9.2 Entering Pending Receivables

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for how to Enter Pending Receivables in ctcLink.

Audience:  AR Specialist.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ AR Item Entry

You must also set these User Preference Definitions:

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Entering Pending Receivables

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Accounts Receivable > Pending Items > Online Items > Group Entry

  1. The Group Entry search page displays.
  2. Enter Group Unit (your district's business unit).
  3. Default Group ID to 'Next', unless your business practices dictate otherwise.
  4. Select Add.
Group Entry Add a New Value page
  1. The Group Control page displays.
    1. Select an Accounting Date (the current date will be prefilled).
    2. Select B (Billing) for the Group Type.
    3. Select OBILL (Online Billing) for the Origin ID.
    4. In the Control Totals section:
      1. Enter an amount in the Control field. This should be the sum of all pending items in the group.
      2. Enter a value for the Count field. This should be the total number of pending items in the group.
    5. In the Currency section enter USD into the Control field.
    6. Select the Pending Item 1 tab.
Group Control page
  1. The Pending Item 1 page displays.
  2. Enter each pending item as follows:
    1. Enter a value for Item ID. Local business practice should inform your decision.
    2. Select the Customer (if you enter the Amount first, the selection of the customer will clear it out).
    3. Enter an Amount for the item.
    4. Select IN (Invoice) as the Entry Type.
    5. If appropriate, and if local business practice dictates; select an entry Reason.
    6. Select Save. A unique Group ID will be assigned if the previous value was NEXT.
  1. To add an additional pending item, select the + icon in the Pending Item Entry section.
  2. Repeat steps 7 and 8 until all items have been entered and you are ready to process the group.  The Sequence number will increment each time you add an additional pending item.
Pending Item 1 page
  1. Select the Group Control tab.
Pending Item 1 page
  1. The Group Control page displays.
    1. In the Control Totals section, update Control and Count.
    2. Select Save.
    3. The Difference field in the Control Totals section should be zero.
    4. Select the Group Action tab.
Group Control page
  1. The Group Action page displays.
    1. Select Balance.  The Balanced field in the Group Status section of the Group Control page will change from No to Yes (if the group is in balance).
    2. Select Save.
  2. Select Create Entries.
    • The above action will generate accounting for all items in the group.
    • The system will shift navigation to the Accounting Entries page.
Group Action page
  1. The Accounting Entries page displays.
    1. Select View All to display all accounting lines.  Each pending item in the group will have a debit and a credit distribution line.
    2. Configure the accounting for the credit line (the revenue distribution).  The credit line will show a negative amount and will have a dropdown box for the Type field (with the value User indicating a User-defined configuration).
      • Scroll to the far right of the Distribution Lines box to reveal the Speed Type button located on the credit line.
Accounting Entries page
  • Select the Speed Type button to reveal a new SpeedType field.
Speed Type
  • Select the lookup for the SpeedType field and select a value.  Speed Types are pre-configured and named ChartField strings.  The above action will re-generate the accounting string for the credit line according to the configuration of the Speed Type selected.
  1. After you have configured each credit line using the appropriate Speed Type selection, select Save.  Note that the debit lines inherit additional ChartField values from their associated credit lines.
  2. Select the Group Action tab.
Accounting Entries page
  1. The Group Action page displays.
  2. Select Batch Standard as the Posting Action.
  3. Select OK.
  4. Select Save.
Group Action page


Be sure to seect the OK button after selecting a Posting Action; simply saving the form will NOT update the posting status.

When the AR Update process next runs, all pending items in the group will become open; posted to their prospective customer accounts.When Journal Generate next runs, the accounting will be posted to the GL.

  1. Process complete.


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