Modifying a Grant Project Budget

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for modifying a Grant Award Project Budget in ctcLink.

Audience: Finance/Grant Fiscal Staff.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC Awards Processing
  • ZZ Awards Processing

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Modifying a Grant Award Project Budget

Navigation: Grants > Awards > Project Budgets

  1. On the Project Budgets search page, use the Find an Existing Value tab to search for a project.
    1. Enter or select the appropriate business unit in the Business Unit field.
    2. Enter or select the project number of the project to modify the budget for in the Project field.
  2. Select the Search button.
  3. The Budget Detail page displays. Use the Budget Detail page to enter/modify the project budget. Review the current budget line items.
  4. Scroll to the far right of the page to select the Add a new row [+] icon at the end of the row to create a new budget line(s) for this project.
  5. For each new row added, select the lookup tool icon and select the roll-up Budget Item from the Look Up Budget Item window.

Note Grants and Projects are Budgeted at the Roll-up Level. By selecting the Budget Item first, the Roll-up GL Account will auto populate. If you need to use a different Account, change the Budget Item rather than overwriting the Account. Please see next step how to enter the Budget Details.

Select the budget item lookup tool

The Analysis Type defaults to BUD for Budget. When modifying budget line(s) you will need to create a new budget line and then make the adjustments.

Example:  $50 of Goods & Services needs to be moved to Benefits. First you would create a new line, the amount would be $ -50.00 with the budget item of Goods & Services. Then you would create another line with $50 for Fringe Benefits. Double check to make sure your ChartStrings are completely filled out and are correct. Note the Total Grant Award stays the same in this example. If total award has increased/decreased, make adjustments as needed however a Contract Amendment is required. At the end of this process, the QRGs are linked below for quick reference.

  1. Depending upon your Budget Detail setup, enter the Budget changes to each Activity and corresponding Amount(s) changes. DO NOT modify/change the GL Account number. Enter valid field values for each new Budget Row line(s):
    1. Verify the Activity (also your Budget ID).
    2. Enter the adjustment Amount.
    3. Enter the Operating Unit.
    4. Enter the Fund Code.
    5. Enter the Department.
    6. Enter the Class.
  2. Select the Finalize button and the page automatically saves. The system finalizes the plan by picking up the rows only for a budget period and not the entire plan, as in Project Costing.
Enter the ChartString info
  1. A message displays, 'Budget Finalization has bee processed. Click on the Process Monitor hyperlink to view the run status'. Select the OK button.
  2. The message window disappears. Select Process Monitor link. For more information on this process, please see QRG Process Scheduler/Process Monitor.  
Select OK and then the process monitor link
  1. Select the Refresh button until the process finished successfully when the Run Status column indicates ‘Success' and the Distribution Status is 'Posted'. Select the Go back to Project Budgets link to verify your modification was posted successfully.
Process monitor page
  1. Navigate back to your updated Budget to review the Budget Detail page. The Project Budgets search page displays. Enter or lookup the Project ID number. Select the Search button and select desired results.
  2. Review the changes. Select the General tab or the General Detail tab to view posted ChartField values. Note these fields are 'grayed' out or 'posted'. Note the Total Budget is the SAME. A successful budget modification should have zero editable or open boxes. If you have editable/open boxes, check your ChartString for missing field values.  

Select the spreadsheet icon (called the Grid Action Menu) to open the window and select the Download Budget Amounts for Period Table to Excel for analysis.

Optional to select the Commitment Control Detail tab to display the ledger and ledger group that the system uses to book the budget journals.  This tab also displays the Commitment Control Status and once posted, the Journal ID creating the budget. The Commitment Control Status should be set to ‘None’ until the Finalize button is used and then it should change to ‘Distributed’ and a Journal ID number appears on the row.

Review the updated budget

If your Award Contract has a Budget Revisions that Increases/Decreases from the original total amount, you will need to do a Contract Amendment and Increase/Decrease the total Contract Amount. The Total Grant Award should equal the Total Contract Award.

Please see the following QRGs for Contract Amendments:

  1. Process complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Modifying a Grant Project Budget. This link will open in a new tab/window.


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