9.2 Processing Test Credits - Automated
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for processing test credits with pre-defined rules in ctcLink. To create pre-defined rules, refer to the 9.2 Add/ Update Test Transfer Rules QRG.
Audience: Transfer credit evaluators
You must have at least one of these local college-managed security roles:
- ZD CS Test Processing
- ZZ CS Test Processing
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Entering Test Results
Navigation: Records and Enrollment > Transfer Credit Evaluation > Test Results
Note: Test scores need to be entered on the Test Results page first.
- The Test Results search page displays.
- Enter Search Criteria to identify your student.
- Select Search.

- The Test Results page displays.
- Enter Test ID.
- Enter Test Date.
- Enter Data Source.
- Enter Component. Test Date and Data Source populate automatically.
- Enter Score.
- Enter Acad Level.
- Select Save.

Processing Test Credits with Pre-defined Rules
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC SR Transfer Credit Eval
- ZD SR Transfer Credit Eval
- ZZ SR Transfer Credit Eval
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Records and Enrollment > Transfer Credit Evaluation > Test Credits - Automated
- The Test Credits search page displays.
- Select the Add a New Value tab.
- Enter ID.
- Enter Academic Career.
- Enter Academic Institution.
- Select Add.

- The Test Credit Details tab displays.
- Enter Model Nbr, if the default value is unacceptable.
- Enter Transcript Level.
- Enter Academic Program.
- Enter Articulation Term.
- Select Fetch.

- The student's tests display at the bottom of the page.
- Select the Edit Equivalent Course icon.

- The Equivalent Course Information displays.
- Enter Course ID. Offer Nbr, Grading Scheme, Grading Basis and Units Transferred are populated automatically.
- Enter Official Grade. "S" (Satisfactory) or "P" (Pass) based on local transfer credit business process.
- Select Include in FA WI Stats.
- Select OK.

- The Equivalent Course Information page disappears. The updated Test Credit Details tab displays.
- Status updates automatically to "Accepted".
- Select the Test Credit by Term tab.

- The Test Credit by Term tab displays. Model Status = "Submitted".
- Select Calculate.
- Select Post.
- Select Save.
According to the Academic Credit for Prior Learning coding guidelines document, colleges must include transcript text that clearly identifies the category or source of prior learning. For additional details on test credit information and policy guidelines, please refer to the SBCTC policy manual.

- The updated Test Credit by Term tab displays. Model Status = "Posted".

- Process complete.
Is there any way to compare the list of test credits that are in peoplesoft to those that have been posted to find any missing test scores?
Tanjagay Martin
Hi Justin, Your question is greatly appreciated; thank you. A query can extract the information you're looking for in the system. To access the most up-to-date query information, visit dataservicesmetalink.sbctc.edu. A helpful guide will walk you through How to Use Metalink https://www.sbctc.edu/resources/documents/colleges-staff/data-services/peoplesoft-ctclink/metalink-updates.pdf. Have a fantastic day. ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer