9.2 P-Card Bank Statement Workflow

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for how to run the Purchasing Procurement Card Bank Statement Workflow in ctcLink.  

Audience:  Purchasing Staff.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:


If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

This process will send email notifications by Billing Date to procurement card holders stating that any P-Card Transactions not in 'Approved' status are waiting for reconciliation.  Even if the cardholder has 'Verified' the transaction, they will still receive an email notification.

This process also changes the Statement Status of P-Card transactions from Staged to Initial.

Note: Before running the process for the first time, it is recommended that the P-Card Administrator check for any older transactions in the system that are not approved and are not currently in use (from prior testing, for example).  Please submit a Service Ticket for assistance with removing them.

P-Card Bank Statement Workflow

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Purchasing > Procurement Cards > Process Statements > Bank Statement Workflow

  1. The Bank Statement Workflow page displays.
  2. On the Add a New Value tab, create a new Run Control ID.
  3. Select Add.
Bank Statement Workflow add a new value
  1. Lookup or enter the Business Unit.
  2. Select Run.
Enter criteria and select run button on bank statement workflow
  1. The Process Schedule Request screen displays.  
  2. Select OK.
process scheduler request page
  1. When the process is complete, the system will send notifications to the email address saved in the card holder's User Profile.
  2. Within the notification email, select the link to return to reconcile your transactions within PeopleSoft.

A separate email notification is created for each Billing Date.

email notification
  1. The Procurement Card Transactions page displays.
  2. On the Transaction tab, note the Statement Status is changed from Staged to Initial.
procurement card transactions page status equals Initial
  1. Process complete.


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