ctcLink Reference Center
Beginning of Term Processes 24
- Maintaining the Term/Session Table
- Maintaining the Academic Calendar
- Copy the Prior Term's Schedule
- Schedule Additional Class Sections
- Build Courses to Use Dynamic Dating
- Setting Dynamic Class Date Rules
- Generate Dynamic Class Dates Manually
- Add, Inactivate and View Student Groups
- Setting Up Service Indicator Codes and Reasons
- Running Batch Term Activation
- Enrollment Appointment Process
- Class Permissions - Individual Class
- Class Permissions - Batch Generation
- Student Specific Permissions
- Managing Waitlists
- Enrollment Cancellation - Drop for Non-Payment
- Processing Term Withdrawals
- Processing Term Withdrawals to Recognize 100% Refunds
- Waitlist Purge
- Shopping Cart Purge
- Beginning of Term Processes
- Generate Dynamic Class Dates
- 9.2 Schedule New Classes
- Term Shift - CS Core and SF
9.2 End of Term Processes 22
- Academic Standing, Honors and Awards
- Award a Student Degree
- NSC Bugs and Other Known Issues
- Generating a National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) Report
- How to Use Excel for the NSC File
- Manually Adjust a Student Repeat Code from the Quick Enroll Page
- PERC: Running the Post Enrollment Requirement (PERC) Process
- PERC: Enrollment Requirement Rosters
- PERC: Dropping Students Who Do Not Meet Enrollment Requirements
- Run the Repeat Checking Process
- Run the Grade Lapse Process
- Setting and Releasing Academic Standing Service Indicators
- Understanding Repeat Rule Configuration
- Update the Expected Graduation Term
- Viewing the Grade Scheme Table
- Recording a Graduation Application
- Discontinue Student Program/ Plans in Batch (Batch DISC Process)
- Processing Term Withdrawals
- Manually Adjust a Student Repeat Code from the Enrollment Request Page
- Manually Add a Student Repeat Code to Allow the Fourth+ Enrollment Attempt
- Refresh Term Control Dates
- 9.2 End of Term Processes
9.2 Enrollment 39
- Reporting Fraudulent Applications/Accounts to SBCTC
- Enrollment Cancellation - Drop for Non-Payment
- Completing the Enrollment Cancellation Process
- Making a Student Eligible for Enrollment after Enrollment Cancellation or Term Withdraw - Automated
- Making a Student Eligible For Enrollment After Enrollment Cancellation or Term Withdrawal - Manual
- Processing Block Enrollments
- Defining Class Enrollment Blocks
- 9.2 Defining Student Enrollment Blocks
- 9.2 Drop Students via Block Enrollment
- 9.2 Define Enrollment Action Reasons
- 9.2 Drop Student Enrollment
- 9.2 Enrolling Individual Students, Bypassing Enrollment Rules
- Enrollment Request Search
- 9.2 Entering Enrollment Requests
- 9.2 Changing an Enrollment Status from Credit-to-Audit via Enrollment Request
- Managing Waitlists
- 9.2 Processing Block Enroll with a Pre-Generated Enrollment Request ID
- 9.2 Processing Mass Enrollment Requests
- Processing Term Withdrawals
- 9.2 Term Withdrawal Video
- Quick Enroll a Student
- Running Batch Term Activation
- Term Activation Batch Setup
- Searching for Classes
- 9.2 Self-Service Enrollment Messages
- 9.2 Swapping Student Enrollment
- Term Activate an Individual Student
- 9.2 Running Batch Term Activation Based on Admit Term
- 9.2 Viewing and Printing a Student's Class Schedule
- Correct a Grade Basis for a Non-Graded Individual Student via Enrollment Request and Quick Enroll
- Waitlist Processing FAQ
- Waitlist Purge
- View a Student Study List
- 9.2 Apply Course Catalog Changes to Student Enrollment
- 9.2 Enrollment Verification Report
- 9.2 Fix Enrollment Attached to the Wrong Program
- Class Schedule Display
- 9.2 Fix Enrollment Attached to the Wrong Program Video
- Self-Service Enrollment Messages
9.2 Enrollment Appointments 6
9.2 Student Program and Information 29
- Maintaining Student Program/Plan Stacks
- 9.2 Adding a Student Program/Plan Stack After Admission into a Career
- 9.2 Term Activate a Student after the Term Begin Date
- 9.2 Term Activate a Student after the Term Begin Date Video
- 9.2 Fix Enrollment Attached to the Wrong Program
- Discontinue Student Program/ Plans in Batch (Batch DISC Process)
- Managing Student Attributes
- 9.2 Setting Up Student Groups
- Add, Inactivate and View Student Groups
- 9.2 Batch Activating and Batch Inactivating Student Groups
- 9.2 Assigning a Student to an Advisor
- 9.2 Set up Student Milestones
- Assign a Milestone to a Group of Students
- Assigning a Milestone to an Individual Student
- 9.2 Create a Milestone for Degree Concentrations
- Entering Test Results
- 9.2 Identify, Download, and Upload Documents
