ctcLink Reference Center9.2 Finance9.2 FIN - Grants/Contracts Resources9.2 Correcting Grant/Project Accounting Entries in General Ledger (External Transactions from Payroll or Student Financials)

9.2 Correcting Grant/Project Accounting Entries in General Ledger (External Transactions from Payroll or Student Financials)

Purpose:  Use the following document as a reference how to correct Grant/Project related Accounting Entries in the General Ledger in ctcLink.

Audience:  General Ledger Accountant/Finance Supervisor.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ GL Journal Entry

You must also set these User Preference Definitions:

If you need assistance with the above security roles or User Preference Definitions, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

External Journals such as from HCM (Payroll Journals) and CS (SF Journals) have been journalized and posted into the General Ledger. If Grant/Project-related corrections are needed, a manual journal entry or upload is needed to make the necessary corrections using the GLE Analysis Type in order for the correction to be marked as Billable for Cost Reimbursable Contracts. Note the DNC - Do Not Collect Analysis Type is used for Cash Balancing and for lines you do not want to be Billed for reimbursement.

Correcting Grant/Project Accounting Entries in General Ledger

Payroll Combo Codes and/or SF Item Types will need to be updated within their respective areas to reflect the correct Grant ChartString. Communicate with whomever creates Combo Codes/SF Item Types to make sure the information is correct prior the next Payroll or Second Journal Set process.

Recommended to verify the corrections have been made in Payroll/Student Financials and then follow this QRG documenting the 'pay periods' or 'time frame' within the Journal Long Description field.

Navigation:  NavBar > General Ledger > Journals > Journal Entry > Create/Update Journal Entries

  1. The Create/Update Journal Entries search page will display.
  2. Select Add a New Value tab.
  3. Enter the Business Unit.
  4. Enter the Journal Date (needs to be within an Open/Current Month).
  5. Select Add.

Keep the Journal ID as 'NEXT' for the system to auto-populate to the next Journal ID number.

Select Add a New Value tab
  1. The Create/Update Journal Entries page displays.
  2. Enter a Long Description.
  3. Select the Ledger Group.
  4. Select the Ledger.
  5. Select the Source as EXT for External.
  6. Select the Lines tab.

Use the Attachment link to attach Documentation or reason why of Grant Payroll Correction.  This is important to attach documents at this stage for easy reference during future Grant/Award audits.

Select the Lines tab
  1. The Lines tab page displays.
  2. Enter the ChartString that needs to be corrected:
    1. Enter the Account.
    2. Enter the Operating Unit.
    3. Enter the Fund.
    4. Enter the Class.
    5. Enter the Department.
    6. Enter the Amount.
  3. In the Lines to add field enter the amount of rows to add and select the plus icon.

For Grant/Project related lines, add the PC Bus Unit (Project Costing Business Unit) in order to enter the associated Project and Activity.

Add new rows with the plus icon
  1. Enter the necessary correcting line items.
Enter Chartstring values to new added rows

Notice this example is reducing the Operating/Local department and increasing the Grant Fund 145 ChartString. These line items need to be marked as Billable (labeled as GLE) in order to be picked up from Project Costing and billed for reimbursement.

An Type = GLE
  1. Add two more lines to 'Cash Balance' the Journal, using GL Account 1000199.

Notice the Grant ChartString has an Analysis Type of DNC = Do Not Collect so the Cash Balancing lines are not tagged as Billable Line items. Also in order to balance the journal entry, a cash balance line item is added for each Fund total. The Account 1000199 = Internal Cash is for moving money (expenses or revenues) from one Fund to another.

Add two more lines to Cash Balance
  1. Select Save.
  2. Your Journal number will be created, i.e. Journal ID 0000104009.
  3. Select Ok.
Journal ID created
  1. In the Process field drop-down menu, select Edit Journal.
  2. Select Process to budget check the ChartStrings and Total Amounts.

Your journal is balanced at this point, where the Total Debits = Total Credits. The Journal and Budget Status is N. Your journal must equal in order to be submitted for approval.

Select Edit Journal from Process field
  1. A message window will appear.
  2. Select Ok.
Confirmation message; select Yes
  1. From the Process drop-down arrow, select Submit Journal.
  2. Select the Process button to submit your journal for approval.

In order to submit your Journal for approval, your Journal Status and Budget Status must be marked as 'V' for Valid.

Select Submit Journal
  1. Optional to select the Approval tab to review the Approval Status.
Select Approval tab to review status

When corrections made in GL get picked up by the Project Costing process, they generate a "Billable" cash line that you will see in project resource queries such as QFS_PC_PROJ_RESOURCE_PYMNT. Since cash lines should not be billed in a grant, the college will need to do a GL journal to back out the cash line using a GLE analysis type and put back in the cash line using a DNC analysis type. This will generate an offsetting billable cash line that will net to zero when combined with the original.

For more information please see the following QRGs: Analysis Types and Creating and Submitting a Manual Journal Entry.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in steps listed above.  There is no audio included with this video.  Select the play button to start the video. - coming soon!

Video Tutorial via Panopto

View the link to Correcting Grant/Project Accounting Entries in General Ledger. This link will open in a new tab/window.


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