Grants Portal
Purpose: Use this document to navigate through the central navigation page using the Grants Portal functionality in ctcLink.
Audience: Finance/Grant Fiscal Staff.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ Grants Portal
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
The ctclink Grant Portal is a central navigation page in ctclink Grants for award, project, personnel, and transaction pages. It provides links to key grant management-related features and enables users to drill down to the details of transactions and documents.
The Grants Portal enables principal investigators (PI) and project managers (PM) to access information about sponsored project efforts. The portal provides PIs and PMs immediate insight into essential information regarding awards so that they can manage fiscal responsibilities and work more productively when interacting with the ctclink Grants module.
This QRG will show the following:
- Viewing Award Date: Summary and Detail
- Viewing Project Data: Summary and Detail
Grants Portal
Navigation: Grants > Grants Portal > Award Information > Award Summary
- On the Award Summary page, select the Refresh button to populate the Detail Section of the page.
![Award Summary tab](
- Select the Demographics tab.
- Notice the number of rows that are being retrieved are displayed in the Maximum Rows to Retrieve field. This number can be adjusted if needed.
- This is where you can select to see the next 50 awards.
- Select or deselect awards using the checkboxes.
- If a different selection of awards is chosen, you will need to select the Update Total Amount button.
![Demographics tab](
- Select the Financial tab to view Funded, Budgeted, Expended, Encumbered, Remaining Balance, Invoiced, Received, Unpaid, Burn Rate and the Grant Administrator.
![Financial tab](
- Select the Compliance tab to view the Protocols that were entered in the Award Proposal.
- Select the icon to view the entire detail row.
![Compliance tab](
- The row is too long to fit on one page so the following example shows the expanded row in two parts.
![Compliance tab with detail row expanded](
Navigation: Grants > Grants Portal > Award Information > Award Detail
- On the Award Detail tab of the Award Detail page, you are able to choose a specific Award.
- Enter or look up a Business Unit.
- Enter or look up an Award ID.
- Select Search.
![Award Detail tab](
- Select the Demographic tab.
- This tab includes the PI and the Project(s) associated with the award, the type of contract associated with the award, the Primary Project and any Amendments associated with the contract.
![Demographic tab](
- Select the Project tab. Notice that this tab shows all of the projects associated with the Award/Contract. Also, all of the items that are marked in blue are links so that you are able to drill in further if needed.
![Project tab](
- Select the Budget tab. On the Budget tab you will find information on the Budgeted amount, Expended amount and the Remaining Balance for the award.
- The Total Expended number is in blue, which indicates that it is a link used to drill down to the expenses.
![Budget Status tab](
Navigation: Grants > Grants Portal > Project Information > Project Summary
When you open this page it will be blank until you Refresh the page.
- On the Project Summary page, select the Refresh button to display data.
- On this page you will notice the Project, Project Title, Award ID, Award Title, Start Date, End Date, Sponsor, Contact PI, Department and Grant Administrator.
- Projects may be selected or deselected and the total amount can be recalculated by selecting the Update Total Amount button.
![Project Summary page with Refresh button](
Navigation: Grants > Grants Portal > Project Information > Project Detail
- Select the Project Detail tab on the Project Detail page.
- Enter or look up the PC Business Unit.
- Enter or look up the Project.
- Select Search to view project details.
![Project Detail tab](
- Select the Demographics tab to view Professional Resources, Department Allocation and Certifications.
![Demographics tab](
- Select the Activities tab to view the activity for this Project. Select the blue links to drill down further in a particular area.
![Activities tab](
- Select the Subcontracts tab to determine if the Grant was designated as a subcontract.
![Subcontracts tab](
- Select the Budget Status tab to view the budget for the project.
- The blue links allow you to drill further into the Expended amount if needed.
![Budget Status tab](
- Process complete.
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