9.2 Process Running Start
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for calculating Running Start tuition and fees through ctcLink. Visit the SBCTC Running Start Coding Guidelines web page.
Audience: Running Start Staff.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC SF Processing Advanced
- ZC SF Running Start
- ZD SACR SF Local Config
- ZD SF Running Start
- ZZ SF Running Start
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Students must be Term Activated before they will appear in the Student Running Start search results.
Process Running Start
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Student Financials > Tuition and Fees > CTC Custom > Student Running Start
- The Student Running Start search page displays.
- Enter the Student ID and Academic Institution.
- Select the Search button.
- The Search Results display.
- Select the Term to update.
NOTE: The list may have one value or many. Choose one.

- The Student Running Start page displays.
- Select the Update/View Student Groups link found in Student Running Start Information box.

- The Student Groups page displays.
- In Student Group field enter either SRSR or SRSL.
- SRSR = Traditional Running Start students
- SRSL = Students meeting fee waiver requirements (free/reduced lunch eligible)
*Note - It may be necessary to add a row in the Academic Institution Details area so that a new Student Group can be added.
- Verify appropriate Academic Institution is listed and also enter Effective Date (for this purpose, it is the date you want the student group to be active - commonly the day student submitted Enrollment Verification Form - EVF.)
- Institution business process should dictate when and what date to enter the additional line that inactivates the student group.
- Select the OK button.

- The Student Running Start page displays.
- In the Student Running Start Information section, enter the High School District Code.
- Enter High School Code.
- Enter Grade Level.
- Enter Maximum Units (FTE Units are optional.)
- Select the Save button.

Depending on how individual institutions process Running Start students, this step may include the student taking their Running Start materials to the Enrollment office for processing prior to the Billing Units being completed.
- Select the Billing Units tab.
R.S. Billing Units will be reflected on this tab only after enrollment has occurred.
- The Billing Units page displays.
- Verify Billing Unit fields equal Maximum Units field from Student Running Start tab.
- For example, if student has 15 Max Units allowed but is enrolled in 16 due to Lab class, the Billing Units column should ADD up to 1.0 (possible class schedule: MATH& 254 0.01+ ENGL& 101 0.01+ CS 143 0.98=1.0). If student is within Max Units allowed, ALL enrolled Class Nbr rows should show 0.01 as this is a specific Running Start formula necessary to trigger charging of fees ONLY for state supported classes.
NOTE: Users can only adjust billing units on classes that are state funded (Fund Source 1). All other fund sources are grayed out and charged tuition as well as identified in Course Attribute Value column and Descr column. Below College Level classes are charged full tuition (catalog Numbers 99 and below have been defined as meeting this criteria.)
- More on Adjusting Billing Units: Staff have the ability to override billing units in cases where the student's billing units should be waived or charged differently than the standard rules. Adjust the billing units and check the Manual Override box before saving. You must flag the Manual Override box in right hand corner before clicking Save to "lock" in Billing Units you changed. If you do not lock the page, the system will undo your changes upon exiting. ***Please ensure you are in compliance with State Board guidelines before doing any override.

- Staff can review/validate students tuition and fees through View Student Account on RS Billing Units Page. Upon opening this page, it gives up to date account information.

- The Customer Accounts page displays.
- Choose the Account Details link for specific Term you desire to view.

- Aftering reviewing the Account Details, return to the Student Running Start page by selecting the Go to Running Start button in top right corner.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Purpose: Instruction for pulling Running Start data out of ctcLink. Filter, format, and use this data for your institutions Running Start billing/invoicing process.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer or Schedule Query
- The Query Viewer search page displays.
- Select the Search button.
- Search Results display.
- Select the preferred data view of HTML, Excel, or XML.
- The selected Query page displays.
- Enter the Institution (College Code).
- Enter the Term.
- Select the View Results button.

- The Results display.
- Download results to spreadsheet and filter, format, sort, and produce an appropriate invoice.
Interested in learning more about the remaining Running Start invoice process?
Check out the QRG 9.2 Running Start Billing & Payment Process in Finance
- Process complete.
Sarah Sferle
I just registered as a Running Start student and I wanted to know when and where I can take the placement tests for running start. Is there still a practice placement test for math? If so, how can I take it?