NSLDS Suspense Management

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference on how to review NSLDS FAH/TM response records that do not successfully load into ctcLink.

Audience: Financial Aid staff.

Once the Process NSLDS Files process is complete, use the EC Queue Instance number created during that process to locate and review suspended NSLDS files.  

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD or ZZ FA NSLDS Prcs - To run Process NSLDS Files
  • ZD FA Director - (to run the NSLDS Suspense Management list)
  • ZD or ZZ FA Award Misc Info - (to run NSLDS Inquiry)
  • ZZ FA Award Processor

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Process Monitor

Navigation:  Financial Aid > File Management > NSLDS > Process NSLDS Files

  1. The Process NSLDS Files page displays.
  2. After completing the Process NSLDS Files process, select the Process Monitor link. The Process List tab will display.
  3. On the Process List tab, select the Details link for the Instance number assigned in the NSLDS Files process. The Process Detail will display.
  4. From the Process Detail select the Actions link and then select the Message Log option. The Message Log page will display.
  5. From the Message Log page, select the Last link to view the end of the process and locate the EC Queue Instance number.

If multiple files have been loaded it is possible that there could be more than one EC Queue Instance number created during processing.  Look through the message log and note all instances and review.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panapto

View the external link to view NSLDS Suspense Management. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Review the NSLDS Suspense Management List

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD FA Director
  • ZD FA NSLDS Prcs
  • ZZ FA NSLDS Prcs

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation:  Financial Aid > File Management > NSLDS > NSLDS Suspense Management

  1. The NSLDS Suspense Management search page displays.
  2. Enter the EC Queue Instance number located in the previous step.
  3. Load Status = Suspended.
  4. Select the Search button.

The search can also be narrowed further to include:

  • EC Transaction ID
  • School Code
  1. When the NSLDS Suspense Management page opens a viewer will have various fields and possibly pages to review to determine the outcome of the suspended file.  

View Video Tutorial

NSLDS Suspense Management

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Review the NSLDS Suspense Management List . This link will open in a new tab/window.

NSLDS Suspense Management - Page Details
  1. The system displays the EC Transaction ID (electronic commerce transaction ID) and EC Queue Instance. The valid EC Transaction ID values are FAHEXTOP (Financial Aid History file) and TRALRTOP (Alert file).
  2. Load Status - The system displays one of these values:
    1. Error: An error occurred while trying to process this record from the staging tables. Records with this status are not picked up by the batch process. Refer to the Error Code description below.
    2. Loaded: The record successfully loaded from the NSLDS staging tables into the application tables.
    3. Skipped: This status is either set manually on the Suspense Management page or by the batch process when Search/Match parameters are set to 'Ignore'. Records with this status are not picked up by the batch process. Refer to the Skip Reason description below.
    4. Suspended: The record did not load into the application tables because it did not meet the NSLDS load parameters. Records with this status are picked up by the batch process. Refer to the Suspend Reason description below.
    5. Unprocessed: The FA Inbound process loaded the record loaded into the NSLDS staging tables, but the Process NSLDS Load process has not yet been run for the record. Records with this status are picked up by the batch process.
  1. NSLDS Manual Load Parameters
    1. ID: For records with a Load Status of Loaded, this field shows which ID the NSLDS data was loaded to - For records with a Load Status of Skipped or Suspended, the ID field may be blank or populated with one of the Search/Match results - For records with a Load Status of Suspended or Unprocessed records, you can use this field in conjunction with the ID Lock check box to manually match an ID to incoming NSLDS data.
    2. ID Lock:  Select to match the Suspended or Unprocessed NSLDS record to the specified ID. This works in conjunction with the ID field. In order to use the ID Lock option, the ID field MUST be populated. Using this option essentially bypasses Search/Match the next time this record is processed. Although Search/Match is bypassed, the record must still meet the other NSLDS Data Load Parameters in order to load to the application tables.
    3. Recycle:  This is set by the NSLDS load process if a student's NSLDS record cannot be loaded into the application tables because it does not meet the NSLDS Data Load Parameters.
    4. Skip/Done: This is set by the system when the NSLDS record has been loaded to the application tables or if the record has been skipped/ignored (either manually or by the batch routine). To manually set the Load Status to Skipped, select this radio button and select the Process NSLDS button.
    5. Process NSLDS: Select this button to perform the selected action: Recycle or Skip/Done.
    6. School Code:  Displays the School Code value reported in the NSLDS file.
    7. Branch Code:  Displays the Branch Code value reported in the NSLDS file.
    8. Transaction Process Date: Displays the date when NSLDS generated the incoming NSLDS data
  2. Load Information
    1. Process Instance:  Displays the most recent process instance of when this record was processed through the batch load routine.
    2. Process Date:  Displays the most recent process date of when this record was processed through the load routine   (either online or through the batch routine).
    3. Max Match Level:  Displays the Search/Match level at which the NSLDS record was matched to an ID.

Note: Records with a Load Status of Error, Suspended or Skipped have an associated reason or code displayed.

