Running an nVision Report

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to run an nVision Report in ctcLink.

Audience: Financial Staff

The report instance and report layout features of PS/nVision saves you time in summarizing and entering data in a spreadsheet.

Prerequisite: You need to download and save the ‘DrillToPIA.xla’ file to the following location on your hard drive: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE12\Library. Note: If you have OFFICE14 or OFFICE15, just replace the ‘12’ with the new number. If you have trouble finding the correct location, please call the Help Desk.

Navigation: Reporting Tools > PS/nVision > PS/nVision Schedule Requests

Running an nVision Report

  1. Enter existing search criteria or click the Add a New Value tab on the Report Request page to add a new value.
    1. If the business unit did not automatically default, enter or select the appropriate business unit in the Business Unit field.
    2. Enter a meaningful Report ID for the report instance you are running in the Report ID field.
    3. Select the Add button.
  2. On the nVision Report Request tab, enter the report processing parameters.

Note: The Report Request will only need to be created once for each type of report to be run. Once a layout is attached to a report request in nVision, the same report request can be used for different values by changing the Scope of the report being requested.

Note: Scopes need to be developed for every report value needed.

  1. Enter an appropriate report title in the Report Title field.

Note: The name should be something relevant to the type of report you are running.

  1. Enter an appropriate name for the report file layout to be used in the Report Layout field.

Note: This is done only the first time a report request is created.

  1. Use the As Of Reporting Date drop-down value to make the report date selection; make the corresponding Tree As Of Date drop-down link selection.
  2. Use the Type drop-down button to select the report output option; make the corresponding Format drop-down button selection.
  3. Select the Scope and Delivery Template link.
  4. On the Process Scheduler Request window, define the scope of the report by entering or selecting the scope for the report you are setting up in the Report Scope field.
  5. Select the OK button.
  6. Select the Save button.
  7. Select the Run Report button.
  8. Use the Process Scheduler Request page to enter or update parameters, such as server name and process output format.
  9. Use the Server Name drop-down button to select the appropriate processing server for the request.

Note: You can leave the Server Name field blank.

  1. Select the OK button.

Note: A Process Instance number appears. This number helps you identify the process you have run when you check its status.

  1. Select the Process Monitor link.
  2. Use the Process List page to view the status of submitted process requests.

Note: The process has finished successfully when the Run Status column indicates ‘Success.’

  1. Select the Go back to Report Request link to access the Report Manager link so you can view the report.
  2. Select the Report Manager link.
  3. Select the Administration tab.

Note: Look for the Description of the document you gave above with the same process instance number which was just run. The Description is a link to the new report created.

  1. Select the Description link to see report.  Select the Open option to continue opening the Excel file.
  1. Review the nVision report. Process Complete.


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