Identifying Electronic Transcripts Sent to Your Institution
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to identify and retrieve transcripts in ctcLink.
Audience: Student Records.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Supporting Information:
All electronic Incoming Transcripts are received through the TS130 component. In the TS130, transcripts are received into ctcLink they are not received on behalf of a specific institution. For this reason, we are not able to distinguish the specific institution for which a transcript was intended. When the TS130 processes the incoming transcript, it matches it to a student and populates the External Education page for that student record.
Outbound ctcLink and Legacy transcripts are sent at 11:00 pm on weekdays. Incoming transcripts from Legacy and ctcLink are loaded in to the External Education page by around 9:30 am on weekdays. Occasionally, there are instances in which incoming transcript data is posted later in the day. If you do not see incoming transcript data posted in External Education, allow three business days for the data to be posted before submitting a ticket.
Identifying Electronic Transcripts Sent to Your Institution
Incoming transcript data is posted to the External Education page. You can identify all transcripts received by ctcLink using QCS_SR_ELCTRNC_TRANS_RECEIVED. This query returns information about incoming transcripts, regardless of receiving institution or whether the transcript was sent from Legacy Transcripts or ctcLink.
The query QCS_SR_CTC_TRANS_REQ lists transcript requests created in ctcLink to be sent to your college in ctcLink. This query can be used to anticipate or track incoming ctcLink transcripts.
There are no queries available to identify incoming Legacy transcripts sent to your institution. To check if your college has incoming Legacy transcript data, navigate to the Upload/ Download File page and attempt to download a file (instructions below). If transcripts have been sent to your institution, a file will begin to download. Incoming Legacy transcript data is automatically posted to the External Education page regardless of whether the file on the Upload/ Download File page is downloaded.
Copies of incoming Legacy transcript data (in .pdf format) are available from the Upload/Download File page. Transcript files are currently not available for download for ctcLink-to-ctcLink transcripts.
Remember, repeated courses do not load in External Education in our load process, so it is very important to review incoming Legacy transcript documents downloaded from the Upload/Download File page and check for repeated courses. Only the first instance of the course loads, even if this course does not have the highest grade. This is a known Oracle bug that prevents the load process from loading duplicate courses.
Downloading Transcript Files Sent from Legacy
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD FA Director
- ZZ FA Aid Year Activation
- ZZ FA Award Processor
- ZZ FA CTC Reports
- ZZ FA College Bound Schlrship
- ZZ FA DIrect Loan Processor
- ZZ FA Funds Manager
- ZZ FA ISIR Corrections
- ZZ FA ISIR Processor
- ZZ FA Pell Processor
- ZZ FA SAP Prcs
- ZZ FA Verification Prcs
- ZZ FA WCG Eligibility
- ZZ SF Collections
- ZZ Upload Doc ADM
- ZZ Upload Doc ADV
- ZZ Upload Doc SR
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Users must have the ZZ Upload Doc SR role in order to navigate to this Upload/Download page. The File Name and Download File button will not be visible unless the user has the ZZ SR Transfer Credit Eval role. Campus security staff can review the File Security page (Setup SACR > Security > Secure Student Administration > Custom CTC > File Security) to identify which security roles allow users to download specific file types, and to modify this page to conform to the college's business practices. Modifications to this page should be thoroughly tested in PCD before implementation in Production.
Supporting Information:
Transcripts sent from Legacy Transcripts will arrive in ctcLink with the STUDENT NAME as it existed in Legacy. This means the transcript may have been posted under a student's former name, rather than the name the student has on file in ctcLink. Before resending or re-requesting a Legacy transcript, consider the possibility that the student may have a different name than the one for which you are looking. Search for the student by SSN, or consult Legacy to confirm the name you should be expecting. If you have questions about the Legacy data sent by another college (i.e. such as what name will be listed on the student's Legacy transcript), contact that college directly.
