Absence Management - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs and Answers)

Purpose: Use this document as a resource for looking at commonly asked Absence Management questions about how things are done in ctcLink, and seeing the answers. This is an expanding document, in that when more questions come up and are put to the HCM Support Team, they will be added here as well.

Audience:  Absence Management Administrators

In order to execute most of the solutions mentioned in the content below, there are certain security roles you must have at the local college managed security, including:

  • ZD Absence Calc Results
  • ZZ Abs Events and Adjs
  • ZZ Abs Off Cycle Processing
  • ZZ SS ABS Administration

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Absence Processing and Calendar
1. How many absence calendars do we have in one month?

In ctcLink, we have 2 Absence Take Calendars and 1 Entitlement Calendar in a month.

Absence Calendar names, for example, for the month of October 2023 is as follows:
    A Take Calendar - GLBL2023 OCTA TAKE  
    B Take Calendar - GLBL2023 OCTB TAKE
    ENT Calendar     - GLBL 2023 OCT ENT

2. When does SBCTC run the Absence Calendar process and when is the processing time?

SBCTC runs the Take Calendars on the last day of the pay period.
After the B payroll cutoff day, SBCTC runs the ENT Calendar.

Colleges can see the absence run schedule in SBCTC Calendar ( AM Calendar )

3. Is the Absence Calendar process a recurring process?

Yes, the Absence Calendars process is scheduled to run every 2 hours between 6:00am to 6:00pm on the absence processing days.

4. Can I request an absence recalculation at the time of absence processing?

Absence calculation is a recurring process, so there is no need to request absence recalculation.
If you require it to run before the Absence Finalization run, you can submit a request to the SBCTC Central Payroll team.

5. Does SBCTC notify the Colleges about the absence processing run?

Yes, SBCTC notifies the Colleges for the first and last calculation by way of the HCM ListServ.
They will also notify the Colleges once the absence data is loaded to the time sheet.

Absence Adjustments, Off-Cycle Processing and Leave Request Change
1. In which Absence Calendar ID do I need to enter adjustments?

Always enter the adjustments in the entitlement: ENT Calendar ID.

2. Can I enter the adjustments into the Take Calendar ID?

No, always enter the adjustments in the ENT Calendar ID. The system allows a few exceptions for PHL and PRL leave type adjustments.

3. What is the retroactive processing period for the absence processing?

90 days is the retro processing period.

4. When will the adjustments be processed and when can the employee see the updated balance?

If you have entered the adjustment before the Take Calendar finalization, then Take Calendar will process the adjustment.

For Example:

If you have entered an adjustment on the September ENT calendar after the September ENT finalization - the October A Take Calendar will process the adjustment.

If you have entered an adjustment on the September ENT Calendar after the October A Take finalization - October B Take Calendar will process the adjustment.

If you have entered an adjustment on the September ENT Calendar after the October B Take finalization - November A Take Calendar will process the adjustment and not the October ENT Calendar.

> Take Calendars do retroactive processing.

> ENT (entitlement) Calendars only process the current month adjustment.

5. An employee submitted Personal Holiday for a day (10-hour work day) and they are eligible to use 10 hours for the personal day. However, the employee shows a leave balance for that of 8 hours and the system is showing an unpaid balance of 2 hours?

To convert the unpaid leave to paid leave, enter the adjustment as 2 hours in the ENT (entitlement) Calendar.

6. Employees have submitted Personal Holiday for the 01A pay period and the adjustment is entered in the December ENT Calendar, so why is the query still showing as unpaid leave?

Carryover of leave balance is not allowed for the Personal Holiday. So the system has not moved the leave balance from the prior calendar year (Dec) to the current calendar year (Jan)

To convert the unpaid leave to paid leave, you need to enter the adjustment in 01A Take Calendar.

7. Employees have submitted Personal Holiday for the 07A pay period and the adjustment is entered in the June ENT Calendar, but still the query is showing as unpaid leave?

Carryover of leave balance is not allowed for Personal Holiday (depending on the leave rule). So, the system has not moved the leave balance from the prior fiscal year (June) to current fiscal year. (July A)

To convert the unpaid leave to paid leave, you need to enter the adjustment in 07A Take Calendar.

