Project Tree and Correcting Grant/Project Errors

Purpose:  Use the following Project Tree, CTC_GM_KK_ACCOUNT, as an overview of the Grant/Project Roll-Up Expense Budgets in ctcLink.

Audience:  Finance users.

Project Tree - CTC_GM_KK_ACCOUNT (Updated 3/2024)

Grants and Projects are in ctcLink are budgeted at the Roll-Up level within the Grants and Project Costing Modules.

Some examples:

  • SALARY Budget is created at the Salaries and Wages roll-up account# 5000003 and transactions or expenses occur at the Transaction or Detail Level Accounts  5000050, 5000110. etc.
  • GDSVC Budget is created at Goods & Routine Services roll-up account# 5030003 and transactions or expenses occur at the Transaction or Detail Level Accounts  5030010, 5050030, 5081112, etc.

When budgeting in the Grants and Project Costing Modules, select the Budget Item (i.e. SALARY or GDSVC) from the lookup list and the GL Account roll-up field value will auto-populate based on the Budget Item description. Name of Budget Items are shown below in parentheses.

Project Tree - CTC_GM_KK_ACCOUNT
5000003 - Salaries and Wages (SALARY)
5040003 - Capital Expenses (COP_CAP_PURCH)
5000010 - 5000199
5040010 - 5040290
5081010 - Intra Agency Transfer Salaries
5081060 - Intra Agncy Transfer Cap Outlay
5081012 - 5081019
5110030 - COP Lease/Purchase Principal
5010003 - Benefits (FRINGE)
5110040 - COP Lease/Purchase Interest
5010010 - 5010199
5110050 - Original Issue-COP Debt Cost
5081020 - Intra Agncy Transfer Benefits
5110060 - Interest Expense
5020003 - Grants, Scl. ships,Fellowships (TUITION)*
5110120 - Equipment Leases - Interest
5020999 - DO NOT USE*
5110130 - 5110140
5020004 - F and A Admin Rollup (FACADMIN) 5050003 - Contracted Services (CONTSV)
5020020 - Indirect Cost
5050040 - 5050060
5020021 - FA Offset
5050100 - 5050160
5020029 - FinAid/Direct Aid to Students (FINAID)
5050165 - Communication Services
5020030 - 5020449
5081030 - Intra Agncy Transfer Prof Svcs
5081072 - Intra Agncy Reimb Tuition-Aid
5050009 - Direct Pmt Rollup (DIRPMT)*
5020450 - Other Direct Aid (OTHER_DIR_AID)
5050010 - Direct Payments to Clients - DO NOT USE* 
5020455 - 5020499
5050019 - Contracted Grant Services (CONTGM)
5030003 - Goods Routine Services (GDSVC)
5020010 - Other Grants and Benefits- DO NOT USE*
5020015 - Grant, Client Services
5020023 - 5020027
5030010 - 5030060
5050020 - Payment for Direct Client Svcs
5030120 - 5030210
5050023 - 5050027
5050030 - Purchased Services
5081070 - Intra Agncy Trnsfr GrntsBenSvc
5050070 - 5050090
5081074 - Intra Agncy Reimb - Cntr Grnts
5060010 - 5060060
5081395 - Intercollege Payments
5081040 - Intra Agncy Transfer Goods/Svc
5080004 - Travel (TRAVEL)
5081090 - Printing and Reproduction
5080010 - 5080070
5081100 - 5081110
5081050 - Intra Agncy Transfer Travel
5081112 - Equipment Rental/Leases LT
5081004 - Other Expenses (OTHER)
5081114 - Equipment Rental/Leases ST
5050170 - Conv Misc Expenses
     5081115 - Variable Lease Pmts - Equip
5081130 - 5081260
5081116 - Conference Exhibit Meeting Sp
5030004 - Equipment Budget Rollup (EQUIP)
5081120 - Subscriptions
5030070 - 5030110

5081062 - Intra Agncy Reimb-Equip
*Denotes accounts and budget items that will be deleted. Do not add new budget or expenses to these.


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