Message Center - Create a Thread

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for how to send an individual student message using Message Center in ctcLink.

Audience:  Student Services Staff.

You must have at least one of these local college-managed security roles:

Create a Thread:

  • ZD HP Msg Center User
  • ZZ HP Msg Center Config
  • ZZ HP Msg Center User

Verify Student Messages:

  • ZC CC Personal Info Student
  • ZD CC Personal Info Student
  • ZZ CC Pers Info NID Update
  • ZZ CC Personal Info Student
  • ZZ SS Advisor
  • ZZ SS Faculty

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Send a Message without a Template

Navigation: HighPoint > Message Center > Create a Thread

  1. On the Create a Thread page, enter an Empl ID.
  2. Select Add.
  3. The Create a New Thread page displays.
  4. Input the required information:
    1. Institution:  Activate the drop-down list and choose an Institution.
    2. Department:   Activate the drop-down list and select a Department.
    3. Regarding:   Activate the drop-down list and choose a Regarding.
    4. Subject:  Enter the subject of your message.
    5. Allow Replies checkbox: This will allow the student to respond to the message via the Message Center interface. The QRG Search for Message Threads and Manage Student Replies explains how to manage student replies.
    6. Expire Thread checkbox: Select this checkbox to enable expiration parameters. Specify the Amount of Time or Fixed Date after which the message will expire and be automatically removed from the student's Message Center inbox. The Search for Threads staff page provides access to expired messages on the student's record.
  5. Create a message in the text box to communicate with the student.
  6. Select the Image icon to attach an image (optional). Click on the Upload tab to upload the desired image files. After uploading the image, click the Send it to the Server button to complete the process.
  7. Add alternative text to all images using the Image Info tab after uploading images.
  8. Messages can be formatted in HTML by selecting the Source button, allowing different text styles and links to be included.
  9. Select Save.

Verify Student Messages

Navigation: Campus Community > Student Services Ctr (Student)

  1. To verify student messages sent/received, users can view the messages in the Student Services Center.
  2. Unread messages will display as Unread.
  3. Students can read messages and archive them. This will remove the message from their inbox but allow retrieval later.
  4. When a student views the details of a message, it is automatically marked with a read date and time. Students cannot mark a message as unread.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Create a New Thread. This link will open in a new tab/window.


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