ctcLink Reference Center9.2 Financial Aid9.2 FA - Packaging and AwardsPackaging & Awards9.2 Online Packaging Financial Aid on a Non-Enrolled Student

9.2 Online Packaging Financial Aid on a Non-Enrolled Student

Purpose: Use this document as a reference to the steps involved to online package students who have not yet enrolled in classes in ctcLink.

Audience:  Financial Aid Staff.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC FA Term Prcs
  • ZD FA Director
  • ZD FA Term Prcs
  • ZZ FA Term Prcs

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Online Packaging Financial Aid on a Non-Enrolled Student

Manually Build FA Term

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Financial Aid > FA Term > Maintain Student FA Term

This example assumes a FAFSA has been loaded to a student's record in ctcLink.  Note that if awarding a non-enrolled student without a FAFSA on file, other steps must be taken.  Follow the QRG Manually Awarding Financial Aid for a Student without a FAFSA.

  1. The Financial Aid Term search page displays.
  2. Enter the:
    • Empl ID
    • Academic Institution
    • Aid Year
  3. Select the Search button.
FA Term Search Criteria page

Recall that FA Term is built based on a student's enrollment activity.  If enrollment does not yet exist, FA Term will not build.  

  1. The Financial Aid Term page displays.
  2. On the FA Term tab, at the most recent enrollment row, insert a new row in the Term Information group box.
FA Term tab, add a new row in Term Information
  1. A new row displays.
  2. Enter the desired term in the Term field.
  3. Select the desired Academic Career from the drop-down box -- note that the Override checkbox will automatically be selected.
  4. Select the desired Primary Program from the drop-down box.
  5. Select the desired Academic Plan from the drop-down box.  

Right click on the red flag in the corner of the Academic Plan, next to the Look Up Tool -- a small box will open titled "Related Information", which takes you to the Academic Plan Table tab in SACR.  There you can verify the Plan Stack currently assigned to the student.  (See image below)

NOTE:  Your security role may not allow you to view this special tab.  Check with your director for access.  

FA Term with Term Information
  1. Define the Campus as Main, using the drop-down box.
  2. Next select the Academic Level tab.
Acad Leve with Campus defined
  1. The Academic Level tab displays.
  2. In the Financial Aid Load row, select the Override checkbox.

By checking the Financial Aid Load Override checkbox, you are telling the system that you are projecting out the student's enrollment to be F = Full Time until otherwise indicated by the student, or through the FLF Process.

  1. Next, select the Financial Aid tab.
Financial Aid tab with Financial Aid Load annotated
  1. The Financial Aid tab displays.
  2. in the NSLDS Loan Year row, select the desired Year in College from the drop-down list -- note that the Override box will be selected when you define the option in the drop-down box.

You can find the student's reported Year in College from the View 20xx-20xx ISIR Records page.  Or, you can toggle between Term Information rows, looking to already built FA Terms, to check what is listed in prior terms -- match the value that is populated in that row.

  1. In the Direct Lending Year, select the desired Year in College for accurate Direct Loan calculation, using the drop-down box.
  2. Return to the FA Term tab, where we will further define parameters on this manual FA Term build.
FA Term with NSLDS Loan Year annotated

OPTIONAL: Back at the FA Term tab, in the Student Data group box, note the Override Expiration Date field.  In this field, as part of your business process, you can enter a date in this field to have all the projected overrides deleted when the Batch FA Term is run based on real-time student enrollment activity.  

The purpose of manually building FA term on a non-enrolled student is so you can proceed to offer them aid before they are registered.  However, when the student finally registers for classes, you want the budgets to accurately build off of their real-time enrollment activity.  If these override buttons are selected, they will remain in effect -- and accurate FA Term and Budgets will not build until these are Overrides are un-selected, using a new Effective-Dated row.

As a tip, you can use this Override Expiration Date field to hold the student in what you assume to be Full-Time enrollment, until the student actually is able to enroll for classes.  Best practice would be to set this Override Expiration Date field to a date that is prior to running your quarterly FLF Process, and Authorization and Disbursement process.

NOTE: If you do not use this optional process, to set an Override Expiration Date, you will have to manually track these students for which you manually build FA Term, and un-select the Override Checkboxes when the term enrollment activity has commenced for students.  The reason Overrides must be unchecked prior to the start of the term, is so FA Term can build in batch, based on enrollment; as students may often declare degree changes and class loads prior to the start of the term.

  1. The FA Term tab displays.
  2. In the Term Information row, insert a new row for each Term you will project out for the student.  For example, If you are offering a full aid year financial aid package, you will want to build FA Term for Fall, Winter, Spring -- Repeat previously outlined steps until you are satisfied with your manual FA Term build.
  3. Select the Save button.
Override Expiration Date annotated
Manually Build Student Budgets

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD FA Budgets
  • ZD FA Director
  • ZZ FA Budgets

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Financial Aid > Budgets > Create Student Budget

  1. The Create Student Budget Search Criteria page displays.
  2. Complete the following fields:
    • Empl ID
    • Academic Institution
    • Aid Year
  3. Select the Search button.
Create Student Budget Search Criteria page with Search button annotated
  1. The Create Student Budget page displays.
  2. Enter the term into the Term field.  
  3. Insert a new row, and add the next term in the Aid Year.  Repeat for however many terms in which you want the student to have a budget/aid.
  4. Select the Build Budget button.
Build Budget Page with Add a New Row

Before "Moving" the budget, select the Detail link in the Budget Term Summary Group box to review the Budget that was built.  When satisfied with the budget, select the OK button to return to the Create Student Budget page.

  1. Select the Move Budget button.
  2. Select the Save button.
Create Student Budget with Move Budget button
  1. Next, you are ready to package aid using online packaging.
Online Packaging Financial Aid

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD FA Award Processing
  • ZD FA Director
  • ZZ FA Award Processing
  • ZZ FA Award Processor

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Financial Aid > Awards > Award Processing > Assign Awards to a Student

  1. The Award Entry search page displays.
  2. Enter the:
    • Empl ID
    • Academic Institution
    • Aid Year
  3. Select the Search button.
Award entry search criteria page
  1. The Award Entry page displays.
  2. Next to the Packaging Plan ID field, select the Retrieve button to assign a Packaging Plan - the system will then assign an appropriate packaging plan based on the FA term and Student Budget data that you just built in the above steps.
Student Aid Package tab with Retrieve button annotated and Packaging Plan ID highlighted
  1. An Award Validation message appears -- select the OK button to continue.
Validation message appears with OK button annotated

Note that the student is being considered for aid relevant to their COA, EFC and need.  In this example, the student is only eligible for loans.  All other Award Action Statuses are set to "X" for "Discard".

Also note, the institution in this example awards Direct Loans as part of the initial aid package.  Not all institutions offer loans up front.

  1. The Student Aid Package page displays.
  2. Select the Validate button.
Validate button annotated
  1. A message box appears confirming Validation was successful -- select the OK button to continue.
Validation successful button

Note the loans are in an Offered only status, as indicated by the Offered column being populated with the amounts and the Accepted column has a zero amount.  Once the student Accepts the loan in Self Service, the Accepted field will populate with the same amount that is in the Offered column.  

Before Posting the award, you can select the Disbursement link to view how the loans distributed into their respective term buckets.

  1. When satisfied with the award, select the Post button.
Post button annotated
  1. A message box appears verifying the Posting of the award was successful.  
  2. Select OK to continue.
Posting message successful
  1. End of process.


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