ctcLink Reference Center9.2 Campus Solutions9.2 CS - Student Records9.2 Student Groups9.2 Batch Activating and Batch Inactivating Student Groups

9.2 Batch Activating and Batch Inactivating Student Groups

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference on how to batch assign student groups in ctcLink.

Audience:  Student Records staff.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC CS Student Groups
  • ZZ CS Student Groups

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Student groups are used for several functions in ctcLink. Some are informational so users can identify student characteristics, and Others are attached to financial waivers.

In addition, SBCTC creates Student Groups starting with “S” and uses them for state-level reporting. Because these codes are for state-level reporting, use caution if applying them for local operational purposes, as the criteria or effective dating application may differ by purpose. To view the list of state-level Mass and Manually Assigned Student Groups, check the SBCTC Student & Coding Manual (pp. 12-15). The manual also explains when and which student groups can be updated. 

Users must have row-level security to view or update Student Groups. Please contact your security administrator if you need to view or update access to a specific student group code.

Batch Activating Student Groups

Navigation:  Menu > Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Process Student Groups

  1. The Process Student Groups Run Control ID search page displays.
  2. Select the Add a New Value tab to create a Run Control ID. It is important to note that Run Control IDs cannot be deleted; therefore, we encourage them to be reused. 
  3. Enter Run Control ID.
  4. Select Add.
Population Selection - PS Query
  1. The Process Student Groups page displays. 
  2. Select Selection Tool = "PS Query."
  3. Select Query Name.  Note Select students using a query that contains the STDNT_GRP_BIND record.
  4. Select the Edit Prompts link and enter the appropriate information.
Enter Population Selection information
  1. Select Preview Selection Results.
  2. Select Return. 
  3. Enter or look up the Academic Institution.
  4. Enter or look up the Student Group.
  5. Enter or look up Effective Date. In general, it is best to enter the effective date before the first term that it applies to. Note: Remember to at least set the inactive row's effective date one day after the end of the term.
  6. Select Active from the Effective Status drop-down list.
  7. Optional:
    • The Comment text box is optional. If the comment is included, it will appear in the comments section on the assigned student group.
    • Student Override--Additional students can be added individually by selecting the Student Override checkbox. Students must have an active program plan stack and term activation.
  8. Select the Run button.
  9. At the Process Scheduler Request page, select the SCC_STD_GRP checkbox.
  10. Select OK button.
  1. Select the Process Monitor link and the Process Monitor page displays.
  2. At the Process List page, ensure the Run Status runs to Success, and the Distribution Status runs to Posted.  You may select the Refresh button until the status is SuccessPosted.
Run Status is Success, Posted

Process complete.

Population Selection - External File (Upload a Microsoft Excel CSV File)
  1. In the Population Selection section, select External File from the drop-down list.
  2. Upload your saved .csv file (with students' EMPLIDs) listed by selecting the Upload File button. The CSV file should not have a header row.
  3. Select the File Mapping looking glass and choose the file map name RSGROUPNOHEADER.
    • Select Preview Selection Results to review the format of the uploaded file.
    • Select Return after viewing results.
  4. Enter or look up the Academic Institution.
  5. Enter or Look up the Student Group.
  6. Enter or look up Effective Date. In general, it is best to enter the effective date before the first term that it applies to. Note: Remember to at least set the inactive row's effective date one day after the end of the term.
  7. Select Active from the Effective Status drop-down list.  
  8. Optional:
    • The comment text box is optional. If the comment is included, it will appear in the comments section on the assigned student group.
    • Student Override--Additional students can be added individually by selecting the Student Override checkbox. Students must have an active program plan stack and term activation.
  9. Select the Run button.

Note: If the external file selection tool process exceeds the maximum number of results (rows--e.g., 10,000) to return, the process will not process ANY of the uploaded IDs.

If you run a query to identify students and download results to an Excel file, you can experience issues. Please copy the query results and paste them into an Excel file for the best outcome. Save as a CSV file before using it.  

Enter External file information and select run
  1. At the Process Scheduler Request page, select the SCC_STD_GRP checkbox.
  2. Select the OK button.
  3. Select the Process Monitor link and the Process Monitor page displays.
  4. At the Process List page, ensure the Run Status runs to Success, and the Distribution Status runs to Posted.  You may select the Refresh button until the status is SuccessPosted.
Status Success, Posted

Process complete.

Security Information:

To access this page, users will need the ZZ CS Student Groups security role and have placement access for the Student Groups they intend to post to the student's records.  Placement access is granted in SACR Security for Student Administration - Student Groups, and the guide for Local Security Administrators to give this access is found on the ctcLink Reference Center, under Resources > PeopleSoft Security > CS Security: Student Group Security

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in steps listed above.  There is no audio included with this video.  Select the play button to start the video.


Video Tutorial via Panopto

View the external link to Batch Activating and Batch Inactivating Student Groups.  This link will open in a new tab/window.


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