9.2 CS - Student Records
Beginning of Term Processes
- Maintaining the Term/Session Table
- Maintaining the Academic Calendar
- Copy the Prior Term's Schedule
- Schedule Additional Class Sections
- Build Courses to Use Dynamic Dating
- Setting Dynamic Class Date Rules
- Generate Dynamic Class Dates Manually
- Add, Inactivate and View Student Groups
- Setting Up Service Indicator Codes and Reasons
- Running Batch Term Activation
- Enrollment Appointment Process
- Class Permissions - Individual Class
- Class Permissions - Batch Generation
- Student Specific Permissions
- Managing Waitlists
- Enrollment Cancellation - Drop for Non-Payment
- Processing Term Withdrawals
- Processing Term Withdrawals to Recognize 100% Refunds
- Waitlist Purge
- Shopping Cart Purge
- Beginning of Term Processes
- Generate Dynamic Class Dates
- 9.2 Schedule New Classes
- Term Shift - CS Core and SF
9.2 End of Term Processes
- Academic Standing, Honors and Awards
- Award a Student Degree
- NSC Bugs and Other Known Issues
- Generating a National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) Report
- How to Use Excel for the NSC File
- Manually Adjust a Student Repeat Code from the Quick Enroll Page
- PERC: Running the Post Enrollment Requirement (PERC) Process
- PERC: Enrollment Requirement Rosters
- PERC: Dropping Students Who Do Not Meet Enrollment Requirements
- Run the Repeat Checking Process
- Run the Grade Lapse Process
- Setting and Releasing Academic Standing Service Indicators
- Understanding Repeat Rule Configuration
- Update the Expected Graduation Term
- Viewing the Grade Scheme Table
- Recording a Graduation Application
- Discontinue Student Program/ Plans in Batch (Batch DISC Process)
- Processing Term Withdrawals
- Manually Adjust a Student Repeat Code from the Enrollment Request Page
- Manually Add a Student Repeat Code to Allow the Fourth+ Enrollment Attempt
- Refresh Term Control Dates
- 9.2 End of Term Processes
9.2 Enrollment
- Reporting Fraudulent Applications/Accounts to SBCTC
- Enrollment Cancellation - Drop for Non-Payment
- Completing the Enrollment Cancellation Process
- Making a Student Eligible for Enrollment after Enrollment Cancellation or Term Withdraw - Automated
- Making a Student Eligible For Enrollment After Enrollment Cancellation or Term Withdrawal - Manual
- Processing Block Enrollments
- Defining Class Enrollment Blocks
- 9.2 Defining Student Enrollment Blocks
- 9.2 Drop Students via Block Enrollment
- 9.2 Define Enrollment Action Reasons
- 9.2 Drop Student Enrollment
- 9.2 Enrolling Individual Students, Bypassing Enrollment Rules
- Enrollment Request Search
- 9.2 Entering Enrollment Requests
- 9.2 Changing an Enrollment Status from Credit-to-Audit via Enrollment Request
- Managing Waitlists
- 9.2 Processing Block Enroll with a Pre-Generated Enrollment Request ID
- 9.2 Processing Mass Enrollment Requests
- Processing Term Withdrawals
- 9.2 Term Withdrawal Video
- Quick Enroll a Student
- Running Batch Term Activation
- Term Activation Batch Setup
- Searching for Classes
- 9.2 Self-Service Enrollment Messages
- 9.2 Swapping Student Enrollment
- Term Activate an Individual Student
- 9.2 Running Batch Term Activation Based on Admit Term
- 9.2 Viewing and Printing a Student's Class Schedule
- Correct a Grade Basis for a Non-Graded Individual Student via Enrollment Request and Quick Enroll
- Waitlist Processing FAQ
- Waitlist Purge
- View a Student Study List
- 9.2 Apply Course Catalog Changes to Student Enrollment
- 9.2 Enrollment Verification Report
- 9.2 Fix Enrollment Attached to the Wrong Program
- Class Schedule Display
- 9.2 Fix Enrollment Attached to the Wrong Program Video
- Self-Service Enrollment Messages
9.2 Enrollment Appointments
9.2 Student Program and Information
- Maintaining Student Program/Plan Stacks
- 9.2 Adding a Student Program/Plan Stack After Admission into a Career
- 9.2 Term Activate a Student after the Term Begin Date
- 9.2 Term Activate a Student after the Term Begin Date Video
- 9.2 Fix Enrollment Attached to the Wrong Program
- Discontinue Student Program/ Plans in Batch (Batch DISC Process)
- Managing Student Attributes
- 9.2 Setting Up Student Groups
- Add, Inactivate and View Student Groups
- 9.2 Batch Activating and Batch Inactivating Student Groups
- 9.2 Assigning a Student to an Advisor
- 9.2 Set up Student Milestones
- Assign a Milestone to a Group of Students
