Updating the Veterans Tuition Worksheet
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to update the veterans tuition worksheet in ctcLink.
Audience: Veterans Office staff
You must have at least one of these local college-managed security roles:
- ZD SR Super User
- ZD SR Veterans
- ZZ SR Veterans
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Ensure that previous steps in the Veterans Benefit Reporting business process have been completed, including entering a Veterans Benefit Summary, certifying enrollment, and creating the tuition worksheet with the Create/Update Term Process.
Navigation: Records and Enrollment > Enrollment Reporting > Veterans Benefit Reporting > Veterans Tuition Worksheet
- The Veterans Tuition Worksheet search page will appear.
- Input the following details:
- ID: Enter the student's EMPLID.
- Academic Institution: Specify your institution's code.
- Term: Provide the academic term for the worksheet.
- Click Search to retrieve the student's tuition worksheet.
- The Federal Benefit Details tab will display.
Summary Section:
- Anticipated Payment (optional): Enter the benefit amount anticipated from the Veterans Administration, if any. The maximum value is 99,999.99.
Calculation Method: Select the appropriate calculation method for tuition and fees:
- Use Actual: To view the actual tuition and fees assessed.
- Use Rate Per Unit: Calculate tuition based on a rate per unit.
- Use Equation: To apply a predefined equation for tuition calculation.
Financial Aid and Waivers:
- Review any financial aid and waivers applied to the student's account.
- If necessary, override amounts or add/delete item types.
- After reviewing and making necessary adjustments:
- Click Update to refresh the totals based on any changes.
- In the Term Details section, set the Status field to "Reported" if you can save this view (note: this action will not modify student enrollment).
- Click Save to store the worksheet.
- Process complete.
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