9.2 Entering a Direct Journal Payment

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for entering direct journal payments in ctcLink.

Audience:  Accounts Receivable staff.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ AR Apply Payments

You must also set these User Preference Definitions:

If you need assistance with the above security roles or User Preference Definitions, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Direct Journal Payments are for deposits received that is not connected to an Invoice or Bill. After you receive the deposit, create the accounting entries commonly referred as the Accounting Distribution.

Entering a Direct Journal Deposit & Creating Accounting Entries

Navigation: Accounts Receivable > Payments > Online Payments > Regular Deposit

  1. The Regular Deposit search page displays.  Select the Add a New Value tab.
  2. Enter the desired information into the Deposit Unit field.
  3. Select the Add button.
  1. The Totals tab displays.  Use it to enter information and control totals for a new deposit, or delete a deposit. The Totals tab is unavailable if the deposit has been reconciled with a bank statement.
  2. Enter the desired information into the Accounting Date field. (Note: Dates will default to the current date)
    • You will use this field to enter the accounting date for each payment and for all pending items created from the payment.
    • You can override the date on the Regular Deposit - Payments page.
    • The system validates the accounting date to make sure it falls within the open period for the business unit and transaction type as defined on the Open Period page for the business unit.
  3. Enter the desired information into the Bank Code field.
    • If you do not know the correct code, you can select the magnifying glass icon to look it up.
  4. Enter the desired information into the Bank Account field.
    • If you do not know the correct code, you can select the magnifying glass icon to look it up.
    • After you choose the bank account type, the Deposit Type field should automatically populate. If this does not happen, you may enter the information manually.
  5. Enter the desired information into the Control Currency field.
    • You will enter a currency code only if the same currency is used for all of the payments.
    • Specifying a control currency at the deposit level is optional. If you enter currency at this level, all payments in the deposit must have this same currency.
    • To take advantage of multi-currency processing, leave the control currency blank and specify the currency at the payment level. The next tab in this component, Payments, enables you to enter a different currency for each payment in the deposit.
  6. Under the Control Totals section, enter the desired information into the Control Total Amount and Count fields.
    • You will use these fields to enter the control totals for the amount and count of the payments in this deposit.
    • You can have a zero-total deposit if the payment amounts offset each other.
  7. Enter the desired information into the Received and Entered fields.
    • You will use the Received field to enter the date when either the bank or your company received the payment.
    • Because of normal processing delays, the Received date may be different from the Entered date.
  8. Select the Payments tab.
Regular Deposit Details Entry
  1. The Payments tab displays.  Use it to enter details about each payment in a regular deposit. The more information you can provide on this page, the easier it will be to work with the payment worksheet.
  2. The Balance field displays the status for the deposit. When the amount total and number of entered payments equals the control amount and count from the Totals page, the status changes from "Not Balanced" to "Balanced". The total amount of all the payments in the deposit must match the control totals on the Totals page before you can create a payment worksheet.  Note that you cannot update payment information for a deposit that has been reconciled with a bank statement.
Payment Balanced Status
  1. Enter the desired information into the Payment ID field.
    • Use this field to identify a payment. You can enter the check number or any other identifying number.
  2. The Accounting Date field displays the payment date, using the accounting date on the Totals page as the default.  The system validates the payment date to make sure that the date falls within the open period for the business unit and transaction type as defined on the Open Periods page for the business unit.  The payment date may be different from the deposit date, if you use the postmark date from checks.  The payment date affects earned discounts, so it's important that it is accurate.
  3. Enter the desired information into the Amount field.
  4. Select the Journal Directly check box option.
    • Choose this option only if a payment should be handled as miscellaneous cash received rather than applied to items.
    • Payments journalled directly to the general ledger cannot be processed in payment worksheets and do not go through the Receivable Update process.
  5. Select Save.
Payment Information Detail Entry

Creating Accounting Entries

  1. Navigate to the Accounting Entries page to create accounting entries for direct journal payments.

Navigation: Accounts Receivable > Payments > Direct Journal Payments > Create Accounting Entries

