Processing Transfer Course Credits - Automated

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for processing course transfer credit models with pre-defined rules in ctcLink.

Audience: Transfer Credit Evaluator.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC SR Transfer Credit Eval
  • ZD SR Transfer Credit Eval
  • ZZ SR Transfer Credit Eval

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Supporting Information:

External education information must be entered first on the External Education page.

If a student has repeated a course multiple times, you'll only see the student's first attempt listed on the External Education page. Be sure to review a PDF or hard copy of the student's official transcript and update the External Education page to add the student's additional course attempts.

It can take 24 hours or more for a Legacy transcript to make it to ctcLink (especially if your college has configured its Legacy transcripts to send only on certain days of the week). If you send yourself a Legacy transcript and don't see it the following day, wait another day or two before submitting a ticket.

Please ensure your Transcript Evaluator knows they MUST review the upload/download version of the incoming transcript for repeated coursework for Legacy transcripts. Repeated coursework is seen as duplicate by the system and does not load into External Education. For ctcLink transcripts, review the Unofficial Transcript, accessible through the Advisor Center.

On the External Education page, go to the second tab (Courses and Degrees) and click the right expander arrow to see all available fields In the External Courses panel. Toward the far right, you'll see Academic Institution. You will select your institution from the drop-down to indicate that you want to transfer to that class. Doing so will not affect any other institution or any records. We strongly recommend you "claim" one term at a time (it will make the next step more accessible). Because External Term and Term Year are in two separate fields, the simplest way to cluster them is to sort by Term Year and eye from there. You can sort by clicking on any column heading. 

Additional Resources:


You can track incoming ctcLink transcripts with QCS_SR_CTC_TRANS_REQ. You can find transcript requests entered by a user at your college using QCS_SR_ELEC_TRANS_SENT. There are no queries available to track incoming Legacy transcripts. Check the Upload/ Download file page to see if any Legacy transcripts have been sent to your college.

Note: Some service indicators can be used to prevent an Electronic Transcript Request from being processed. The Override  Service Indicator checkbox can be used to bypass any service indicators that would prevent a transcript from being sent.

Transfer Course Details Tab

Navigation: Records and Enrollment > Transfer Credit Evaluation > Course Credits - Automated

  1. The Course Credits search page displays.      
  2. The default option is Find an Existing Value. Select Search to view existing values.
  3. Click the Add a New Value tab to request an advisement report
  4. Add the student's EMPLID number to the ID field.
  5. Activate the Academic Career drop-down menu and choose Undergraduate.
  6. Enter or look up the Academic Institution by selecting the looking glass.
  7. Click the Add button.
  8. The Transfer Course Details tab displays.
  9. Enter Academic Program. (Academic Plan is not required).
  10. Enter Credit Source Type
  11. Enter External Org ID.
  12. Enter Data Source.
  13. Enter Articulation Term. Please Note that the student must be term activated in the articulation term for the credits to post. Please see the Term Activation QRG for further review of term activation.
  14. Select Fetch. Using the specified source, the process determines the course transfer equivalency rules. In this case, the rule must have been active before the beginning date of the articulation term. It also determines whether a rule was attached to an individual's academic program or plan. Calculations are based on the individual's external course information and valid rules.
  15. The list of external courses displays at the bottom of the page. Each course's status will appear as "Accepted," "Rejected", "No Rule."
    1. Accepted
      • Indicates that the incoming course meets all the established transfer credit requirements, including grade minimums, credit hour equivalencies, and other criteria.
      • The course is successfully applied to the student's record and counts toward the applicable degree or program requirements.
    2. Rejected
      • Indicates that the incoming course does not meet the minimum requirements set in the transfer credit rules (e.g., Minimum Grade not met).
      • The course is not accepted for transfer credit, and it will not apply toward the student’s degree or program requirements.
        • Clicking the blue information icon displays the reason for rejection. To override the rejected status, click the folder icon, enter the Equivalent Course information, and select "OK." The status in the Transfer Credit Term table will then update to "Accepted."
    3. No Rule
      • Indicates that there are no predefined transfer credit equivalency rules for the incoming course.
      • The course requires manual review or additional action to determine whether it can be accepted for credit transfer.
  16. Select the Evaluator Details tab to modify transfer course information.
  17. Select the Edit Equivalent Course icon to enter equivalent course information.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Transfer Course Details Tab. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Transfer Summary Tab

  1. Select the Transfer Summary tab.
  2. The Transfer Summary tab displays.
  3. Select Calculate. The process still calculates the units when you post the transfer credit without clicking the Calculate button.
  4. Select Post. When you post a model, the Source Information group box becomes greyed out and unavailable.
  5. Select Save.
  6. Process complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Transfer Summary Tab. This link will open in a new tab/window.



Sometimes when I fetch on the course credits automated page I get an error "There are no input records to transfer. (14600,365)". Even when I have already added the courses to the External Education page. Any ideas how to fix this?

Tanjagay Martin

Hi Courtney, We recommend submitting a ticket regarding the message you've received. Please include screenshots and any additional information regarding the issue. ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer


At times when I "fetch" the status for courses indicates "No Rule". How can I go about updating the rules for classes coming in?

Tanjagay Martin

Hi Cristina, Thank you for the great question! The following QRGs provide information on building transfer rules.
9.2 Define Transfer Subject Area
9.2 Define Course Transfer Rules
9.2 Define Course Equivalencies for Academic Programs and Plans
9.2 Add/Update Test Transfer Rules
9.2 Create a Program/Test Equivalency for Test Transfer Rules
Again, thank you so much! ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer

Wendy Wong

Hi, how can I delete an accepted course, after I have posted it? I know I can "reject" it. Is there another option? I tried unposting it, but that does not work. Thank you!

Tanjagay Martin

Hello Wendy, Thank you so much for your question. First, you will click "Unpost" on the Transfer Summary tab. Then, you will toggle back to the Transfer Course Details tab and click the arrow to expand the columns (in the Transfer Credit Term section). Next, you will click on the red "X" (reject), and a [-] minus sign will appear to the far right. Finally, click on the [-] minus sign, confirm the deletion, and select Save to delete the row. ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer

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