Assigning a Checklist in Batch

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference on how to assign a checklist in batch using ctcLink.

Audience: Financial Aid Staff.

SBCTC FA Support requests that all colleges submit their checklist information to us in a ticket before proceeding with any new Checklist set up to ensure that the new checklists adhere to our designed processes.  This request will help us to support your business needs. FA Support has designed global processes around the naming convention for checklists, including but not limited to query development, training, JobSets, etc. If colleges move forward with creating checklists outside of the naming conventions, SBCTC FA Support cannot support those checklists or businesses processes.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC CC 3Cs User
  • ZD CC 3Cs User
  • ZZ CC 3Cs User

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation: Campus Community > Checklists > Run 3C Engine

Assigning a Checklist in Batch

  1. The 3C Engine Search Criteria page displays.
  2. Enter the desired Run Control ID.  
  3. Select the Add or Search button.
  4. The 3C Engine page displays.
  5. From the 3C Engine Parameters tab, in the Process 3Cs group box, select the Population Selection checkbox.
  6. In the Event Selection group box, enter the:
    • Academic Institution
    • Administrative Function = FINA
    • Event ID = *example, FISETC029l (*The Event ID is unique to each institution - the one used in this example is for Verification-Independent)
  7. In the Population Selection Group box, in the Selection Tool field, select PS Query from the drop down list.
  8. In the Query Name, find the corresponding query for your desired checklist item.  *example, CTC_FA_SB_AD_V1_I (for verification checklists)
  9. Select the Edit Prompts hyperlink.
  10. The Edit Prompts pagelet displays.  Enter:
    • Aid Year - use the year in which you are processing.  
    • Institution, i.e., WA220
    • Checklist Code, i.e., FTC029
  11. Select the OK button to return to the 3C Engine page.
  12. The 3C Engine page displays.
  13. Select the Manage Duplicate Assignment tab.
  14. The Manage Duplicate Assignment tab displays.
  15. In the Duplicate Checklist Check group box, select the Check Duplicate Assignment checkbox.  This step ensures that you are not duplicate-assigning this checklist.
  16. In the Additional Conditions to Prevent Duplicate Checklist group box, in the Variable Data row, select Match from the drop down list.  This step tells the system to check for any checklists assigned to a group of students that already have the checklist assigned to them.
  17. Select the Run button.
  18. The Process Scheduler Request page displays.
  19. Select the OK button.
  20. The 3C Engine page displays.
  21. Note your Process Instance number, and use it to track the run status of this job on the Process List page.
  22. Select the Process Monitor link.
  23. The Process List page tab displays.
  24. Ensure the Run Status runs to Success, and the Distribution Status runs to Posted.  You may select the Refresh button until the status is Success, Posted.

End of procedure.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in steps listed above.  There is no audio included with this video.  Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial via Panopto

View the link to Assigning a Checklist in Batch.  This link will open in a new tab/window.


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