9.2 Entering Advising Notes in Advisor Center

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to enter an Advising Note in Advisor Center in ctcLink.

Audience: Academic Advisors.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ SS Advisor

You must also set these SACR Security permissions:

If you need assistance with the above security roles or SACR settings, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.


  • Advising Notes are used by faculty and staff with "advisor" access to make advising comments
  • Advising Notes can be made visible (or not) to the student
  • Advising Notes provide a historical record of communication interactions between students and staff
  • You can store, retrieve and share Advising Notes
  • Advising Notes cannot be deleted
  • All Advising Notes are part of the student's record under FERPA regulations. If an advisor selects not to have a note available to the student through Self-Service, the student may still file a request to view all notes.

Related QRGs:

Entering Advising Notes in Advisor Center

Navigation: ctcLink Advisor Homepage > Advisor Center > Student Center

  1. The My Advisees page displays.
  2. Select the Advising Note icon next to the applicable student.
My advisees page advising notes link
  1. Review previous notes or select Create a Note to enter a new Advising Note.
Create a note button
  1. The Advising Notes page displays.  Complete required fields and enter note.
    1. Institution: Select your college.
    2. Category: Select the appropriate category from available options *Note - example shown may not be a valid value for your institution.
    3. Subcategory: Select the appropriate subcategory from available options *Note - example shown may not be a valid value for your institution.
    4. Assigned to: Your Empl ID will automatically populate this field. Do not change this value.
    5. Subject: Enter a desired subject for the Advising Note.
    6. Status: Select the desired status value.
    7. Advisee Access:
      • Yes - allows the student to review the note in their Student Center.
      • No - the student cannot see the note in their Student Center.
    8. Select the Add Note Item button.
Advising Notes page
  1. The Add a New Note Item pagelet displays.
  2. Enter the note.
  3. Select the Apply button.
Add a New Note Item pagelet
  1. The Advising Notes page displays.
  2. Review the Note Items section to see the new note.
note items subsection
  1. *OPTIONAL* Select Add Action Item to create to-do’s for yourself or the student.
    1. Description: Input a desired Action Item description
    2. Action Item Status: Select the applicable status
    3. Due Date: Input the applicable due date.
    4. Select the Apply button.

Action Items are internal and not student-facing.

Add action item button
Add Action Item pagelet
  1. The Advising Notes page displays.
  2. Note the newly added Action Item.
Advising Notes page with updated acton item

Queries: Find advising notes with attachments.


To access the most up-to-date query information, visit dataservicesmetalink.sbctc.edu. In addition, discover the best methods for finding queries and reports by visiting Recommended Methods for Searching Queries and Reports.

  1. *OPTIONAL* Add attachment(s) applicable to the Advising Note.
    1. Select the Add Attachment button.
    2. The File Attachment page displays.
    3. Select the My Device tile.
    4. The device file search page displays.
    5. Choose File, select Open, then select the Upload button.
add attachment button
upload attachment button
My Device tile
Upload button in file attachment
  1. The Upload Complete button displays.
  2. Select the Done button.
done button in file attachment pagelet
  1. The Add Attachment page displays.
  2. Select the View Attachment button.
  3. A new window displays the results. Close the window when done viewing.
  4. Select the Apply button.
view attachment button
  1. The Advising Notes page displays.
  2. Note the attached file listed in the Attachments section.
  3. Select the Submit button.
Advising notes attachments section
  1. A Message page displays.
  2. If satisfied, select Yes on the warning message to save your note.
yes to continue button
  1. Note: The Advising Note has now been saved. If made accessible, the student can now review this note in their Student Center.
  2. The Advising Notes page displays.
  3. *OPTIONAL* If desired, select Notify to send the student notification of your Advising Note.
    1. Select the Notify button.
Notify button in advising notes
  1. The Notify page displays.
  2. Select the checkbox for the person to be notified.
  3. Enter an optional message and select the Send button.
  4. A confirmation message will display.
  5. Select the Yes button.
Notify pagelet
confirm send message
  1. The Advising Notes page displays.
  2. *OPTIONAL* An existing Advising Note can be updated by selecting the Update Note button.
Update Note button in advising notes
  1. The Update Note Information section displays for updating.
  2. Make any needed changes and submit to save.
  3. The process to enter advising notes from the Advisor Center is now complete.
  4. Process complete.


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