Creating Travel Authorizations
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to create a FSCM Travel Authorization in ctcLink.
Audience: All Staff.
A Financial Self-Service Travel Authorization (TA) is a Travel document created prior to travel showing estimated costs for travel; it produces an encumbrance that will get relieved once an Expense Report is filed against it. All approvals need to be completed prior to Travel Dates.
To complete a Travel Authorization, you will need to know what Budget or Chartfield values to be added in the Accounting Details section of a Travel Authorization. If unsure what values to use, please check with your supervisor.
From the ctcLink Gateway main page, navigate to Financials Employee Self Service by selecting either the Financials Self-Service tile or the FSCM link.

To complete a Travel Authorization, you will need to know what Budget or ChartField values to be added in the Accounting Details section. If unsure what values to use, please check with your supervisor.
NOTE: Default Accounting (or Accounting Defaults) in PeopleSoft Financials Expenses allows you to set the default ChartField values for all expense lines on Expense Reports and/or Travel Authorizations. When you update the Default Accounting (or Accounting Defaults), during transaction creation or during editing, every expense line will be updated to the ChartString entered in the Default Accounting or Accounting Defaults section. For more information on default accounting, please see QRG Viewing or Modifying Default Accounting in Travel Authorizations.
What's the difference between Classic and Fluid? It's a personal preference! PeopleSoft end users can choose the path that is most effective for them. The Classic navigation uses a breadcrumb menu with a deep hierarchy whereas Fluid navigation uses Homepages and Tiles as the starting point to navigate to pages/processes. Fluid pages have a different look than classic yet most of the same functionality.
Optional to Create a Travel Authorization by either path; Classic or Fluid Navigation.
Navigation: FSCM Employee Self-Service menu > Travel and Expenses > Travel Authorizations > Create/Modify
- The Employee Self Service page displays. Select the Navigation Menu icon.
- Select the Menu icon.
- Follow the navigation: Employee Self-Service > Travel and Expenses > Travel Authorizations.
- Select Create/Modify.
- The Create a Travel Authorization search page displays. Depending on your role, the Empl ID will default into the field. If you are authorized to enter a travel authorization on behalf of someone else, then you will need to look up the Empl ID first. Select Add.
- The Create Travel Authorization page displays. Select Business Purpose from the drop-down menu.
- Enter the Description.
- Enter or lookup the Default Location from the drop-down menu. The most common use will be to look up the Expense Location codes in Washington. Enter ‘WA’ in the field next to ‘begins with’. Select Look Up.
- Enter a date or use the calendar menu in the Date From field to select the first day of travel.
- Enter a date or use the calendar menu in the Date To field to select the last day of travel.
- Optional to enter or lookup the Reference.
- In the Projected Expenses section, enter a date or use the calendar menu to select a Date for the line item.
- Select the appropriate Expense Type from the drop-down menu. Follow instructions below to add a mileage based expense. (Note: If a Per Diem type is selected, Location must be entered.)
- Enter Description.
- Select the Payment Type from the drop-down menu.
- The Amount field will not be available for a mileage based expense type.
- Select the Transportation ID from the drop-down menu.
- If appropriate, enter Miles. Select the Calculate Gross Amount icon (two green arrows) and note the dollar amount will populate automatically.
- Expand the Accounting Details drop-down arrow to view or edit the Chartfields.
Note: The Transportation ID will only populate if you have added it to your Profile.
- The Accounting Details section displays. Depending upon your college business practice, your Accounting Details may populate automatically. If not, enter in the following Chartfield values to make up a valid Chartstring;
- Select the Operating Unit from the lookup menu.
- Select the Fund from the lookup menu.
- Optional: if applicable, add the Appropriation Index.
- Select the Department from the lookup menu.
- Select the Class from the lookup menu.
- Select the State Purpose from the lookup menu.
Check with your local finance business office or supervisor for assistance with your Accounting Details (or Distribution).
Grant/Project/Program related ChartStrings require additional field values:
- If Grant/Project related, enter or lookup the PC Bus Unit, Project, and Activity ID.
- If applicable, add the Program Code.
- If need to Split Payment: select the Add a New Row [+] icon to add an additional accounting Chartfields line.
- Select the luggage tag icon to expand (and/or collapse) to view the entire Chartfield values, also known as a ChartString.
For information on travel authorization errors and steps to resolve them, please refer to QRG Correcting Travel Authorization Errors for Travelers using Classic Navigation.
There are three options at this point:
- You can continue to add additional lines to the Travel Authorization (TA). Select the Add a New Row [+] icon to add a projected expense line.
- A new Projected Expenses row displays below.
- You can continue to add items to the Travel Authorization (TA). Select the Add a New Row [+] icon to add another projected expense.
- When complete with your travel authorization, select Save for Later or select Summary and Submit.
Note: When you select the Submit button, Expenses displays the Submit Confirmation page to indicate that it successfully saved and submitted the travel authorization.
- Select the Summary and Submit link.
- The Create Travel Authorization Summary page displays. Select the check box to certify costs are reasonable estimates and comply with expense policy.
- Select the Submit Travel Authorization button.
After you submit the travel authorization, you cannot modify it unless an Approver returns it to you.
If need to review or make changes, select the Travel Authorization Details link to toggle back to the Details page.
- You can select the Save for Later button which will issue the TA Authorization ID.
- Optional to select the Actions menu drop down arrow and select the Create Cash Advance link.
- Then select the GO button.
Note: By selecting the Save for Later button, you are able to save the travel authorization without submitting it for approval. You can save the report with or without invalid or missing information, and you can modify it later.
