Commitment Control - Solution Design (5/30/17)

Meeting Information

Meeting Topic:  Commitment Control - Solution Design

Meeting Date:  May 30, 2017

Meeting Facilitator(s):  David Bowman

Meeting Info:  WebEx Recording Pending

Key Modules

  • Commitment Control

Meeting Notes

  • Commitment Control and Budgeting
    • From College Critical Issues
      • Operational Budget building system (Tara to put on “parking lot” listing)
        • What is the short-term solution  
        • Need to track temporary and earmark funding
        • Need to perform Position budgeting
        • Need to identify temporary versus permanent funding
        • What if scenarios
      • Fully functioning Commitment Control system
        • Budget Checking
          • Travel (TA) expense is encumbered and paid, but not liquidated
            • Business Process decision
              • Separate discussion needs to occur to determine best practice
          • Purchase Requisition (PR) not liquidated when Purchase Order (PO) is encumbered
            • Training  (linking PR with PO) linked on a line bases
          • Grant/Contract/Project budgets set at control level
            • This is a global decision
    • From College Remediation Tickets
      • Generate Budget to Actual Reports
        • Spokane would like end-user to be able to download budget/actual data themselves
          • Security access and Training
        • Report to show beginning fund balance, revenues and expenses with ending fund balance
          • Based on FUND level to create Operating Statement
          • Can be based on department beginning and closing balance
          • Create flexible reports with wild card fields, with date range
          • Query and Training
      • Enter  and track Budget Transfers
        • Tacoma no issue
        • Spokane no issue
      • Enter and track Budget Adjustments
        • Need to track temporary and earmark funding
          • Query and Training
        • Need way to separate Temporary versus Permanent Funding
          • Query and Training
      • Additional items not on Remediation Tickets
        • KK actuals do not match GL actuals
          • Action item  need to research
        • Budget Overview questions
          • What is the difference between Detail Budget Period versus Detail Accounting Period in KK
            • Detail Budget Period filters expenditures to when the expense was budget checked
            • Detail Accounting Period filters expenditures by when they were posted to the general ledger
          • What is the difference between summary calendar versus detail calendar in KK
            • Summary calendars consolidate detail calendars into a larger timeframe.  Since detail calendars are annual, the summary calendar is inactive
          • What are the period fields and why do they only appear when type of calendar is Detail Accounting Period
            • The period field allows filters of expenditures to particular accounting periods, based on when the expense was posted to the general ledger
        • Associated Revenue & Expense training
          • Action item - Permission needed to add to Budget Administrator role
          • Security access and Training
Ticket # Requirement ID Requirement Description Assoc. Topic
19228 BD23 – General “Support budget changes required based as a result of reorganization (within any level of the organizational structure), consistent with changes (proposed or actual), to the accounting organization structure, based on user defined effective date(s).” Budget Transfer
19227 BD39 – Budget Development-General “Display revenues/receipts, transfers, expenditures, and carryovers, at user-defined detail level.” Budget Reporting
19074 BD75 – Budget Development-Financial Plans “Distribute and monitor monthly budgets, based on user-defined criteria, including but not limited to actual amounts, equal amounts, historical patterns, quarterly amounts, and ad hoc amounts.” Budget Reporting
19209 BD82 – Budget Development-Financial Plans “Capture detailed budgeted revenues/receipts adjustments, by fund, by appropriation, by source of receipt, and by other user-defined parameters.” Budget Adjustments
19122 BD85 – Budget Development-Financial Plans “Consolidate organizational unit budgets (e.g., expenditures, transfers, and revenues/receipts), actual and budgeted, at any level of the organizational structure, across organizational structures (e.g., multiple colleges), including but not limited to: Project” Budget Reporting
19096 BD86 – Budget Development-Financial Plans “Consolidate organizational unit budgets (e.g., expenditures, transfers, and revenues/receipts), actual and budgeted, at any level of the organizational structure, across organizational structures (e.g., multiple colleges), including but not limited to: Grant” Budget Reporting
19179 BD87 – Budget Development-Financial Plans “Consolidate organizational unit budgets (e.g., expenditures, transfers, and revenues/receipts), actual and budgeted, at any level of the organizational structure, across organizational structures (e.g., multiple colleges), including but not limited to: Fund” Budget Reporting
19104 BD88 – Budget Development-Financial Plans “Consolidate organizational unit budgets (e.g., expenditures, transfers, and revenues/receipts), actual and budgeted, at any level of the organizational structure, across organizational structures (e.g., multiple colleges), including but not limited to: Appropriation” Budget Reporting
19038 BD89 – Budget Development-Financial Plans “Consolidate organizational unit budgets (e.g., expenditures, transfers, and revenues/receipts), actual and budgeted, at any level of the organizational structure, across organizational structures (e.g., multiple colleges), including but not limited to: Object of Expenditure” Budget Reporting
19168 BD112 – Personnel Budget “Accumulate summary salary and wages information, based on user-defined format.” Budget Reporting
19090 BD114 – Personnel Budget “Report on budgeted versus actual personnel expenditures, including but not limited to overtime expenditures, based on user-defined parameters.” Budget Reporting
19195 BD117 – Personnel Budget “Budget and track casual payroll, based on user-defined criteria (e.g., actuals for the previous fiscal year).” Budget Reporting
19102 BD122 - Appropriations “Track appropriations based on user-defined criteria, including but not limited to: Year of Appropriation” Budget Reporting
