Running Start Queries
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for running the Running Start Billing and Tuition Due queries.
Audience: Running Start and Student Financials Staff.
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Running Start Queries
There is the new QCS_SR_RSBILLING_HS query designed to simplify the refining of information required for the P223 Running Start invoice process.
This query generates Running Start data for a particular term that helps with invoicing/billing school districts and reviewing student enrollment data.
Navigation: Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer
- The Query Viewer search page displays.
- Select the Advanced Search link.
- Additional search fields displays.
- Enter "QCS_SR_RSBILLING" in Query Name.
- Select Search.
- A list of queries display at the bottom of the page.
- Locate the row for the Running Start Billing Info query and select the HTML or Excel link.
- The QCS_SR_RSBILLING - Running Start Billing Info page displays.
- Enter or select the Institution.
- Enter or select the Term.
- Select View Results.
- The QCS_SR_RSBILLING - Running Start Billing Info report displays.
- You can view results in PeopleSoft or download to Excel to utilize information as needed for Billing Reports to School Districts (or Charter High Schools as needed).

This query generates Running Start balance owed data for a particular term using the account type of tuition (TUT) or fees (FEE.)
Navigation: Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer
- The Query Viewer search page displays.
- Select the Advanced Search link.
- Additional search fields display.
- Enter "QCS_SF_RS_TUITIONDUE" in Query Name.
- Select Search. A list of queries will display at the bottom of the page.
- Locate the row for the Running Start Tuition Due query and select the HTML or Excel link.
- The QCS_SF_RS_TUITIONDUE - Running Start Tuition Due query page displays.
- Enter or select the Institution.
- Enter or select the Term.
- Enter the Account Type.
- Select View Results.
- The Results display.
- You can view results in PeopleSoft or download to Excel to utilize information as needed for Billing Reports to School Districts (or Charter High Schools as needed).
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