Managing Award F&A Rates

Purpose: Use this document to set up, modify or remove the Facilities & Administration (F&A) within an existing Grant Award or Award Budget in ctcLink.

Audience: Finance/Grant Fiscal Staff.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC Awards Processing
  • ZZ Awards Processing

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

  • F&A is synonymous with indirect costs or overhead. F&A is dealing with indirect costs or overhead. Some examples are travel, goods and services, subcontracts, rent, salaries, et al.
  • ctcLink calculates the F&A amount from the actual expenses from the budget items that are specified in the F&A Base.  
  • The F&A amount is determined in the Grant Proposal; Project Costing will then create a billable line from each expense occurred ONLY if the Grant is a Reimbursable Grant.  If the Grant is a Fixed price F&A is invoiced as a fixed price and not by the actual expenses occurred.  
  • F&A budget line is called FACADMIN and has a roll-up GL Account# 5020004.
Setting up the F&A Rate

Navigation: Grants > Awards > Establish Project General Info

  1. The Project General search page displays. Select the Find an Existing Value tab.
  2. Enter the Business Unit and Project Number.
  3. Select Search to view results.
  4. The Project General Information tab page displays.
  5. Select the Project Department Tab.
  6. Select the F&A Requested checkbox.
  7. In the Department Info section, enter or lookup the global department# 98219 for Indirect Cost Liability. Enter Percentage Pledged = 100.00.
  8. Select the Save button.

Department 98219 is a Global Offset Account for Indirect Cost Liability and monitored by SBCTC.

Project Department page

Navigation: Grants > Awards > Update Project Activity

  1. Navigate to the Update Project Activity page. The Project Activity search page displays.
  2. Select the Find an Existing Value tab, if your project does not auto-fill, enter or lookup:
    1. Business Unit.
    2. Project Number.
  3. Select Search.
  4. Select the Activity the F&A rate needs to be added to.

F&A is attached at the Activity Level. If you have multiple Activities, please update each Activity as needed per Award Narrative.

  1. The Project Activity General Information page displays.
  2. Select the FA Rates tab.
  3. In the F&A Rate Info section, select Facilities Admin Rate to IND.
  4. Scroll down to view the F&A Rate Info.
  5. In the Funded section, select the FA Base per the Award Narrative:
MTDC Modified Total Direct Costs
NOSUB Like MTDC without Subrecipient Expense
NSVSB No SRVCS or Subrecipient Costs
SALBN Salaries & Benefits
SALRY Salaries
  1. Enter in the Eff Date and FA Rate %.
  2. Select Save. Once saved, the FA Rate Status will be Ready.

Notice the buttons at the bottom of the page: Previous in List and Next in List. You can easily navigate to other Activities if need to add F&A to multiple Activities.

FA Rates page
  1. Section complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. This video includes audio and closed captioning.  Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Setting up the F&A Rate. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Changing the F&A Rate or Project Type of a Draft Proposal

To make changes to the F&A Rate or Project Type of an existing draft Proposal, you must remove the existing budget lines and save the page, prior making changes to the F&A and Pricing Setup. To make changes to the Proposal must not be in generated or award status.

Navigation: Grants > Proposals > Maintain Proposal

  1. The Maintain Proposal search page displays. Enter your Business Unit and Proposal ID. Optional to use other search criteria to refine results or leave blank to pull all values.
  2. The Proposal tab page displays. Verify the status is in "Draft" (or if Submitted, select the Status back to Draft and save the page).
  3. Select the Budgets tab.
Maintain Proposal page
  1. The Budgets tab page displays. Select the Period 1 link.
Select Period 1 link
  1. The Enter Budget Detail page displays. Use the minus [-] icon to remove any existing budget line(s) and then Save the page.
  2. Select Return to Maintain Proposal.
Remove existing budget and save page
  1. The Budgets tab page displays. Select the F & A and Pricing Setup link.
  2. The GM_BUD_FA window displays. Enter or update as needed; update Pricing Method, FA Base, FA Rate %, etc.
  3. Save the page. Continue the Proposal by re-adding the Budget. Please refer to the QRG Reimbursable Grant - Creation to Activation.
Re-enter the F and A rate or update the Pricing method. save page

