Enrollment Cancellation - Drop for Non-Payment

Purpose:  The following document outlines the steps for Enrollment Cancellation, also known as Drop for Non-Payment.

Audience:  Student Records and Student Financials staff.

You must have at least one of these local college-managed security roles:


If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Supporting Information: 

The Enrollment Cancellation process identifies students when they are past due on tuition payments. Students' tuition and fees are calculated based on their officially enrolled classes and do not include waitlisted courses. A student's classes could be canceled if they don't pay their tuition and fees in full or make other payment arrangements by the final tuition payment deadline.

As a result of the enrollment cancellation process, a student selected and dropped is also removed from all waitlist classes simultaneously. To avoid enrollment cancellation for nonpayment, students must pay tuition and fees by the published deadline on colleges' websites. Similarly, students also enroll in classes and should not rely on enrollment cancellation to remove them from those classes. Students dropped for nonpayment will be required to repeat their enrollment process, possibly during the late registration period. Late enrollment fees may be assessed.

📆To cancel enrollment, run the automated Enrollment Cancellation process on or after the tuition due date determined on the Billing and Due Calendar. In the Academic Calendar, the Cancel Deadline indicates the last day of the automated Enrollment Cancellation process.

Prerequisites to Enrollment Cancellation

 To view inserted information, click the caret ">" on the left side of each checkbox.  

Students are provided with or limited access to services based on Service Indicators. A Service Indicator can be a negative indicator (hold) preventing someone from receiving specific services or a positive indicator, indicating special services will be provided or tracking devices for reporting. Service Indicators appear in PeopleSoft on most pages you will use to view a student's record.

Service indicators can prevent students from being dropped from classes due to non-payment. Students with service indicators with any of the following impacts will not be dropped from their classes without manual intervention. You may review the list of your students with one of these impacts using the query QCS_CC_SRVC_IND_BY_IMPACT.

  • DENR
  • CENR

For example, when a student's Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) veteran's educational benefit pays tuition/fees, your business process can include applying a service indicator. The service indicator will prevent the veteran from being dropped for non-payment due to veterans receiving VA benefits after the tuition due date; therefore, it will ensure that students receiving veteran educational benefits will be held in their classes.

Additional Resources:


  • QCS_CC_SRVC_IND_DA_V2 - Service indicator data (List of the students with a particular SI).
  • QCS_CC_SRVC_IND_INFO - Service Indicator Information (SI table information, including some SI reason information and the impacts for each code).
  • QCS_CC_SRVC_IN_RSN - Service indicator reason (SI table information, includes more detail about the SI reasons, doesn't include impacts (only if positive or negative).
  • QCS_CC_SRVC_IND_BY_IMPACT - Service indicator data with a prompt for impacts.
  • To access the most up-to-date query information, visit dataservicesmetalink.sbctc.edu
  • Discover the best methods for finding queries and reports by visiting Recommended Methods for Searching Queries and Reports.

Using Enrollment Cancellation - Report Only mode, you can identify students who meet your college's selection criteria. To complete the process, it is recommended to create one run control ID for Report Only and another run control ID to complete the process. QCS_SF_ENROLL_CANCEL_REPORT is a report that lists students and their student groups, prompted by a Batch ID generated from the Report Only mode.

Additional Resources:


  • QCS_SF_ENROLL_CANCEL_REPORT - This query generates a report from the Enrollment Cancellation process with a prompt for the Batch ID. It will list the students and their student groups. Students whose student groups should have received Service Indicators can be identified. Your college's local business processes can send query results to various departments, allowing them to review potential dropped students. Users must have row-level security to view or update Student Groups. Please contact your security administrator if you need to view or update access to a specific student group code. Not all existing groups will appear unless you have Student Groups SACR security.
  • To access the most up-to-date query information, visit dataservicesmetalink.sbctc.edu
  • Discover the best methods for finding queries and reports by visiting Recommended Methods for Searching Queries and Reports.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Enrollment Cancellation Report Only. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Stopping the Waitlist before completing the Enrollment Cancellation will allow you to complete the cancellation and work with departments to resolve any student account issues before restarting the Waitlist. When a student enrolls and is waitlisted, the Waitlist process moves the student from the Waitlist into the class. This gives dropped students a small window to be re-enrolled if they should not have been dropped.

The Enrollment Cancellation process cancels enrollment. Term Cancellation cancels all classes for a term. Waitlists are part of that enrollment; therefore, students are removed from the Waitlist.

Additional Resources:


  • QCS_CC_MSG_CENTER_WAITLIST - Msg Center Enroll Waitlist
  • QCS_CC_WAITLIST_ENRL_ERRORS - Waitlist Enrl Errors (Today)
  • QCS_CC_WAITLIST_ENRL_POPSEL - Waitlist Enrollment PopSel
  • QCS_CC_WAITLIST_REPORT - Waitlist Enrl Report (Today)
  • To access the most up-to-date query information, visit dataservicesmetalink.sbctc.edu
  • Discover the best methods for finding queries and reports by visiting Recommended Methods for Searching Queries and Reports.

Enrollment Cancellation

To complete the Enrollment Cancellation process and drop all students, create a new run control ID and uncheck the Report Only checkbox before selecting Run. This action will produce a Request ID # that should be used for the final mass term withdrawal/class by class within a term drop process.

Additional Resources: 

Both QRGs are involved in this process.

  1. Enrollment Cancellation Population (aka Drop for Non-Payment)
  2. Completing the Enrollment Cancellation Process


Option 1 - Making a Student Eligible for Enrollment after Enrollment Cancellation or Term Withdraw - Automated

When an Enrollment Cancellation or Term Withdrawal has been completed, the Making a Student Eligible for Enrollment after Enrollment Cancellation or Term Withdrawal - Automated process allows students to enroll in classes. After completing the automated process after the Enrollment Cancellation process, a student can enroll in a class again as soon as possible.

Additional Resources: 

Option 2 - Making a Student Eligible for Enrollment after Enrollment Cancellation or Term Withdrawal - Manual

Making a Student Eligible for Enrollment after Enrollment Cancellation or Term Withdrawal - Manual makes a student eligible to enroll in classes after performing the Enrollment Cancellation or term withdrawal process. The sooner this action is performed after the Enrollment Cancellation process has been completed, the sooner a student can enroll back into their class(es).

Additional Resources:  

After Enrollment Cancellationthe Calculate after Cancellation process recalculates the tuition and fees for the students dropped for non-payment.

Additional Resources: 


It is essential to have a communication strategy in place to help you notify students throughout the cancellation process.

Additional Resources:


  • QCS_SF_ENROLL_CANCEL_REPORT_MC - This query is used to identify students who are in danger of being dropped for non-payment and notify them through  Message Center using this query. The Batch ID query prompt is generated in regular or report-only mode.
  • To access the most up-to-date query information, visit dataservicesmetalink.sbctc.edu
  • Discover the best methods for finding queries and reports by visiting Recommended Methods for Searching Queries and Reports.

Once you have completed the Enrollment Cancellation process, the decision to restart the Waitlist will be a local business process decision.

Additional Resources:

You are done. Great job!


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