No reason or code is displayed for records having a Load Status of Unprocessed or Loaded.

  1. Suspend Reason:   Displays the reason the record was suspended and not loaded into the application tables.
    1. Data Load Parameters not found: Data Load Parameters were not found for the School/Branch code combination on this NSLDS record.
    2. Effective Date Conflict: The record passed Search/Match but the Transaction Process Date is older than the student's current Effective Dated row in the NSLDS application tables.
    3. Multiple Matches Found: Search/Match found multiple matches and the action in NSLDS Data Load Parameters is set to 'Suspend' for the designated Search/Match level. If multiple matches were found, the ID field is blank.
    4. No Match Found: Search/Match found no matches and the No Match Found action in NSLDS Data Load Parameters is set to 'Suspend'.
    5. One Match Found: Search/Match found one match and the action in NSLDS Data Load Parameters is set to 'Suspend' for the designated Search/Match level. If one match was found, the ID field is populated.
  1. Skip Reason:  Displays the reason the record is skipped and not loaded into the application tables.
    1. Manually set to Skip: The user manually set this record to Skip/Done on the NSLDS Suspense Management page.
    2. No Match Found: Search/Match found no matches and the No Match Found action in NSLDS Data Load Parameters is set to 'Ignore'.
    3. Multiple Matches Found: Search/Match found multiple matches and the action in NSLDS Data Load Parameters is set to 'Ignore' for the designated Search/Match level. If multiple matches were found, the ID field is blank.
    4. One Match Found: Search/Match found one match and the action in NSLDS Data Load Parameters is set to 'Ignore' for the designated Search/Match level. If one match was found, the ID field is populated.
  2. Error Code:   Displays the reason the record was set to Error and not loaded into the application tables. Invalid SSN Encountered: The SSN on this record is outside the valid range (001010001  999999999).
  3. Student Information
    1. Social Security #:  Displays the student's current SSN maintained by the NSLDS and reported in the FAH/Alert files
    2. Last Name:  Displays the student's current last name maintained by the NSLDS and reported in the FAH/Alert files
    3. First Name:  Displays the student's current first name maintained by the NSLDS and reported in the FAH/Alert files
    4. Date of Birth:  Displays the student's current birth date maintained by the NSLDS and reported in the FAH/Alert files
    5. Inform Last Name:  Displays the last name reported by the institution in the NSLDS Inform file or online. This information is returned to the school in the FAH/Alert file.
    6. Inform First Name:  Displays the first name reported by the institution in the NSLDS Inform file or online. This information is returned to the school in the FAH/Alert file.
    7. Inform Date of Birth:  Displays the date of birth reported by the institution in the NSLDS Inform file or online. This information is returned to the school in the FAH/Alert file.
  4. Change Flags
    1. Change Flags:  These flags are only populated on Alert files and indicate where changes have been detected on the student's NSLDS record which may affect eligibility. Valid values are Y: Yes and N: No. These fields are blank for FAH files.
Reviewing and Updating Suspended Files

Navigation: Financial Aid > File Management > NSLDS > NSLDS Suspense Management

  1. When reviewing the NSLDS Suspense Management page, determine the Suspend Reason to decide the next action taken.  
  2. When working on suspense resolution, a user can note the Transaction Process Date and Suspend Reason and then compare it to what is on the View NSLDS Loan Data page for most Suspend Reasons.
  3. The next section provides instructions on how to view the NSLDS Loan Data to do the comparison.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial Via Panoto

View the external link to Reviewing and Updating Suspended Files . This link will open in a new tab/window.

NSLDS Inquiry

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD FA Award Misc Info
  • ZD FA Director
  • ZZ FA Award Misc Info
  • ZZ FA Award Processor

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation:  Financial Aid > Awards > View NSLDS Loan Data

  1. The NSLDS Inquiry page displays.
  2. Enter the search parameters to load the correct record associated with user in previous step.
  3. You will need to make the determination if the record will need to be set to 'Skipped/Done' so it does not continue to be read and attempt to load during the Process NSLDS Files process.

If you set the record to 'recycle', each time the NSLDS Load program runs, it will continue to try to load the record, and set it to Suspend if it cannot load it due to the match reason.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to the NSLDS Inquiry video. This link will open in a new tab/window.

  1. Use the following steps to skip a record from the NSLDS Suspense Management page:

Navigation: Financial Aid > File Management > NSLDS > NSLDS Suspense Management

  1. Enter the ID from the NSLDS page.
  2. Select the Skip/Done Radio Button.
  3. Select the Process NSLDS Button.
  4. Select Save.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to the NSLDS Suspense Set to Skip video. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to the NSLDS Suspense Set to Recycle video. This link will open in a new tab/window.

  1. If the record needs to be loaded/recycled, use the following steps:
  2. Mark the ID Lock box as "checked".
  3. Select the Recycle radio button, if not already selected.
  4. Select Process NSLDS.
  5. Select Save.
  6. 10. The NSLDS Suspense Management process has now been completed.