ctcLink Reference Center9.2 Campus Solutions9.2 CS - Student Records9.2 EnrollmentMaking a Student Eligible For Enrollment After Enrollment Cancellation or Term Withdrawal - Manual

Making a Student Eligible For Enrollment After Enrollment Cancellation or Term Withdrawal - Manual

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for making a student eligible for enrollment after enrollment cancellation or term withdrawal in ctcLink.

Audience: Student Records Staff.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD SR Super User
  • ZD SR Term Activation
  • ZD SR Withdraw
  • ZZ SR Term Activation
  • ZZ SR Withdraw

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

The reverse of a Term Withdrawal does not remove the "W" grades posted due to a Term Withdrawal.

Reinstate Enrollment Eligibility

Navigation: Records and Enrollment > Student Term Information > Term History

  1. On the Term History page, enter a student ID or look up a student by name.
  2. Select the desired institution or student career number if multiple results are returned.
  3. Select the Include History button located above the Search button.
  4. Click Search button in the lower-left corner of the page.
  5. The Term Statistics tab displays.
  6. Select the Term Withdrawal tab.
  7. Using the arrows to the right, find the Withdrawal\Cancel term under your institution.
  8. Activate the Withdrawal\Cancel drop-down menu and select the blank value.
  9. Select Save.
Term Activation

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD SR Super User
  • ZD SR Term Activation
  • ZZ SR Term Activation
  • ZZ SR Term Activation Limited

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

When you select the Eligible to Enroll checkbox on the Enrollment Cancellation 2 tab, you will be able to skip this step based on the local business process used by your college.

Navigation: Records and Enrollment> Student Term Information  > Term Activate a Student

  1. For enrollment cancellation, you must make the student eligible for enrollment again on the Term Activation page.
  2. Re-check the Eligible to Enroll checkbox.
  3. Select Save. The student can re-enroll in classes.
  4. Process complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps  listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the  play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Making a Student Eligible for Enrollment After Enrollment Cancellation or Term Withdrawal. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Colleges can also use the Batch Term Activation process to make students eligible to enroll after the Enrollment Cancellation process . On the Process Control tab of the Batch Term Activation process make sure the Eligible to Enroll field is set to Yes.  If colleges want to only re-activate specific students, select Student Type: Custom Population on the Selection 1 tab and input IDs and terms on the Custom Population tab.  


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