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. This video includes audio and closed captioning.  Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Changing the F&A Rate or Project Type of a Draft Proposal. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Modifying the F&A Rate of an Existing Award

Navigation: Grants > Awards > Update Project Activity

  1. The Project Activity search page displays.
  2. Enter the Business Unit and Project Number.
  3. Select Search and select desired results.
  4. The Project Activity General Information page displays.
  5. Select the FA Rates tab.
  6. In the existing F&A Rate Info section, select the plus icon to add an additional row.
  7. Select the View All link (toggles back and forth from View All to View 1) to view the prior and current rates, for this example 1-2 of 2.
  8. Add the new Effective Date and FA Rate %.
  9. Select Save.
FA Rates page
  1. Section complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. This video includes audio and closed captioning.  Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Modifying the F&A Rate of an Existing Award. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Removing the F&A Rate of an Existing Award

F&A is budgeted at the Activity Level. To remove F&A from an existing Project, deselect the F&A Requested box and delete the F&A from all the applicable Activities.

Navigation: Grants > Awards > Establish Project General Info

  1. The Project General search page displays.
  2. Select Find an Existing Value tab.
  3. Enter the Business Unit and Project Number.
  4. Select Search and then the desired results.
  5. The General Information page displays.
  6. Select the Project Department tab.
  7. Deselect the F&A Requested box.
  8. Save the page.
Deselect the F&A Requested box and save

Navigation: Grants > Awards > Update Project Activity

  1. The Project Activity search page displays.
  2. Select Find an Existing Value tab.
  3. Enter the Business Unit.
  4. Enter the Project Number.
  5. Select Search and select the search results.
  6. The Project Activity General Information page displays.
  7. Select the FA Rates tab page.
  8. At the top right of the F&A Rate Info section, select the minus button to remove all F&A information.
  9. Once the minus button is selected, the message "Delete current/selected rows from this page? The delete will occur when the transaction is saved." will display.
  10. Select OK.
  11. Select the Save button.
Ok to delete F&A from page
  1. The F&A information has been deleted from the Activity.
  2. If applicable, select the Next in List button to view the next Activity.
  3. Follow the steps above to continue removing the F&A from associated Activities as needed.
  4. Section complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. This video includes audio and closed captioning.  Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Removing the F&A Rate of an Existing Award. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Removing the F&A Budget from an Award

If you zero out an existing F&A Budget, any adjustment or manual expense transfer to F&A will produce a No Budget Exists error.

To remove the F&A Budget from an Award, you zero out the F&A Budget line by deducting the budgeted amount and refinalizing the Budget.

Navigation: Grants > Awards > Project Budgets

  1. The Project Budgets search page displays.
  2. Enter the Business Unit.
  3. Enter the Project Number.
  4. Select Search.
  5. The Budget Detail page of the Project displays.
  6. On the General tab, select the plus sign [+] to add a row underneath the FACADMIN (also known as F&A) Budget line.
  7. Enter the same Chartfields Activity ID.
  8. Enter the Budget Item FACADMIN. Optional Quantity 1 if applicable.
  9. Enter a negative amount to zero out the FACADMIN Budget Line.
  10. Select the General Ledger Detail tab.
Enter field values to zero out the F&A line
  1. The General Ledger Detail tab displays.
  2. Enter the valid Chartfield values to zero out the F&A line.
  3. Select the Finalize button.
Budget detail - general ledger detail tab
  1. A message will display, 'Budget Finalization has been processed. Click on the Process Monitor hyperlink to view run status.'
  2. Select OK. Select the Process Monitor hyperlink.
confirmation message for budget finalization
  1. The Process Monitor will display. Please refer to the Process Schedule Request steps for further instructions.
  2. Select the Refresh button to refresh the page until the process runs to Success and has a Posted status.
  3. Navigate back to the Budget Detail page or select Go Back to Project Budgets hyperlink.
  4. The Project Budgets search page displays.
  5. Enter the appropriate Project Number and select Search.
  6. The Budget Detail page displays.
  7. Verify the FACADMIN Budget line zeros out (no visible editable fields).
verify zeroed out fields
  1. Section complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. This video includes audio and closed captioning.  Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Removing the F&A Budget from an Active Award. This link will open in a new tab/window.


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