Unposting Journals

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to unpost journals from the General Ledger in ctcLink

Audience: Financial Staff.

Perform this procedure when you are required to unpost a journal from the General Ledger.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ General Ledger Processing

You must also set these User Preference Definitions:

If you need assistance with the above security roles or User Preference Definitions, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Prerequisite:  Before you can unpost journals to the General Ledger, you must mark them for unposting. Marking a journals for unposting indicates that the journal entries should be included in any posting request that is pending for which the journals meet the specified criteria. You can exclude certain journals from unposting until you review and approve them.

Marking a Journal for Unposting

Navigation: General Ledger > Journals > Process Journals > Mark Journals for Unposting 

  1. The Mark Journals for Unposting page displays.  It enables you to select journals for subsequent unposting.  Select or enter search criteria for the following required fields:
    • Unit (business unit).
    • Ledger Group.
    • Year (accounting year).
    • Period.
    • Enter additional search criteria as needed. Optional to utilize the ChartField Search Criteria option to narrow results.
    • Optional to select the Save button to save the search criteria for future use.
  2. Select the Search button to populate the results below.
  3. In the Select Journals to Unpost grid, mark the desired journals for unposting.
  4. Select the Unpost Selected Journals button.
  5. A message window displays asking if you are sure that you want to unpost the selected journal(s). Select the Yes button.

When you select the Unpost Selected Journals link, then select OK in the message, the system will automatically transfer to a Post Journals Request run control pre-populated with all the necessary parameters to unpost the selected journal(s).

Select Journals to unpost

Running the Unposting Process

Use the Post Journals Request page to specify which journals you want to unpost based on business unit, ledger group, accounting period/fiscal year, source, journal ID, and journal date. When you run the posting process, the system 'unposts' only those journals that fit the request criteria and are marked to unpost.

  1. The Post Journals Request page displays. The system populates the Process Request Parameters criteria based on the selections made on the previous Mark Journals for Unposting page, i.e. 2 journals were selected for 'unpost' thus the 'Request Number = 2'. Optional to update the *Description field to add date or reason why journal(s) was selected to be unposted.
  2. Select the Run button.
Post Journals Request page
  1. The Process Scheduler Request window displays. Select the OK button to run the GL Journal Posting process (GL_JP).
  2. The Process Scheduler Request page disappears. The updated Post Journals Request page displays. Note the Process Instance number. Select the Process Monitor, then refer to the QRG Process Scheduler/Process Monitor for instructions.
Process Monitor page
  1. From the Process Monitor page select the Instance Details link.
  2. Select the View Log/Trace link and then the File List .log link to verify that the journal(s) unposted by scrolling to the bottom of the log file.
View Log Trace confirmation
  1. Process complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in steps listed above.  There is no audio included with this video.  Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial via Panopto

View the link to Unposting Journals. This link will open in a new tab/window.


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