Legacy transcript files are downloaded one day at a time. If you want to download all of the files received during "this week," you must download the files received Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Legacy transcript files remain available for download for an extended period of time so that users may access previously posted files.
If no transcripts were sent to your institution on a given day, you will receive a "file not found" error. This is normal, as Legacy transcript files are only created when your institution has received transcripts. Please ensure that you continue to check for a file for each week day. Depending on a college's business process, users may check for files on a daily basis or on a less frequent basis (i.e. once per week).
When the transcript was generated from Legacy Transcripts, the “send to” information will be available on the individual student's record in Legacy Transcripts. To identify any Legacy Transcript files sent to your college, you can make use of the Upload/Download File function.
Navigation: PeopleTools > CTC Custom > Extensions > Upload/Download Files
- Enter your Academic Institution.
- Enter Student Records in Functional Area.
- Enter Incoming Transcripts in Business Process Name.
- Select the Search button.
- From the File Upload/Down, select the Download Files tab.
- Enter the File Name in this format: LD210COLLEGECODE.YYYYMMDD.pdf The File Name is case sensitive. Remember to include a period "." after the college code and before the four-digit year, as well as the .pdf file extension at the end.
- Example: LD210220.20180630.pdf
- Select Download File.
- The message Download File Failed: File Name Does Not Exist means that you did not receive any transcripts from legacy on this date.
- The file will be downloaded by your web browser to your browser’s default download location. The file can then be opened by any standard PDF reader, such as Adobe Reader or Microsoft Word.
- Process complete.
Wendy Crozier
Are you required to go in every day and check to see if you have any electronic incoming transcripts? Is there a notification when you have transcripts coming in?
Tanjagay Martin
This is a great question. Yes, your college will want to establish a local business process to verify daily if you've received electronic transcripts. The system does not notify you if a transcript has been received.
Therese McGee
If another person at our college downloads the files for the day, will that prevent others from 'downloading' or viewing it? My colleague was able to download it earlier today, but I receive the error message, "Download File Failed: File Name Does Not Exist (25000,295)"
Tanjagay Martin
Hello Therese, Thank you for your inquiry. The Upload/Download Extension does not prevent others from downloading and viewing transcripts for a specific day. The error message means that you did not receive any transcripts from Legacy on that day. When entering the file File Name, you'll want to ensure that there is a period between the college code and four-digit year. Thanks again for your question! ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer
Frances Mayfield
Hello Tanjagay,
I am a little confused and want to make sure I am reading this correctly. For our Records Enrollment staff they would need to have the Advisor Center access to request a ctcLink transcript from another college? There isn't another pathway that they can use?
Thank you,
Tanjagay Martin
Hi Frances, You are correct. Staff can select Advisee Student Center and activate the drop-down list in the Academics section. By choosing Transcript: View Unofficial from the list, you will land on the Advisee Unofficial Transcript page. This is where you will activate the Academic Institution drop-down list and select the desired college and Report type. Thank you for your comment! Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer
Pat Wodaege
In regards to this description "In the TS130, transcripts are received into ctcLink as a whole they are not received on behalf of a specific institution. For this reason, we are not able to distinguish the specific institution for which a transcript was intended. When the TS130 processes the incoming transcript, it matches it to a student and populates the External Education page for that student record," is it okay to bring in credits through External Ed if we do not see the student in this query, QCS_SR_CTC_TRANS_REQ? If we do, is it okay if another school has already brought in the credits and we see their name in the Academic Institution drop down that we change it to our own? I'm a little suspicious of the query. For the entire month of October, I only show eight requests, which doesn't seem right.
Tanjagay Martin
Hi Pat! Great question! You can bring in credits on the External Education page without running the query. If you received an official transcript and another college's name was displayed in the Academic Institution field, you can activate the drop-down list and choose your college. In addition, if the query is still not behaving as expected, please submit a CS Support ticket. Thank you, Pat! ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer