9.2 FIN - Grants/Contracts
Intro to Grants/Contracts
- Grants and Projects Checklist & Process Steps Guide
- Overview of a Grant
- Grant: How to Pick Project Type
- Grants Overview Video
- Contracts Overview Video
- Grant Contract Types
- Billing Overview
- Project Tree and Correcting Grant/Project Errors
- Analysis Types
- Commitment Control Summary for Grants/Contracts/Projects
CRC - Cost Reimbursable Grants/Contracts
FPC - Fixed Price Grants/Contracts
Grants F&A (Facilities and Administration)
Grants Billing
Grants - Miscellaneous
- Modifying a Grant Project Budget
- Modifying Grant Award End Dates
- Performing a Grant or Project Budget Inquiry
- Budget Overview for Grants and Projects
- PI Change for Grant Awards and Projects
- Adding an Activity to an Active Grant
- Closing or Reopening a Grant or Project at the Project or Activity Level
- Managing the Project Resource Query for Grants
- Copying a Proposal
- Personalizing Grant/Contract/Project Pages
- Running Trial Balance Reports
- SF/FIN Split Payment
- Correcting Grant/Project Accounting Entries in Accounts Payable (Journal Voucher)
- Correcting Grant/Project Accounting Entries in General Ledger (External Transactions from Payroll or Student Financials)
- Correcting Grant/Project Accounting Entries in T & E (Travel and Expenses - Journal Expense Report)
- Using Grants WorkCenter
- Customer Contracts Homepage
- Projects Update Wizard
- Grants Portal