund balance, revenues and expenses with ending fund balance
- Based on FUND level to create Operating Statement
- Can be based on department beginning and closing balance
- Create flexible reports with wild card fields, with date range
- Query and Training
- Spokane would like end-user to be able to download budget/actual data themselves
- Enter and track Budget Transfers
- Tacoma no issue
- Spokane no issue
- Enter and track Budget Adjustments
- Need to track temporary and earmark funding
- Query and Training
- Need way to separate Temporary versus Permanent Funding
- Query and Training
- Need to track temporary and earmark funding
- Additional items not on Remediation Tickets
- KK actuals do not match GL actuals
- Action item need to research
- Budget Overview questions
- What is the difference between Detail Budget Period versus Detail Accounting Period in KK
- Detail Budget Period filters expenditures to when the expense was budget checked
- Detail Accounting Period filters expenditures by when they were posted to the general ledger
- What is the difference between summary calendar versus detail calendar in KK
- Summary calendars consolidate detail calendars into a larger timeframe. Since detail calendars are annual, the summary calendar is inactive
- What are the period fields and why do they only appear when type of calendar is Detail Accounting Period
- The period field allows filters of expenditures to particular accounting periods, based on when the expense was posted to the general ledger
- What is the difference between Detail Budget Period versus Detail Accounting Period in KK
- Associated Revenue & Expense training
- Action item - Permission needed to add to Budget Administrator role
- Security access and Training
- KK actuals do not match GL actuals
- Generate Budget to Actual Reports
- From College Critical Issues
Ticket # | Requirement ID | Requirement Description | Assoc. Topic |
19228 | BD23 – General | “Support budget changes required based as a result of reorganization (within any level of the organizational structure), consistent with changes (proposed or actual), to the accounting organization structure, based on user defined effective date(s).” | Budget Transfer |
19227 | BD39 – Budget Development-General | “Display revenues/receipts, transfers, expenditures, and carryovers, at user-defined detail level.” | Budget Reporting |
19074 | BD75 – Budget Development-Financial Plans | “Distribute and monitor monthly budgets, based on user-defined criteria, including but not limited to actual amounts, equal amounts, historical patterns, quarterly amounts, and ad hoc amounts.” | Budget Reporting |
19209 | BD82 – Budget Development-Financial Plans | “Capture detailed budgeted revenues/receipts adjustments, by fund, by appropriation, by source of receipt, and by other user-defined parameters.” | Budget Adjustments |
19122 | BD85 – Budget Development-Financial Plans | “Consolidate organizational unit budgets (e.g., expenditures, transfers, and revenues/receipts), actual and budgeted, at any level of the organizational structure, across organizational structures (e.g., multiple colleges), including but not limited to: Project” | Budget Reporting |
19096 | BD86 – Budget Development-Financial Plans | “Consolidate organizational unit budgets (e.g., expenditures, transfers, and revenues/receipts), actual and budgeted, at any level of the organizational structure, across organizational structures (e.g., multiple colleges), including but not limited to: Grant” | Budget Reporting |
19179 | BD87 – Budget Development-Financial Plans | “Consolidate organizational unit budgets (e.g., expenditures, transfers, and revenues/receipts), actual and budgeted, at any level of the organizational structure, across organizational structures (e.g., multiple colleges), including but not limited to: Fund” | Budget Reporting |
19104 | BD88 – Budget Development-Financial Plans | “Consolidate organizational unit budgets (e.g., expenditures, transfers, and revenues/receipts), actual and budgeted, at any level of the organizational structure, across organizational structures (e.g., multiple colleges), including but not limited to: Appropriation” | Budget Reporting |
19038 | BD89 – Budget Development-Financial Plans | “Consolidate organizational unit budgets (e.g., expenditures, transfers, and revenues/receipts), actual and budgeted, at any level of the organizational structure, across organizational structures (e.g., multiple colleges), including but not limited to: Object of Expenditure” | Budget Reporting |
19168 | BD112 – Personnel Budget | “Accumulate summary salary and wages information, based on user-defined format.” | Budget Reporting |
19090 | BD114 – Personnel Budget | “Report on budgeted versus actual personnel expenditures, including but not limited to overtime expenditures, based on user-defined parameters.” | Budget Reporting |
19195 | BD117 – Personnel Budget | “Budget and track casual payroll, based on user-defined criteria (e.g., actuals for the previous fiscal year).” | Budget Reporting |
19102 | BD122 - Appropriations | “Track appropriations based on user-defined criteria, including but not limited to: Year of Appropriation” | Budget Reporting |
19047 | BD124 - Appropriations | “Track appropriations based on user-defined criteria, including but not limited to: By Other User-Defined Time Period (e.g., Fiscal Year, Adjustment Year, Transaction Year, Reporting Year)” | Budget Reporting |
19059 | BD125 - Appropriations | “Track appropriations based on user-defined criteria, including but not limited to: Appropriation Index” | Budget Reporting |
19220 | BD126 - Appropriations | “Track appropriations based on user-defined criteria, including but not limited to: Object of Expenditure” | Budget Reporting |
19142 | BD127 - Appropriations | “Track appropriations based on user-defined criteria, including but not limited to: Program” | Budget Reporting |
19255 | BD130 - Appropriations | “Track appropriations based on user-defined criteria, including but not limited to: Source of Revenue” | Budget Reporting |
19123 | BD131 - Appropriations | “Perform and track various types of adjustments to authorized appropriations, across multiple years, including but not limited to the following: Dollar Changes". | Budget Adjustments |
19169 | BD134 - Appropriations | “Perform and track various types of adjustments to authorized appropriations, across multiple years, including but not limited to the following: One-Time Vs. Limited Term Vs. On-going” | Budget Adjustments |
19094 | BD135 - Appropriations | “Perform and track various types of adjustments to authorized appropriations, across multiple years, including but not limited to the following: Supplemental” | Budget Adjustments |
19075 | BD136 - Appropriations | “Perform and track various types of adjustments to authorized appropriations, across multiple years, including but not limited to the following: Emergency” | Budget Adjustments |
19088 | BD137 - Appropriations | “Perform and track various types of adjustments to authorized appropriations, across multiple years, including but not limited to the following: Mid-year Adjustments” | Budget Adjustments |
19103 | BD138 - Appropriations | “Perform and track various types of adjustments to authorized appropriations, across multiple years, including but not limited to the following: Transfers” | Budget Transfer |
19070 | BD139 - Appropriations | “Process adjustments retroactively, based on user-defined criteria.” | Budget Adjustments |
19242 | BD150 - Allocations | “Produce a report of Program Managers based on user-defined criteria (e.g., current year).” | Budget Reporting |
19036 | BD188 – Budget Administration | “Track fund totals, appropriation totals, positions, expenditures, and revenues/receipts.” | Budget Reporting |
19128 | BD189 – Budget Document | “Produce user-defined budget documents (e.g., budget highlights at any level of the organization structure, fund condition at any level of the organization structure).” | Budget Reporting |
19183 | BD208 – Inquiry & Reporting | “Generate statements/reports/documents of budgeted expenditures, bonds, transfers, and revenues/receipts in comparison with prior years budgeted and actual expenditures, bonds, transfers, and revenues/receipts, based on user-defined parameters (e.g., as of given date, any level of the organization structure, object structure, by fund, by appropriation).” | Budget Reporting |
19060 | BD209 – Inquiry & Reporting | “Generate statements/reports/documents of actual expenditures, bonds, transfers, and/or revenues/receipts by any level within the organizational structure, by appropriation structure, by program structure, by user-defined time period (e.g., current or prior fiscal year history; calendar year; multiple years; state and federal FY).” | Budget Reporting |
19182 | BD210 – Inquiry & Reporting | “Generate statements/reports/documents comparing budgeted versus actual expenditures, bonds, transfers, or revenues/receipts by any level within the organizational structure, by appropriation structure, by program structure, by user-defined time period (e.g., current or prior fiscal year history; calendar year; multiple years; accounting FY, budget FY).” | Budget Reporting |
19121 | BD214 – Inquiry & Reporting | “Generate budget reports at any level within the organization (e.g. district, college, department), by program structure, by project structure, by fund, by appropriation, by object code, by other user-defined criteria (e.g., any named version of the budget), including but not limited to the following information: Actual revenues/receipts, encumbrances, expenditures and transfers, for user-defined period (e.g., Current YTD, inception-to-date)” | Budget Reporting |
19170 | BD215 – Inquiry & Reporting | “Generate budget reports at any level within the organization (e.g. district, college, department), by program structure, by project structure, by fund, by appropriation, by object code, by other user-defined criteria (e.g., any named version of the budget), including but not limited to the following information: Prior years actual revenues/receipts, encumbrances, expenditures, transfers, and percentage, for user-defined period” | Budget Reporting |
19246 | BD216-Inquiry & Reporting | “Generate budget reports at any level within the organization (e.g. district, college, department), by program structure, by project structure, by fund, by appropriation, by object code, by other user-defined criteria (e.g., any named version of the budget), including but not limited to the following information: Funding Transfers (including history), for user-defined period” | Budget Reporting |
19196 | BD218 – Inquiry & Reporting | “Generate budget reports at any level within the organization (e.g. district, college, department), by program structure, by project structure, by fund, by appropriation, by object code, by other user-defined criteria (e.g., any named version of the budget), including but not limited to the following information: Fund Balance (e.g., changes over user-defined time period; loans outstanding)” | Budget Reporting |
19184 | BD219 – Inquiry & Reporting | “Generate budget reports at any level within the organization (e.g. district, college, department), by program structure, by project structure, by fund, by appropriation, by object code, by other user-defined criteria (e.g., any named version of the budget), including but not limited to the following information: Accruals (e.g., changes over user-defined time period)” | Budget Reporting |
19035 | BD227 – Inquiry & Reporting | “Generate allocation/allotment reports, for user-defined time period (e.g., quarterly), based on user-defined criteria, including but not limited to the following: District” | Budget Reporting |
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