- 9.2 Modifying an Individual Student's Academic Standing
- 9.2 Process Running Start
- Identifying Electronic Transcripts Sent to Your Institution
- Running a PeopleSoft Query
- 9.2 Student Records - Configuring Upload/Download Documents
- Viewing Student Information
- Processing a Deceased Student Record
- 9.2 Awarding High School Completion
- Manual Conversion of Legacy Records
- 9.2 Student Program/Plan FAQs
- Requesting Academic Plans for Financial Aid (FA) Preparatory Coursework Loans
- How to Troubleshoot a Tuition Calculation Error Caused by Student Program Plan Stack/Term Activation
9.2 Awarding Degrees and Graduation 13
- Recording a Graduation Application
- Award a Student Degree
- Using Graduation Processing to Update the Checkout Status
- 9.2 Using the Graduation Report
- 9.2 Graduation Tracking
- 9.2 Graduation Tracking Batch
- 9.2 Graduation Tracking Search
- 9.2 Viewing and Modifying Degree Data
- Remove (Revoke) a Degree
- 9.2 Setting Up Graduation Notes
- 9.2 Graduation List
- 9.2 Graduation Status Letters
- Correcting Academic Plan after Degree Awarded
9.2 Transfer Credit 20
- Define Transfer Subject Area
- 9.2 Steps to Building Transfer Rules
- 9.2 Define Course Equivalencies for Academic Programs and Plans
- Updating External Organization School Course Classification & School Subject Maintenance
- 9.2 Define Course Transfer Rules
- 9.2 Create a Program/Test Equivalency for Test Transfer Rules
- 9.2 Add/Update Test Transfer Rules
- Transfer Rule Maintenance Queries
- Entering External Education Information
- Entering Test Results
- 9.2 Processing Other Credit
- Processing Transfer Course Credits - Automated
- 9.2 Processing Transfer Course Credits - Manual
- 9.2 Processing Test Credits - Automated
- 9.2 Processing Test Credit - Manual
- 9.2 Viewing Transfer Credit Summaries
- Identifying Electronic Transcripts Sent to Your Institution
- 9.2 Load Test Scores with an External File
- 9.2 Transfer Evaluation Report
- Repeat Checking Processing Q&A
9.2 Transcripts 10
- 9.2 Entering Transcript Text
- Generate Transcripts in Batch by Student Group
- 9.2 Printing Multiple Student Transcripts
- Sending Transcripts from ctcLink
- 9.2 Purging Transcripts
- Identifying Electronic Transcripts Sent to Your Institution
- 9.2 Review Student Transcript Request History
- 9.2 Transcript Text Print Location Examples
- Transcript Troubleshooting and FAQs
- View and Print a Student Transcript
9.2 Veteran Benefit Reporting 10
- Map Class Instruction Modes with Veterans Instruction Modes
- Veterans Benefit Summary
- Rollover Veterans Benefit Summaries for the Next Term
- Create/Update Term Process
- Veterans Enrollment Certification
- Create a Veteran's Payment History View
- Updating the Veterans Tuition Worksheet
- Veteran Benefit Report
- Veterans Benefit Reporting Overview
- Veteran Eligibility Report
Resources 30
- Run the Plan Inventory Report
- Run the BCS_SEC_SACR Report
- 9.2 Run the BCS_SR_BEDAT Report
- 9.2 Run the Student Schedule Batch - BCS_STDNTSCD Report
- 9.2 Student Attribute Program Action Security
- Academic Standings Honors & Awards Video (9.0)
- 9.2 Record a Graduation Application and Award a Student Degree Video
- Batch Term Activation Video (9.0)
- Configuring Transfer Credit Rules Video (9.0)
- Creating a Class Block Video (9.0)
- Creating a Student Block Video (9.0)
- Enrollment Request Video (9.0)
- Generate Grade Roster Video (9.0)
- Grade Lapse Process Video (9.0)
- Making a Student Eligible For Enrollment After Enrollment Cancellation or Term Withdrawal Video (9.0)
- National Student Clearinghouse Mapping Video (9.0)
- Processing Block Enrollment Video (9.0)
- Processing Transfer Course Credits - Automated Video (9.0)
- Processing Transfer Course Credits - Manual Video (9.0)
- Processing Transfer Test Credits - Automated Video (9.0)
- Processing Transfer Test Credits - Manual Video (9.0)
- Quick Enrolling a Student Video (9.0)
- Repeat Checking Process Video (9.0)
- Student Program/Plan Overview Video (9.0)
- Student Records Overview Video (9.0)
- Term Activate an Individual Student Video (9.0)
- 9.2 OAA Suspended Applications Video
- 9.2 Creating Enrollment Requirement Groups Video
- 9.2 Term Withdrawal Video
- 9.2 Term Activate a Student after the Term Begin Date Video
Colors and button shapes may appear differently in QRGs compared to the live PeopleSoft environment, but functionality has not been affected by the latest PeopleTools upgrade. Please refer to the Fundamentals section of the Reference Center for images of several current system pages.
