ctcLink Reference Center9.2 Finance9.2 FIN - Grants/Contracts Resources9.2 Correcting Grant/Project Accounting Entries in Accounts Payable (Journal Voucher)

9.2 Correcting Grant/Project Accounting Entries in Accounts Payable (Journal Voucher)

Purpose:  Journal vouchers are used to adjust accounting entries for vouchers that have been posted and paid, and whose payments have been posted.

Audience:  AP Specialist/AP Manager

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD Accounts Payable Inquiry
  • ZZ Voucher Approval
  • ZZ Voucher Entry

You must also set these User Preference Definitions:

If you need assistance with the above security roles or User Preference Definitions, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Journal vouchers are zero amount vouchers.

Correct Grant/Project Accounting Entries in Accounts Payable

Scenario: A Voucher has been created using an incorrect Chartfield string, and is posted and paid. All other information on the voucher is correct. To avoid making a manual General Ledger entry, which would result in General Ledger and Payables being out of sync, or unposting the voucher, correcting the voucher and then reposting the voucher and payment, we simply enter a Journal voucher in Account Payable. On the journal voucher, we reverse the amount to the incorrect Chartfields and add the amount to the correct Chartfields. This will keep the General Ledger and Payables in sync.

Example:  Voucher 00004339 (BU WA220) has been entered incorrectly with project ID 0000001780, and is posted, paid and GL distributed. The project ID should be 0000001783. Therefore, to correct the project ID we will create Journal Voucher in AP module.

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Regular Entry > Add a New Value tab

In order to create a Journal Voucher, you must first know the Voucher ID and the Supplier associated with that Voucher.

  1. Business Unit:  BU defaults to specific value for each user.
  2. Voucher ID: Defaults to NEXT. The system sequentially numbers the voucher. DO NOT CHANGE.
  3. Voucher Style:  Select Journal Voucher.
  4. Supplier ID:  Enter the Supplier ID that is identical to the original voucher to be corrected. Make sure Supplier location is correct.
  5. Invoice Number:  Enter the invoice number as entered on the original voucher and add the suffix of JV.
  6. Invoice Date:  Enter the same invoice date as entered on the original voucher.
  7. Select Add.
  1. The Invoice Information tab displays. It enables you to enter or view invoice information, including invoice header information, non-merchandise charges, and voucher line and distribution information. Use journal vouchers to correct accounting entries that have already been posted and paid.  You do not change any of the amounts on a journal voucher.
  2. Use the Related Voucher field to enter the number of the voucher against which you need to create the journal voucher. Enter the Related Voucher ID. The field is optional, but it should be populated to maintain an audit trail and to be able to search for it using the Related Voucher field on the Add and Search page.

Note:  Every Journal Voucher requires 4 Distribution Lines.  Journal Vouchers are not "paid" but journal entries attached to a voucher.  The Cash Lines need to be added in order to move the cash with the expense. For example:

  • Expense Line: Reversal of original entry
  • Cash Line: Off-set of reversal of original entry line
  • Expense Line: New/corrected entry
  • Cash Line: Off-set of new/corrected entry
  1. Line Amount: Enter if applicable. The total of journal lines must net to zero.
  2. In theDistrbution Line section:
    1. Enter the Distribution Line 1: Enter the first distribution line to reverse the accounting entry that was recorded incorrectly on the associated voucher.
    2. Distribution Line 2: Enter the second distribution line to reverse the accounting entry of the cash line that was recorded incorrectly on the associated voucher.
    3. Distribution Line 3: Enter the new or corrected expense line entry of the voucher.
    4. Distribution Line 4: Enter the cash line distribution to offset the amount of new distribution line.
  3. Select Save.

Note: The sum of all amounts on the Journal Voucher must be equal to zero.  If an adjustment is needed in the amount of the Voucher, an Adjustment Voucher must be created.

  1. The Journal voucher will be budget checked, approved and posted however, no payment will be created since the voucher has a zero balance.

Note: The sum of all amounts on the Journal Vouchers must be equal to zero. If an adjustment is needed in the amount of the Voucher, an Adjustment Voucher must be created.

The journal voucher will be selected for Approval, budget checking and posting; however, no payments will be created since the voucher has a zero balance.

  1. Select Submit Approval (or if needed, please see how Submit Vouchers for Approval).
Invoice Information tab
  1. Post the Voucher either through online or batch.
  2. Once it is posted, the Post Status will show as “Posted”.
  3. Also, note that the Journal generator process must be run in order to move the accounting entries in GL.
  1. Process complete.


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