ctcLink Reference Center9.2 Campus Solutions9.2 CS - Student Records9.2 Student Program and InformationHow to Troubleshoot a Tuition Calculation Error Caused by Student Program Plan Stack/Term Activation

How to Troubleshoot a Tuition Calculation Error Caused by Student Program Plan Stack/Term Activation

Purpose: Use this document to fix a student's record when tuition cannot be calculated.

Audience: Student Records Staff

The Tuition Calculation process will calculate the tuition for every term a student is Term Activated. The student must have an active program for the activated term, or you will receive the following messages:

  • Unable to calculate Tuition Group or evaluate Fee Trigger/Waiver. (14815,26).
  • Unable to calculate Tuition Group or evaluate Fee Tngger / Waiver because the student is not on the Select Student View (SEl_STDNORES_VW). Check to see ( Student (ID) exists on the view (or given key fields.
Failed tuition calculation message is highlighted with a red box.

Troubleshooting Checklist

  1. Determine which term has the Tuition Calculation Flag set.
    • Navigation: Student Financials > Tuition and Fees > Tuition Calculation
  1. Verify that the student has Residency row at your institution and is equal to or less than the term you are calculating. In addition, verify the appropriate Career.
    • Navigation: Campus Community > Personal Information (Student) > Identification (Student) > Residency Data
  1. Confirm that the student has an active Student Program/Plan stack.
    • Select include history to view all the rows.
    • You must look for the program action COMP (completed) or DISC (discontinued). When the term activated career number on the student program/plan is inactive, you cannot calculate the student's tuition.
    • Adding a new career number will be necessary if there are no active program plans but the student is currently enrolled. Additionally, you must update the career number in the term activation.
    • If the program plan is active, your next step is to look at the term activation page.
    • Navigation: Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan
  1. Confirm that the student's Term Activation references an active Student Program/Plan stack. Students could have more than one Career number if they change programs, etc.
    • Term activation needs to reference an active program plan. Students should not have a term activation in an academic program that is not active.  
    • Verify previous rows to ensure terms are not activated to a DISC or Completed program plan stack.
    • Navigation: Records and Enrollment > Student Term Information > Term Activate a Student
  1. Identify term-activated and inactive student program plan stacks by running the following query: QCS_SR_TERM_ACT_INACTIVESTACK. The query QCS_SF_TUT_CALC_ERRORS identifies tuition calculation errors.


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