ctcLink Staff Training Participation Application
Purpose: Use this document to understand how to use the The Staff Training Participation application. The application is intended to help track ctcLink Canvas course training progress of college staff, assigning Canvas courses for staff enrollment and tracking staff participation in Instructor-Led Training (ILT) learning opportunity sessions (available Spring 2025).
Audience: College Points of Contact, Supervisors and General Staff
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ Staff Training - Dynamically assigned role to all active users that provides access to their own training data, and the training data of any staff in the user’s supervisory hierarchy.
- ZZ Staff Training Admin - Role that provides a user with access to all the training data at the college at which the user has their primary job. This role has access to add and delete assigned Canvas courses in the ctcLink Course Checklist.
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
The colleges are experiencing an increasing need to track online training course completion and progress for members of their staff. SBCTC has created a web-based application that will display course completion information extracted from Canvas. Users will be able to view their own course completion information and the course completion information of any employee within their chain of supervision.
Accessing the Staff Training Participation (STP) Application
- Navigate to the ctcLink Sign In page https://stafftrainingparticipation.ctc.edu.
- Enter your ctcLink ID into the ctcLink ID field and select the Next button.
- Enter your password into the Password field and select the Verify button.
- Select the Sign in button. Okta verification is necessary.
- The ctcLink Staff Training Participation application displays.
- Search for employee data by entering information into one or more of the text fields.
- Employee ID
- Supervisor Name
- Last Name
- First Name
- Department
- Course Title
- Employee Status
- Active - Defaults to "Active" for employees with active person records in HCM.
- Inactive - Select to see employees that are no longer active in the system.
- All - Includes Active and Inactive employees
- Select the Show Checklist Enrollments Only checkbox to narrow search results to enrollments using the checklist only.
- Select the Find button.
- Employee data will display.
- Use the First, Prev, Next or Last buttons to toggle between displayed rows.
Assigning Canvas Courses Using the Checklist
Use the Checklist to understand the areas within each section that an employee must complete and to identify which ctcLink self-paced courses employees are required to take. All available course offerings are listed on the ctcLink Course Checklist, but depending on the role(s) each employee plays and functions they perform, they may be required to complete different/more ctcLink courses than their colleagues. Refer to the Onboarding Training Materials for pillar-specific documentation to help identify the Canvas courses that may benefit an employee's understanding of ctcLink.
The checklist page allows any staff member with the ZZ Staff Training Admin role to define a set of courses for an employee to complete. A supervisor or designated staff member enters a checkmark in the assigned column next to the courses that have been identified based on employee’s roles/functions at the college. Use the Staff Training Participation Application to verify requirement completion.
- Select the Checklist icon in the last column of the displayed results that aligns to the employee you wish to assign courses.
- The ctcLink Course Checklist displays for the specific employee.
- All courses available for assignment are included in the course list.
- If an employee is already enrolled in a course, a green checkmark will display in the “Enrolled” column of the ctcLink Course Checklist
- If an employee is already enrolled in a course and passed with a grade of 80% or higher, a green checkmark will display in the "Passed" column of the ctcLink Course Checklist.
- To add a course to an employee’s checklist, check the Assigned checkbox to the right of that course in the list.
- To delete a course from an employee's checklist, uncheck the course in the Assigned checkbox to the right of that course in the list.
NOTE: Assigning a course in the checklist does not enroll that employee in the course. The employee must still self-enroll in each Canvas Course. First view the Training & Learning Opportunities Registration page for a list of available course offerings with course descriptions, objectives, who should take the course, and the estimated course duration. Then use the ctcLink Course Registration Form to self-register into courses assigned on your ctcLink Course Checklist.
- To save changes to the checklist, select the Save button at the top or bottom of the page.
- Use the "Show assigned courses only" checkbox to display a condensed list of assigned courses.
- To close out of the checklist, select the Close button at the top or bottom of the page.
- NOTE: If assigned courses have been added or deleted from the checklist and the checklist is closed without saving, a prompt will display asking if you would like to save the changes.
- Once assigned courses have been added/deleted and then saved, an "Update complete" prompt window will display.
- Select the Yes or No button on the "Update complete" prompt.
- YES = to send an email notification of the checklist changes to the employee, while copying the supervisor.
- NO = to close out of the prompt window.

- If the Yes button was selected, the Checklist Change Notification email page will display. The specific ctcLink Canvas courses that were added or deleted from the employee's course checklist will be listed in the body of the email. Information about how to enroll using the self-registration form is also available.
- Select the Employee email from the dropdown list. (Employees that work at multiple colleges will have an email listed for each institution.)
- Select the Supervisor email from the dropdown list.
- Select the Send button to send the Checklist Change Notification email to the recipients.
Luis Zuniga
No se como ingresar a los ejercicios de hoy
Tanjagay Martin
Hola Luis,
Gracias por tu comentario. Esta guía es para empleados universitarios. Aprecio tu tiempo. Espero que tengas un maravilloso día. ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer.