Mobile - Class Search, Browse Classes and Course Catalog

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for searching for classes, browsing classes and the course catalog on a mobile device in ctcLink.

Audience: Students

The college mobile applications will look a bit different between the various colleges. This guide is intended as a general overview. Please note that your college may have different images and options available.  

  1. Go to your institutions mobile site. Select the Class Search tile.
  2. Enter search criteria then select the Search button.
  3. Select the class to see details, using the chevron (>).
  4. You can add the class to your planner, shopping cart or share it on social media or email.
Class Search Share button
  1. View textbook information and availability details.

Browse Classes

  1. On your institutions mobile app springboard, select the Browse Classes tile.
  2. Choose term and browse for class by selecting the alphabetical list or type a course in the filter box.
  3. Select the class to see details, using the chevron (>).
  4. You can add the class to your planner, shopping cart or share it on social media or email.
  5. View textbook and availability information.

Course Catalog

  1. On your institutions mobile app springboard, select the Course Catalog tile.
  2. Select an alphabetical category.
  3. Use the filter box to type the name of the class you are looking for or navigate to it by Subject.
  4. Select the class to see details, using the chevron (>).
  5. View Class details.
  6. You can add the class to your planner, share it on social media or email and view deadlines depending on which class you choose.


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