- Assigning a Milestone to an Individual Student
- 9.2 Create a Milestone for Degree Concentrations
- Entering Test Results
- 9.2 Identify, Download, and Upload Documents
- 9.2 Modifying an Individual Student's Academic Standing
- 9.2 Process Running Start
- Identifying Electronic Transcripts Sent to Your Institution
- Running a PeopleSoft Query
- 9.2 Student Records - Configuring Upload/Download Documents
- Viewing Student Information
- Processing a Deceased Student Record
- 9.2 Awarding High School Completion
- Manual Conversion of Legacy Records
- 9.2 Student Program/Plan FAQs
- Requesting Academic Plans for Financial Aid (FA) Preparatory Coursework Loans
- How to Troubleshoot a Tuition Calculation Error Caused by Student Program Plan Stack/Term Activation
9.2 Awarding Degrees and Graduation
- Recording a Graduation Application
- Award a Student Degree
- Using Graduation Processing to Update the Checkout Status
- 9.2 Using the Graduation Report
- 9.2 Graduation Tracking
- 9.2 Graduation Tracking Batch
- 9.2 Graduation Tracking Search
- 9.2 Viewing and Modifying Degree Data
- Remove (Revoke) a Degree
- 9.2 Setting Up Graduation Notes
- 9.2 Graduation List
- 9.2 Graduation Status Letters
- Correcting Academic Plan after Degree Awarded
9.2 Student Groups
9.2 Transfer Credit
- Define Transfer Subject Area
- 9.2 Steps to Building Transfer Rules
- 9.2 Define Course Equivalencies for Academic Programs and Plans
- Updating External Organization School Course Classification & School Subject Maintenance
- 9.2 Define Course Transfer Rules
- 9.2 Create a Program/Test Equivalency for Test Transfer Rules
- 9.2 Add/Update Test Transfer Rules
- Transfer Rule Maintenance Queries
- Entering External Education Information
- Entering Test Results
- 9.2 Processing Other Credit
- Processing Transfer Course Credits - Automated
- 9.2 Processing Transfer Course Credits - Manual
- 9.2 Processing Test Credits - Automated
- 9.2 Processing Test Credit - Manual
- 9.2 Viewing Transfer Credit Summaries
- Identifying Electronic Transcripts Sent to Your Institution
- 9.2 Load Test Scores with an External File
- 9.2 Transfer Evaluation Report
- Repeat Checking Processing Q&A
9.2 Transcripts
- 9.2 Entering Transcript Text
- Generate Transcripts in Batch by Student Group
- 9.2 Printing Multiple Student Transcripts
- Sending Transcripts from ctcLink
- 9.2 Purging Transcripts
- Identifying Electronic Transcripts Sent to Your Institution
- 9.2 Review Student Transcript Request History
- 9.2 Transcript Text Print Location Examples
- Transcript Troubleshooting and FAQs
- View and Print a Student Transcript
9.2 Veteran Benefit Reporting
- Map Class Instruction Modes with Veterans Instruction Modes
- Veterans Benefit Summary
- Rollover Veterans Benefit Summaries for the Next Term
- Create/Update Term Process
- Veterans Enrollment Certification
- Create a Veteran's Payment History View
- Updating the Veterans Tuition Worksheet
- Veteran Benefit Report
- Veterans Benefit Reporting Overview
- Veteran Eligibility Report
- Run the Plan Inventory Report
- Run the BCS_SEC_SACR Report
- 9.2 Run the BCS_SR_BEDAT Report
- 9.2 Run the Student Schedule Batch - BCS_STDNTSCD Report
- 9.2 Student Attribute Program Action Security
- Academic Standings Honors & Awards Video (9.0)
- 9.2 Record a Graduation Application and Award a Student Degree Video
- Batch Term Activation Video (9.0)
- Configuring Transfer Credit Rules Video (9.0)
- Creating a Class Block Video (9.0)
- Creating a Student Block Video (9.0)
- Enrollment Request Video (9.0)
- Generate Grade Roster Video (9.0)
- Grade Lapse Process Video (9.0)
- Making a Student Eligible For Enrollment After Enrollment Cancellation or Term Withdrawal Video (9.0)
- National Student Clearinghouse Mapping Video (9.0)
- Processing Block Enrollment Video (9.0)
- Processing Transfer Course Credits - Automated Video (9.0)
- Processing Transfer Course Credits - Manual Video (9.0)
- Processing Transfer Test Credits - Automated Video (9.0)
- Processing Transfer Test Credits - Manual Video (9.0)
- Quick Enrolling a Student Video (9.0)
- Repeat Checking Process Video (9.0)
- Student Program/Plan Overview Video (9.0)
- Student Records Overview Video (9.0)
- Term Activate an Individual Student Video (9.0)
- 9.2 OAA Suspended Applications Video
- 9.2 Creating Enrollment Requirement Groups Video
- 9.2 Term Withdrawal Video
- 9.2 Term Activate a Student after the Term Begin Date Video