9.2 Establishing the Proposal Budget

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for establishing the proposal budget in ctcLink.

Audience: Finance/Grant Fiscal Staff.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ Proposal Processing

You must also set these User Preference Definitions:

If you need assistance with the above security roles or User Preference Definitions, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation: Grants > Proposals > Maintain Proposal

Establishing the Proposal Budget

  1. Select the Find an Existing Value tab on the Maintain Proposal search page.
  2. Enter or select the appropriate business unit in the Business Unit field.
  3. Enter or select the proposal number needing a budget in the Proposal ID field.
  4. Enter or select the version in the Version ID field.
  5. Select Search.
  6. Select the Budgets tab.
  7. Select the number within the Period field in the Budget Period section for the Project that will have budget added to it.  The Enter Budget Detail page will display.

Note: Every project on a proposal has a budget that can be established. If there is more than one project to the proposal make sure it is done for every project.

Budgets tab
  1. Use the Details, CostShare, Justification section of the Enter Budget Detail page to enter the overall proposal cost share.
  2. Enter or select a budget item in the Budget Item field.
  3. Select the Details button.  The Budget Detail page will display.
Enter Budget Detail page
  1. Use the Enter Budget Detail page to store detailed budget information by budget item. The page divides the total funding responsibilities of the sponsor and total cost sharing between the institution and any third parties. It also displays a breakdown of direct and FA (indirect) budget amounts.

IMPORTANT: If creating a proposal that lists specifically funded amounts for the overall budget and budget details are not entered for each period, the system sets the contract totals and award funding totals to zero when running the award generation process. The system uses the budget detail amounts entered to create the resulting contract and funding amounts on the award pages. Therefore, budget details are not entered before the award generation process is run, the information will have to be entered manually in both Grants and Contracts.

  1. Enter a description in the Description field.
  2. Enter an amount in the Total Direct field.

Note: If the Quantity and Unit Cost are entered, this field automatically computed. If entries are made in this field, leave the Quantity and Unit Cost fields blank.

  1. Enter start and end dates in the Start Date and End Date fields.
  2. Enter a quantity in the Quantity field.
  3. Enter a unit cost in the Unit Cost field.
  4. As necessary, click the Add a new row button to add additional lines.
  5. Select OK.
Budget Detail page
  1. If the amount in the Total Direct field is a whole dollar amount, then the values in the Sponsor Direct and Cost Share (if applicable) fields will also be in whole dollar amounts.
  2. If cost sharing in the proposal is needed, select the Cost Share link to distribute cost sharing commitments by budget summary line. The Cost Share page will display.
Enter Budget Detail page
  1. Enter the cost sharing and cost sharing distribution details, as appropriate for the budget item.
  2. When finished, select OK.  The Enter Budget Detail page will display.
Cost Share page
  1. If the proposal budget is complete, select Save.
  2. Select the Return to Maintain Proposal link.
Enter Budget Detail page
  1. On the Maintain Proposal page, verify the proposal Budget Period section displays correctly.
Maintain Proposal page Budgets tab
  1. Process complete.


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