Viewing an Employee's Job History

Purpose: Use this document to view an employee's job history in ctcLink.

Audience: Human Resources staff.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD HR Central Config VW
  • ZD HR Employee Maintenance VW

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation:  Workforce Administration > Job Information > Review Job Information > Workforce Job Summary

  1. The Workforce Job Summary search page displays.
  2. Enter the desired information into the Empl ID field. Select the Search button.
  3. The Workforce Job Summary page displays. Select the Job Information tab.
  4. The Job Information tab displays.  View employee information, such as status, standard hours, and job code.
  5. Select the Work Location tab. The Work Location page displays.
  6. View information about an employee's work location, including company and department ID.
  7. Select the Compensation tab. the Compensation page displays.
  8. View the employee's annual, monthly, daily, and hourly pay rates.

End of procedure.