19047 BD124 - Appropriations “Track appropriations based on user-defined criteria, including but not limited to: By Other User-Defined Time Period (e.g., Fiscal Year, Adjustment Year, Transaction Year, Reporting Year)” Budget Reporting
19059 BD125 - Appropriations “Track appropriations based on user-defined criteria, including but not limited to: Appropriation Index” Budget Reporting
19220 BD126 - Appropriations “Track appropriations based on user-defined criteria, including but not limited to: Object of Expenditure” Budget Reporting
19142 BD127 - Appropriations “Track appropriations based on user-defined criteria, including but not limited to: Program” Budget Reporting
19255 BD130 - Appropriations “Track appropriations based on user-defined criteria, including but not limited to: Source of Revenue” Budget Reporting
19123 BD131 - Appropriations “Perform and track various types of adjustments to authorized appropriations, across multiple years, including but not limited to the following: Dollar Changes".  Budget Adjustments
19169 BD134 - Appropriations “Perform and track various types of adjustments to authorized appropriations, across multiple years, including but not limited to the following: One-Time Vs. Limited Term Vs. On-going” Budget Adjustments
19094 BD135 - Appropriations “Perform and track various types of adjustments to authorized appropriations, across multiple years, including but not limited to the following: Supplemental” Budget Adjustments
19075 BD136 - Appropriations “Perform and track various types of adjustments to authorized appropriations, across multiple years, including but not limited to the following: Emergency” Budget Adjustments
19088 BD137 - Appropriations “Perform and track various types of adjustments to authorized appropriations, across multiple years, including but not limited to the following: Mid-year Adjustments” Budget Adjustments
19103 BD138 - Appropriations “Perform and track various types of adjustments to authorized appropriations, across multiple years, including but not limited to the following:  Transfers” Budget Transfer
19070 BD139 - Appropriations “Process adjustments retroactively, based on user-defined criteria.” Budget Adjustments
19242 BD150 - Allocations “Produce a report of Program Managers based on user-defined criteria (e.g., current year).” Budget Reporting
19036 BD188 – Budget Administration “Track fund totals, appropriation totals, positions, expenditures, and revenues/receipts.” Budget Reporting
19128 BD189 – Budget Document “Produce user-defined budget documents (e.g., budget highlights at any level of the organization structure, fund condition at any level of the organization structure).” Budget Reporting
19183 BD208 – Inquiry & Reporting “Generate statements/reports/documents of budgeted expenditures, bonds, transfers, and revenues/receipts in comparison with prior years budgeted and actual expenditures, bonds, transfers, and revenues/receipts, based on user-defined parameters (e.g., as of given date, any level of the organization structure, object structure, by fund, by appropriation).” Budget Reporting
19060 BD209 – Inquiry & Reporting “Generate statements/reports/documents of actual expenditures, bonds, transfers, and/or revenues/receipts by any level within the organizational structure, by appropriation structure, by program structure, by user-defined time period (e.g., current or prior fiscal year history; calendar year; multiple years; state and federal FY).” Budget Reporting
19182 BD210 – Inquiry & Reporting “Generate statements/reports/documents comparing budgeted versus actual expenditures, bonds, transfers, or revenues/receipts by any level within the organizational structure, by appropriation structure, by program structure, by user-defined time period (e.g., current or prior fiscal year history; calendar year; multiple years; accounting FY, budget FY).” Budget Reporting
19121 BD214 – Inquiry & Reporting “Generate budget reports at any level within the organization (e.g. district, college, department), by program structure, by project structure, by fund, by appropriation, by object code, by other user-defined criteria (e.g., any named version of the budget), including but not limited to the following information: Actual revenues/receipts, encumbrances, expenditures and transfers, for user-defined period (e.g., Current YTD, inception-to-date)” Budget Reporting
19170 BD215 – Inquiry & Reporting “Generate budget reports at any level within the organization (e.g. district, college, department), by program structure, by project structure, by fund, by appropriation, by object code, by other user-defined criteria (e.g., any named version of the budget), including but not limited to the following information: Prior years actual revenues/receipts, encumbrances, expenditures, transfers, and percentage, for user-defined period” Budget Reporting
19246 BD216-Inquiry & Reporting “Generate budget reports at any level within the organization (e.g. district, college, department), by program structure, by project structure, by fund, by appropriation, by object code, by other user-defined criteria (e.g., any named version of the budget), including but not limited to the following information: Funding Transfers (including history), for user-defined period” Budget Reporting
19196 BD218 – Inquiry & Reporting “Generate budget reports at any level within the organization (e.g. district, college, department), by program structure, by project structure, by fund, by appropriation, by object code, by other user-defined criteria (e.g., any named version of the budget), including but not limited to the following information: Fund Balance (e.g., changes over user-defined time period; loans outstanding)” Budget Reporting
19184 BD219 – Inquiry & Reporting “Generate budget reports at any level within the organization (e.g. district, college, department), by program structure, by project structure, by fund, by appropriation, by object code, by other user-defined criteria (e.g., any named version of the budget), including but not limited to the following information: Accruals (e.g., changes over user-defined time period)” Budget Reporting
19035 BD227 – Inquiry & Reporting “Generate allocation/allotment reports, for user-defined time period (e.g., quarterly), based on user-defined criteria, including but not limited to the following: District” Budget Reporting


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