When you select the Save for Later button, Expenses displays the Save Confirmation page to indicate that it successfully saved the travel authorization and indicates if missing or invalid information exists.
- The Create Cash Advance page displays. Enter the following information:
- Advance Description.
- Source.
- Description.
- Amount of Cash Advance.
- Select the box to certify the advance submitted are accurate and comply with expense policy.
- Select the Submit Cash Advance button.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial Via Panopto
View the external link to Creating Travel Authorizations using Classic Navigation. This link will open in a new window.
Navigation: FSCM Employee Self-Service > Expenses Fluid Tile > Create Travel Authorization
- The Employee Self Service page displays. Select the Expenses tile.
- The Expenses employee self-service page displays. Select the Create Travel Authorization tile.
- The Travel Authorization (TA) Entry page displays. The TA Entry page will default to your own Employee ID, i.e. Phoenix Reed. If you are authorized to enter a travel authorization on behalf of someone else, then you will need to look up the Employee ID first. If you are entering on behalf of someone else, in the top left corner of the page, select the green down arrow to the right of your name. Select Change Employee.
When the Change Employee link is selected, the Employee Search window displays. Enter or search for the specific Employee ID and select the side double arrows button.
- Use your own or select the Name/Empl ID that populates. The Travel Authorization Entry page displays.
- Enter a Description.
- Select a Business Purpose from the drop-down menu.
- In the Comments section, enter a Comment. ‘Comments’ entered in Fluid Travel Authorization creation are only viewable to approvers using Fluid Approvals (the Approval icon on the Navbar). Whereas ‘Notes’ that the Traveler adds in the Classic Travel Authorization creation nav path are viewable by Approvers using both Fluid and Classic Expenses Approvals.
- Select the Billing Type = Billable.
- Select Travel From location from the drop-down menu. The most common use will be to look up the Expense Location codes in Washington. Enter ‘WA’ in the field next to ‘begins with’. Select Look Up.
- Select Travel To location from the drop-down menu. The most common use will be to look up the Expense Location codes in Washington. Enter ‘WA’ in the field next to ‘begins with’. Select Look Up.
- Enter a date or use the calendar menu in the Date From field to select the first day of travel.
- Enter a date or use the calendar menu in the Date To field to select the last day of travel. The Trip Duration will update automatically.
Select the Attachments icon to upload any documents;
- Select Add Attachment.
- Select My Device icon.
- Find the files on your Device and select Open.
- Select Upload.
- Once you see the Upload Complete message, select Done.
- You will be back in the Attachment page.
- You may now enter a Description for the attachment you have already uploaded, select Add Attachment to add another attachment, Select Edit to delete your current attachment, or select Done.
- Scroll down to view the Details section and edit the Expense Type listed by selecting from the drop-down menu.
- Select the appropriate Expense Type from the drop-down menu.
- Enter a Description.
- Enter Amount, note that the Amount field will not be available for a mileage-based expense type.
- For each Expense Type tow, select the Details button to enter additional identifiable information.
The Attachments or paper clip icon links are available at the Travel Authorization header-level or at the individual expense row-level.
Follow instructions below to add a mileage-based expense.
- The Line Detail window opens. Depending upon the Expense Type, enter Line Detail or Per Diem criteria;
- Update the Date field.
- Select a Payment Type from the drop-town menu.
- Billing Type remains Billable.
- Update Originating Location if necessary.
- Enter Miles.
- Select the Transportation ID from the drop-down menu.
- Select Done.
Note: The Transportation ID will only populate if you have added it to your Profile.
If a Per Diem type is selected, Travel To Location must be entered BEFORE Per Diem Expense Types.
- The Travel Authorization Fluid main page displays. For each Expense Type row, select the Accounting details icon.
- The Travel Authorization Distribution page displays. The Amount auto populates from the previous page. Enter or lookup the following valid ChartField values, such as;
- The Operating Unit.
- The Fund.
- The Department.
- The Class.
- The State Purpose.
- Select Done after your Accounting Details are completed.
For information on travel authorization errors and steps to resolve them, please refer to QRG Correcting Travel Authorization Errors for Travelers using Fluid Navigation.
- There are three options at this point:
You can continue to add items to the Travel Authorization (TA). Select the Add a New Row [+] icon to add another projected expense. Please note that if you add new lines, you must select Details button to edit the expense item Details, and you may need to select the Accounting Details Icon to edit the Accounting ChartString.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
View the external link to Adding Items to your Fluid Travel Authorization. This link will open in a new tab/window.
Video Tutorial Via Panopto
- You can complete the Travel Authorization now by selecting the Submit button.
- When you select the Submit button, a Submission Certificate window will display. Select OK to finalize the submission. Expenses displays a Submit Confirmation banner appears at the top of the page indicating you have submitted the travel authorization.
After you submit the travel authorization, you cannot modify it unless an approver returns it to you or you 'Withdraw' it before any approval actions are made. To withdraw an eligible TA, select the Withdraw button.
- Select the Create Cash Advance link at the bottom of the header, which opens a new browser tab in ctcLink and populates the Business Purpose and Advance Description fields in the header of the CA to match the TA entry. After the CA is submitted you can return to the TA entry and submit. For assistance, please see QRG Creating Cash Advances.
- Select the Save button to save the travel authorization without submitting it for approval. You can save the report with or without invalid or missing information, and you can modify it later. When you select the Save button, Expenses displays a Save Confirmation banner at the top of the page to indicate that it successfully saved the travel authorization and indicates if missing or invalid information exists.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial Via Panopto
View the external link to Creating Fluid Travel Authorizations using Fluid Navigation. This link will open in a new tab/window.
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