9.2 Adjusting Course Catalog Components for FWL

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to make corrections or adjustments to the Course Catalog - Components tab in order to resolve issues with calculating Faculty Workload in ctcLink.

Audience: Class Scheduling Staff, Curriculum Managers.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC CM Course Catalog
  • ZD CM Course Catalog
  • ZD CM Course and Class Inquiry
  • ZD CM Local Configuration
  • ZD FWL View Cnt Calc
  • ZZ CM Course Catalog
  • ZZ CM Local Configuration
  • ZZ FWL Contract Calc

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

The Faculty Workload Calculation process will read the Instructor Contact Hours and Units from the Schedule of Class if that class was created in PeopleSoft from the Course Catalog.  If a class was converted from the legacy system the class will not have the component hours stored in the system; therefore the FWL Calculation Process will use the Contact Hours and Units from the Course Catalog. Before making changes to the Course Catalog, it is important to understand the differences between the Catalog Data and Course Component tabs: one impacts class, while the other is related to Faculty Workload. There are 3 common reasons why the Course Catalog data may need to be adjusted for Faculty workload:

  1. Add a Missing Component
  2. Correct the Units (credits) for a Component
  3. Adjust the Instructor Contact Hours for a Component

Adjust Course Catalog Components for FWL

Understand the Difference Between the Catalog Data and Component Tabs

The Catalog Data tab, in the Course Units/Hours/Count section, contains the sum of all component Units and Instructor Contact Hours.  The Minimum and Maximum Units at the total number of units (credits) associated with the full course. If a class is made up of only one component, such as Lecture, then the Units and Course Contact Hours will be the same total Units and Instructor Contact Hours on the Components tab.

The following queries will assist you with identifying course and class missing contact hours:


Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Curriculum Management > Course Catalog > Course Catalog

  1. The Course Catalog search page displays.
  2. Enter the Search Criteria.
  3. Select the Search button.
course catalog search criteria
  1. The Course Catalog page displays.
catalog data tab for single component course
  1. Select the Components tab.
  2. If a class is made up of only one component, such as Lecture, then the Units and Course Contact Hours will be the same total Units and Instructor Contact Hours on the Components tab.
Components tab for single component course
  1. In PeopleSoft, however, a course can be made up of multiple components such as:
    • Lecture/Lab
    • Lecture/Lab/Clinical
    • Lecture/Practicum 
  2. These are referred to as 'Multi-Component Courses.'  In those courses, each component on the Component tab will reflect a portion of the Units and Instructor Contact Hours that together equal the full value of the course.
Catalog data tab for multi-component course 1 of 2
Components tab for multi-component course page 1 of 2
Components tab for multi-component course page 2 of 2
  1. The process to understand the difference between Catalog Data and Component Tabs is now complete.
Use Search to View a Course in the Course Catalog

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Curriculum Management > Course Catalog > Course Catalog

  1. The Course Catalog search page displays.
  2. At the Search Criteria enter the following:
    • Academic Institution: Enter the institution (e.g. WA171) or use the Look Up.
    • Subject Area: Enter the subject (e.g. BIOL), or use the Look Up.
    • Catalog Nbr: Enter the catalog number (e.g. 101). Reminder: In PeopleSoft catalog numbers cannot start with a zero.
    • Course ID: (optional) If the Course ID is entered, the subject and catalog number can be left blank.
  3. Select the Search button.
  4. The Search Results display.
  5. Select the link to the desired course to open the page.
course catalog search page to view a course
  1. The Course Catalog page displays.
  2. Scroll down through each section to view.
Course catalog page for viewing a course section
  1. The process to view a course catalog course is now complete.
Add a Missing Component

First you will need to determine if you are adding this new component to an existing course because it was missing to begin with or if you plan to have this new component available in the future to align with a planned change in the course.  

  • If you're just adding a missing component to an existing course, then you'll go directly to the Components tab to add it.  
  • If you're making a fundamental change to the course to add a new component, then you'll be creating a new Effective Dated course row* and then adding the component.

*Warning: Be very careful with making changes to components, ESPECIALLY if you're removing a component.  Often times in an effort to 'clean up' the course catalog after Go Live a college will go back (using Correct History) and remove a component to prevent it from being offered in Schedule of Class.  If a class has already been scheduled using that component (or converted to that component) and their pay calculated, removing the component from the Course Catalog effectively shuts off FWL from seeing that class.  While this could be a non-issue if their pay has already been processed, if there is any recalculation performed on that instructor for that term, their pay will rescind and cannot be brought back without adding that component back to the course and recalculating again.

  1. Navigate to the Course Catalog search page.
  2. Enter the Search Criteria.
  3. Select the Search button.
  4. The Search Results display.
  5. Select the link to the desired course to open the page.
  6. The Course Catalog page displays.
  7. Once you have selected the course to edit, if you are adding a new Effective Dated row:
    • Select the Components tab to add a missing component.
    • On the Components tab, in the Course Component section, select the Plus (+) symbol to add a new entry.
Add a missing component add a new row
missing component new row added
  1. Select the Course Component drop-down menu to select the new component value to be added.
  2. Add the weekly Instructor Contact Hours at the proper ratio.
    1. If this is a non-credit bearing course, take the total contact hours and divide by 11 weeks and enter result.
    2. The sum of all various component hours should equal the total class hours.
    3. For credit-bearing courses, please refer to the SBCTC policy manual for contact hours to credit ratio policy guidelines.
    4. Institutions should not deviate or alter unless a full impact-analysis that includes consideration of FWL and consultation with State Board has been completed.
  3. Select the Save button.
add missing component details
  1. The process to add a missing component is now complete.
Correcting the Units of a Component
  1. Navigate to the Course Catalog search page.
  2. Enter the Search Criteria.
  3. Select the Search button.
  4. The Search Results display.
  5. Select the link to the desired course to open the page.
  6. The Course Catalog page displays.
  7. Select the Components tab to update the Attributes section with correct Unit information.
  8. Select the Save button.
correct the units of a component
  1. The process to correct the units of a component is now complete.
Adjust the Instructor Contact Hours for a Component
  1. Navigate to the Course Catalog search page.
  2. Enter the Search Criteria.
  3. Select the Search button.
  4. The Search Results display.
  5. Select the link to the desired course to open the page.
  6. The Course Catalog page displays.
  7. Select the Components tab to update the weekly Instructor Contact Hours in the Course Component section.
    1. If this is a non-credit bearing course, take the total contact hours and divide by 11 weeks and enter result.
    2. For credit-bearing courses, please refer to the SBCTC policy manual for contact hours to credit ratio policy guidelines.
    3. Institutions should not deviate or alter unless a full impact-analysis that includes consideration of FWL and consultation with State Board has been completed.
  8. Select the Save button.
update instructor contact hours
  1. The process to update the instructor contact hours is now complete.
  2. End of procedures.

Tip: Don't know what is meant by a component? While in PeopleSoft the word 'component' can mean a page or group of pages, in this instance a component is like the method of instruction.  Common methods of instruction are Lecture, Lab, Clinical and Independent Study.  PeopleSoft also supports a multitude of other components, though not all are currently explicitly defined under State Board Policy. Pictured below is the list of available components within the Course Catalog and highlighted are those in current practice, though only those mentioned above are part of the conversion process as the legacy system does not contain fields that track instructor contact hours for Practicum and Seminars separately, though they are defined in the collective bargaining agreements at a number of colleges.

Available Components within the Course Catalog


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