8. An employee needs to change the leave type for the prior period (within 90 Days). How do I change the leave type?

The system will not allow employees to change the leave request for the finalized Absence Calendar.  Only the Administrator can edit the finalized absence request through the Absence Event page and then the Take Calendar will process the changes.

9. Employee needs to change the leave type for the prior period (greater than 90 Days). How do I change the leave type?

The system will not allow employees to change the leave request for the finalized absence Calendar.  Since adjustment period is greater than 90 days, the Administrator needs to adjust the leave balance on the last ENT Calendar.

10. When the Personal leave balance does not carry over from the previous fiscal year to the current fiscal year, but the employee is eligible to carryover the leave balance, what do I do?

Please open a service desk ticket to the HCM Customer Support Team to find out the issue.

11. When does the system remove the unused Personal Holiday and Personal Leave for employees?

The system removes the unused Personal Holiday in the January A Take Calendar and generates the accrual for the current Calendar Year.

The system removes the unused Personal Leave in the July A Take Calendar and generates the accrual for the current Fiscal Year.

12.How do I do a Vacation Leave Max Override for the employee on the leave max month?

Check the Leave Max Override box in Job Data,  CTC Job Data page.

For Example:

If a leave max month is June, to override the VAC max leave balance:

- Enter a new row effective date as 06/01/2023 and check the Leave Max Override box.

- Then enter a new row effective date as 07/01/2023 and uncheck the Leave Max Override box.

13. When do I remove the leave balance for a termed employee.

Adjustments need to be entered on the termed month ENT Calendar and needs to be entered before the ENT finalization.

For Example:

If the employee is termed in October, then the adjustment needs to be entered in the October ENT calendar and needs to be entered before the October ENT finalization.

14. I have entered an adjustment for a termed employees, but the Absence Calendar processing has not removed the leave balance, Why?

Adjustments need to be entered on the termed month ENT Calendar and needs to be entered before the ENT finalization.  While removing the leave balance, the end date should be the last worked date.

For Example:

If an employee is termed on October 16th, then the adjustment needs to be entered in the October ENT calendar and needs to be entered before the October ENT finalization.

While removing the leave balance, the Begin date should be October 1 and the End date should be October 15.  The system defaults to the entire month, therefore, the Administrator has to edit the End date to the last date worked.

15. How do I remove the leave balance for a termed employee after the ENT Absence Finalization?

Run the off-cycle process on the termed month ENT Calendar.  Before Finalizing the off cycle process, validate the leave balance in the Results by Calendar Group page.

16. How do I fix it when an employee is termed in prior years but their leave balance was not removed for the termed employee?

Run the off-cycle process on the termed month ENT Calendar.  Target Period and Processing Calendar should be the termed month and identify the employee. Before Finalizing the off-cycle process, validate the leave balance in the Results by Calendar Group page.

17. How do I transfer the SHL leave balance from the HXX Pay Group (Hourly) to CXX Pay Group (Classified)?

Remove the SHL balance from the hourly job and enter the leave balance under NSL in the classified Job.  All adjustments need to be entered in the ENT Calendar.

For Example:  

If the employee is moved from the Hourly to the Classified position on June 1st:

- Enter the SHL as negative hours in the May ENT Calendar under the HXX pay group.

- Then enter the NSL as positive hours in the June ENT Calendar under the CXX pay group.

Queries and Absence Validation
1. What query do I need to run at the time of Absence Take processing?

QHC_AB_ABSENCE_HISTORY - Absence History report.

2. What queries do I need to run to validate the accrual hours at the time of Absence ENT processing?

QHC_AB_PRL_BAL_TAKE_RUN - To find the PRL balance.

QHC_AB_PHL_BAL_TAKE_RUN - To find the PHL accrual.

QHC_AB_VALIDATION_ENT_CAL_ERCD - Leave Accrual Validation based on the Employee Record.

3. How can I identify the unpaid hours in the processing calendar?

CTC_UNPAID_LEAVE - Unpaid Leave Balance.

4. How do I identify the unprocessed leaves in the processing Calendar?

QHC_AM_LEAVE_REQ_NOT_PROCESSED - Leave Request Not Processed.

5. Why does my new hire not have accrued leave hours during the ENT processing?

In the employee's Job Data record, validate the following fields:

FTE, Union Code (if represented), Absence System, Eligibility Group, Leave Accrual Date, Leave Max Month and Job Empl Type


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