Adding Direct Deposit Account via ESS
Purpose: Use this document to enter US direct deposit information for payroll processing in ctcLink.
Audience: Employees
- The first deposit account entered is automatically set up with a Deposit Type of Full Balance.
- As more accounts are created, one of the bank accounts needs to be set up as Deposit Type = Remaining Balance.
The system automatically changes the first account to Remaining Balance when the second account is saved. - *NOTE: End user will receive the following message if information entered is duplicate and will not be able to save input: "Duplicate Account Type, Routing Number and Account Number exist". Corrections will need to be made.
- In the case of multiple accounts, the remaining funds will be automatically paid to the Remaining Balance account.
- When all your accounts are entered, you are able to use the Edit Account page to identify which of the accounts will act as the Remaining Balance account.
Navigation: HCM Employee Self Service > Payroll (Tile) > Direct Deposit (Tile).
Note: the Direct Deposit tile is designed to indicate the number of accounts that have been created for this employee. When the phrase “No accounts”displays, it means no accounts exist yet and you can enter the first one.
To enter the first Direct Deposit account:
- On the Payroll page, select the Direct Deposit tile.
Be sure to read the message below completely. It is important to know that the first account entered defaults to a Deposit Type of Full Balance.
Thereafter, if a second account is entered, the first account is updated to Remaining Balance.
From there the Edit Account page allows you to manage the accounts to meet your needs.
- Select the Add Account button.
To add the first account, enter the following:
- Nickname: Enter a unique account name for each direct deposit entry. This name appears on the Direct Deposit Accounts page where the accounts are listed.
- Payment Method: This field is automatically set to Direct Deposit. It is not editable.
Routing Number: Enter the routing number.
NOTE: The system validates the Bank Routing Number and there is no look-up function. You must enter it accurately.
You may select the information icon to view a sample check with bank information format.
A Check Example pagelet displays. - Identify your specific Routing Number and Account Number from one of your bank checks and make a note. Select the [x] to close the pagelet.
The Add Account page displays again. Continue entering information.
- Enter the Account Number.
- Retype the Account Number to confirm.
- In the Pay Distribution section, select the appropriate Account Type:
Valid values will be Checking or Savings. - After verifying your information, select the Save button.
Once Save is selected, the new direct deposit account is created and you will be routed to the Direct Deposit page.
- As a requirement, one of your accounts needs to be set up as Deposit Type of Full Balance - one account or Remaining Balance when there are more than one accounts.
- The system automatically creates your first Direct Deposit Account with the Deposit Type of Full Balance.
- In the case of multiple accounts, you can have Deposit Types of Amount and/or Percent and Remaining Balance.
In this way, the remaining funds will be automatically paid to the Remaining Balance account after the Amount and/or Percent accounts have been deposited.
Point and click your mouse anywhere in the line to view the Edit Account page. You will be able to view the information entered.
If necessary, you can select the pencil icon to Edit the Account Number; you can select the Remove button to delete the account entirely. To keep changes, select the Save button.
NOTE: If you are only viewing the information and want to close the page, select the Cancel button, do not select the Save button.
If the Save button is selected, the system does not validate if changes are made or not made.
The Direct Deposit - Accounts page displays again.
If you only have one account for direct deposit, then the procedure would conclude here.
However, if you require one or more additional accounts, you can continue adding another account by clicking the [+] Add Account icon in the upper left.
NOTE: Be sure to read the information displayed regarding the second account.
This indicates the first account deposit type is automatically updated from Full Balance to Remaining Balance, so you can add an Amount or Percent.

As before, enter the following banking information:
- Nickname for the account.
- Payment Method is set as Direct Deposit.
- Bank Routing Number.
- Bank Account Number and Retype Account Number to confirm.
Under Pay Distribution, enter the following infomation:
Under Pay Distribution, enter the following infomation:
- Select Account Type: values are Checking or Savings.
- For the second account and beyond, you now have the Deposit Type field. Valid values are Amount, Percent or Remaining Balance.
- Enter the Amount or Percent
- Save the information.
The Direct Deposit / Accounts page displays.
Notice now after the second account has been added, the first account now has an Order of Last and Amount/Percent of Remaining Balance.
- Select Payroll from upper left side of screen
On the Payroll page, Direct Deposit tile now contains the number of accounts entered and the last Updated date.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
View Tutorial via Panopto
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