Other Remediation Topics-Solution Design (6/1/17)
Meeting Information
Meeting Topic: Other Remediation Topics - Solution Design
Meeting Date: June 1, 2017
Meeting Facilitator(s): Emmett Folk
Meeting Info: WebEx recording pending
Meeting Objective
- Remediation Solution Identification The goal of this meeting is to gain a mutual understanding of the viable options for remediating the identified. For example, if there is a reporting gap, we would discuss any delivered pages or reports that provide the required information or if a query would need to be developed.
- Remediation Solution Decision Making The goal of this meeting is to make a decision on the remediation solution that will be pursued to address the identified issues and their associated remediation tickets. For example, if there are several solutions for a reporting gap, we would decide on one of those solutions to be the final resolution of the identified issue(s) and their associated remediation tickets.
Key Modules
- General Ledger (7 tickets)
- Asset Management (2 tickets)
Meeting Notes
Remediation tickets linked to prior sessions
Ticket # | Requirement ID | Requirement Summary |
19297 | GL3 – General | “…integration and reconciliation of data between GL, Payroll, and Student” |
This ticket has
been linked to our prior Accounting
Processes session, specifically for the HCM-to-FIN and CS-to-FIN
cross-pillar integration overview document work items.
Ticket # | Requirement ID | Requirement Summary |
19318 | GL48-Period & Year-End Processing | “Support period-end adjustments…” |
19321 | GL50-Period & Year-End Processing | “Support the use of an adjusting period…” |
These tickets
have been linked to our prior Accounting
Processes session, specifically for the Year-End Close process overview document
and QRGs as well as the Year-End Adjustment process overview document and
- Other Remediation Topics
- From College Critical Issues
- None
- From Open Remediation Tickets
- GL Accounting Structure Tickets
- From College Critical Issues
Ticket # | Requirement Summary |
19329 | “Support the configuration of as many account numbers as System is likely to need over the next 20 to 30 years…” |
19291 | “Assign attributes to chart segments, segment values, and account numbers …” |
19304 | “Provide standardization of sub-objects and mapping to a systemwide structure…” |
Follow Up Notes:
- Spokane While there may not be gaps for Spokane as they related to the specific line-item requirements in tickets 19329 and 19291, this does not mean they believe there are no gaps with the overall requirement category of “GL Accounting Structure”. They believe that a redesign of the PeopleSoft Chart of Accounts is needed in order for the system to function properly.
- Need to be able to identify spending activity with specific Vendors that have transactions coming from multiple PS sources across multiple funding distributions (example, Department of Corrections)
- Payroll liabilities being recognized against the same full distribution that the associated expense is; doesn’t need to do this, just needs to recognized (balanced) at the Fund level
Remediation Solutions:
- CCS Department Framework Update
- Spokane’s Departments are still in their original conversion framework; were not updated after the new, global framework was developed by the college Chart of Accounts Workgroup
- Need to work with State Board to determine a conversion plan for getting Spokane onto the new framework; preferably to be done so use of the new framework starts at the beginning of a fiscal year
- TCC Department Framework Verification
- Update to their framework was done
- Need to verify that current framework fits within the new global standard
GL - Journal Processing Tickets
Ticket # | Requirement Summary |
19305 | “Support automated and manual journal upload.” |
19306 | “Perform validation on all journal entry processes based on standard system validation processes…” |
19299 | “Provide a journal entry toolset, including but not limited to a standardize spreadsheet template…” |
19313 | “Incorporate adjusting journal entry approvals…” |
Remediation Solutions:
- Resolution of previously identified issues
- GLE Analysis Type issues identified in the “Grants Accounting Processes” sessions
- Templates for Recurring Journals to automate these entries
- Documentation/Training
- QRGs (4) on the use of Standard Journals in GL
- There are three different types of Standard Journals: Recurring (same accounting and amounts), Template (same accounting, different amounts), Spread (same accounting and amounts, but spread evenly across an entire year)
- WebEx Training session on Standard Journals after QRGs are developed and deployed
- TCC tested Standard Journals as part of refresh activities and it did not work
- QRGs (4) on the use of Standard Journals in GL
- Documentation/Training
- Parameters/policy are there around uploading entries from external sources
- Documentation/Training
- Update to the “Importing a Journal Spreadsheet” QRG to include policy/procedure statement from the State Board around when it’s appropriate to use the upload utility
- Documentation/Training
AM - General and Disposal Tickets
Ticket # | Requirement Summary |
19723 | “Assignment of unique record IDs to assets… and update of additional tracking numbers (e.g., State asset tag number).” |
19713 | “Dispose of financial and non-financial assets.” |
Remediation Solutions:
- No gaps for CCS
- TCC Asset Conversion
- An approach for recording asset transactions for FY17 is already in progress
- TCC Assets need to be converted shortly after FY17 year-end close
Topics and Associated Remediation Tickets
Ticket # | Requirement ID | Requirement Description | Assoc. Topic |
19297 | GL3-General | “Distribute and report labor costs based on user-defined criteria, with full integration and reconciliation of data between GL, Payroll, and Student.” | Reassigned to Accounting Processes session |
19329 | GL12-Accounting Structure | “Support the configuration of as many account numbers as System is likely to need over the next 20 to 30 years based on user-defined criteria (e.g., sub-object code; sub-revenue code).” | GL Accounting Structure Tickets |
19291 | GL13-Accounting Structure | “Assign attributes to chart segments, segment values, and account numbers (e.g., alpha-numeric values) to enable the implementation of security rules, user permissions, business processing rules, data integrity controls, budgetary control rules (e.g., at sub-object level; at sub-sub-object level), and other relevant controls such as account activation and de-activation.” | GL Accounting Structure Tickets |
19304 | GL24-Accounting Structure | “Provide standardization of sub-objects and mapping to a systemwide structure for each unique GL created at the college-level” | GL Accounting Structure Tickets |
19305 | GL39-Journal Entry & Processing | “Support automated and manual journal upload.” | GL Journal Processing Tickets |
19306 | GL40-Journal Entry & Processing | “Perform validation on all journal entry processes based on standard system validation processes and user-definable business rules.” | GL Journal Processing Tickets |
19299 | GL46-Journal Entry & Processing | “Provide a journal entry toolset, including but not limited to a standardize spreadsheet template, to facilitate streamlined journal entry and upload.” | GL Journal Processing Tickets |
19313 | GL47-Journal Entry & Processing | “Incorporate adjusting journal entry approvals, tracking, and workflow notifications in GL module.” | GL Journal Processing Tickets |
19321 | GL48-Period & Year-End Processing | “Support period-end adjustments, roll-up transactions, and carry-forward processing based on business rules.” | Reassigned to Accounting Processes session |
19318 | GL50-Period & Year-End Processing | “Support the use of an adjusting period in the accounting calendar configuration with accompanying automated adjustment of carry forward balance based on user-defined business rules (e.g., option for prior period entries).” | Reassigned to Accounting Processes session |
19723 | FXA1-Asset Management | “Assignment of unique record IDs to assets and enable the creation, maintenance, and update of additional tracking numbers (e.g., State asset tag number).” | AM General and Disposal Tickets |
19713 | FXA37-Disposal | “Dispose of financial and non-financial assets.” | AM General and Disposal Tickets |
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