  1. The Create Accounting Entries search page displays.
  2. The system may pre-populate the Deposit Unit and Deposit ID fields with the values of the deposit you just created. If not, you will need to enter this information manually.
  3. Enter the desired information into the Payment Sequence field.
  4. Select Search.
Create Accounting Entries Landing Page
  1. The Accounting Entries tab displays.  Use it to create or change accounting entries for direct journal entry payments.
  2. Enter the desired information into the Line Amount field.
  3. Enter the desired information into the Account field.
    • Use this field to specify the number assigned to an account in the system.
    • If you do not know the correct account number, you may select the magnifying glass icon to look it up.
  4. Enter the desired information into the Dept field.
    • If you do not know the correct department code, you may select the magnifying glass icon to look it up.
Accounting Entries Detail Entry
  1. Select the Create button (lightning bolt icon) to create the cash line for a direct journal payment.  The system populates the ChartField values using either the AR - Cash or DIT - Cash ChartFields that were defined for the bank account on the External Accounts page. The system uses the DIT - AR ChartFields only if the Dep in Transit option is selected for the bank account.  The system calls the Centralized Inter/IntraUnit Application Engine process (IU_PROCESSOR) to create intraunit accounting entries if ChartField balancing is enabled for the ledger group and interunit accounting entries, and if you are journaling the cash to a different business unit than the deposit business unit.
  2. The journal entry has been created.  Notice that the debit and credit amounts are now updated at the bottom of the page.
  3. After you enter all of the accounting lines and they are in balance, select the Complete check box option.
  4. Select Save.
  5. Select the Deposit Control tab.
Accounting Entries Complete
  1. If you receive the following warning, you will need to return to the previous page and fix any errors:
Warning Box
  1. The Deposit Control tab displays.  Use it to view the information for the deposit entry corresponding to the journal payment. The details of the regular deposit corresponding to the journal payment are displayed.
Deposit Control Tab
  1. In summary, you enter directly journalled payments in the case of miscellaneous cash receipts such as employee travel advance reimbursement.
  2. Process complete.
Entering a Direct Journal Deposit and Applying Payment (Single Item Entry)

Use the following steps to enter a single entry Direct Journal Deposit and quickly apply the Payment using the 'Apply Payment' hyperlink.

Navigation: Accounts Receivable > Payments > Online Payments > Regular Deposit

  1. Select Add a New Value tab.
  2. Enter or look up the Deposit Unit field.
  3. Select the Add button.
  1. The Regular Deposit page displays.
  2. Enter the Bank Code.
  3. Enter the Bank Account.
  4. Enter the Control Currency 'USD'.
  5. Enter the Control Total Amount.
  6. Enter the *Count number.
  7. Select the Payments tab.

The Accounting, Received, and Entered Dates default to the current date.  

  1. The Payments page displays.
  2. Enter the Payment ID that works for your college.
  3. Enter the Amount.
  4. Select the Journal Directly check box.
  5. Select Save.

Optional to use the Attachments link to upload backup documentation.

  1. The Payment Deposit ID has been created and should have a Balanced status.
  2. Select the Apply Payment link.
  1. The Accounting Entries page displays.
  2. If your college has AR Speed Types set up please see below.  If not, please skip to Step 17.

Optional:  If your college has AR Speed Types set up, select the Speed Type button to auto-fill the Distribution line. Once selected, it will prompt you to use the lookup tool to view active AR Speed Types.

  1. Enter the Line Amount.
  2. Enter the Account.
  3. Enter the Operating Unit.
  4. Enter the Fund.
  5. Enter the Department.
  6. Enter the Class.
  7. Optional to add a description in the Line Descr field.
  8. Enter the State Purpose.
  9. Select the lightening bolt icon to create the cash balancing line.

The Lightening Bolt icon generates the Cash Balancing Accounting Entries and next to the Lightening Bolt is the Eraser icon which 'erases' the Cash Balancing Accounting Entries to start over.

  1. The cash balancing line is created.
  2. Select the Complete check box.
  3. Select Save.
  1. The 'eraser' icon disappears.
  2. The Direct Journal payment will post to the General Ledger at the next AR Update.
  1. Process complete.
Modifying Unposted Direct Journal Accounting Entries

To modify an unposted Direct Journal Accounting entries, follow these steps.

  1. Uncheck the Complete Box.
  2. Select Save.
  1. Upon saving the Eraser icon reappears. Select the Eraser icon.
  1. Once the Eraser icon is selected, the Cash Balancing Accounting Entries will disappear.
  2. Make adjustments to the ChartString as needed.
  3. Select the Lightening Bolt icon to re-create the Cash Balancing Accounting Entries.
  1. The Cash Balancing Accounting Entries will generate.
  2. Select the Complete check box.
  3. Select Save.
  1. Process complete.


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