How to Troubleshoot a Tuition Calculation Error Caused by Student Program Plan Stack/Term Activation
Purpose: Use this document to fix a student's record when tuition cannot be calculated.
Audience: Student Records Staff
The Tuition Calculation process will calculate the tuition for every term a student is Term Activated. The student must have an active program for the activated term, or you will receive the following messages:
- Unable to calculate Tuition Group or evaluate Fee Trigger/Waiver. (14815,26).
- Unable to calculate Tuition Group or evaluate Fee Tngger / Waiver because the student is not on the Select Student View (SEl_STDNORES_VW). Check to see ( Student (ID) exists on the view (or given key fields.
Troubleshooting Checklist
- Determine which term has the Tuition Calculation Flag set.
- Navigation: Student Financials > Tuition and Fees > Tuition Calculation
- Verify that the student has a Residency row at your institution and is equal to or less than the term you are calculating. In addition, verify the appropriate Career.
- Navigation: Campus Community > Personal Information (Student) > Identification (Student) > Residency Data
- Confirm that the student has an active Student Program/Plan stack.
- Select include history to view all the rows.
- You must look for the program action COMP (completed) or DISC (discontinued). When the term activated career number on the student program/plan is inactive, you cannot calculate the student's tuition.
- Adding a new career number will be necessary if there are no active program plans but the student is currently enrolled. Additionally, you must update the career number in the term activation.
- If the program plan is active, your next step is to look at the term activation page.
- Navigation: Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan
- Confirm that the student's Term Activation references an active Student Program/Plan stack. Students could have more than one Career number if they change programs, etc.
- Term activation needs to reference an active program plan. Students should not have a term activation in an academic program that is not active.
- Verify previous rows to ensure terms are not activated to a DISC or Completed program plan stack.
- Navigation: Records and Enrollment > Student Term Information > Term Activate a Student
- Identify term-activated and inactive student program plan stacks by running the following query: QCS_SR_TERM_ACT_INACTIVESTACK. The query QCS_SF_TUT_CALC_ERRORS identifies tuition calculation errors.
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