QRGs are intended to provide a quick walk-through for college staff performing a business process in ctcLink and do not necessarily provide a comprehensive explanation of all possible scenarios. Updates to Reference Center materials are made continuously, so please check back frequently for the most current information.
Other Resources
Welcome to ctcLink (Start Here!)
- Intro to ctcLink
- Onboarding Training Materials and Applications
- Fundamentals
- Crosswalks & Glossaries
- ctcLink Service Desk/Ticketing System
Process Alignment
- Project Overview
- Process Alignment Task Forces
- Dashboards - Coming Soon
- 25Live (Software)
- Commonly Used Reports and Processes
- Data Services
- Governance
- ctcLink Enhancement Requests
- Implementation Project Archived Materials
- Legacy Access
- Local Configuration Guides
- Megamation (Software)
- Navigation Paths
- PeopleSoft Security
- PMO - Project Information
- Testing (Current & Project Archive)
- Training Videos
9.2 Campus Solutions
- 9.2 CS - Academic Structure
- 9.2 CS - Academic Advisement
- 9.2 CS - Admissions
- CS Business Process Maps (Flow Charts)
- 9.2 CS - Campus Community
- CS - 3Cs: Comments, Communications and Checklists
- 9.2 CS - Continuing Education
- 9.2 CS Fundamentals
- 9.2 CS - Curriculum Management
- HighPoint Campus Experience (HCX)
- 9.2 CS - Student Records
- 9.2 CS - Campus Solutions Resources
9.2 Finance
- 9.2 FIN - Finance Fundamentals
- 9.2 FIN - Finance Navigation Resources
- 9.2 FIN - Accounts Payable
- 9.2 FIN - Accounts Receivable
- 9.2 FIN - Asset Management
- 9.2 FIN - Billing
- 9.2 FIN - Budget/Budgeting (Commitment Control)
- 9.2 FIN - Budget Security
- FIN - Delegations
- FIN - Expenses
- 9.2 FIN - General Ledger
- 9.2 FIN - Grants/Contracts
- FIN - Project Costing
- 9.2 FIN - Purchasing
- FIN - PBCS (Planning Budgeting Cloud Services)
- 9.2 FIN - Treasury - Cash Management
- 9.2 FIN - Finance Resources
- 9.2 FIN - Closing Periods and Years Procedures
- FIN Business Process Maps (Flow Charts)
9.2 Financial Aid
- 9.2 FA - User Set Up
- 9.2 FA - Student Access
- 9.2 FA - Viewing Financial Aid Pages
- FA - ISIR Processing
- 9.2 FA - Managing 3Cs
- FA - Financial Aid Term
- FA - Budgets
- 9.2 FA - Packaging and Awards
- 9.2 FA - SAP
- 9.2 FA - Service Indicators/User Edit Messages
- 9.2 FA - Disbursement
- 9.2 FA - Pell
- 9.2 FA - Loans
- 9.2 FA - Return to Title IV
- 9.2 FA - Federal and State Reporting
- 9.2 FA - Reconciliation
- 9.2 FA - Financial Aid Business Process Guides
- 9.2 FA - Financial Aid Resources
9.2 Human Capital Management
- 9.2 HCM - Absence Management
- 9.2 HCM - Benefits
- 9.2 HCM - FWL (Faculty Workload)
- HCM Business Process Maps (Flow Charts)
- 9.2 HCM - HR Core
- 9.2 HCM - Payroll
- 9.2 HCM - TAM (Talent Acquisition Management)
- 9.2 HCM - Time & Labor
- 9.2 HCM - Human Capital Management Resources