ctcLink Reference Center9.2 Campus Solutions9.2 CS - Student Records9.2 Student Program and InformationRequesting Academic Plans for Financial Aid (FA) Preparatory Coursework Loans

Requesting Academic Plans for Financial Aid (FA) Preparatory Coursework Loans

Purpose: This document provides information for requesting new Academic Plan configurations for the purpose of awarding students Financial Aid Preparatory Coursework Loans. These should only be used when preparatory coursework (for College B) is being completed for a plan that is NOT offered by your institution (College A). These plans do not replace PRQ plans for Academic Plans your institution does offer. These plans will be mapped to the Data Warehouse as Non-Award Seeking.

Audience: College Financial Aid Office and Enrollment Office Staff

Terms Referenced:

  • College A (Host School): College where student is taking preparatory coursework and receiving aid.
  • College B (Transferring-to Institution): College that student is transferring credits into and seeking admission.

By submitting this request to SBCTC, the college (College A) is confirming they have verified the below information. The first three items listed are associated with COD/NSLDS reporting requirements:

  • CIP code for the eligible program at the transfer institution (College B).
  • Program length for the eligible program at the transfer institution (College B).
  • Program at transfer institution (College B) is financial aid eligible.
  • Financial Aid Office and Enrollment Services have discussed the request prior to ticket submission.
  • You have a student who needs to be coded into this Academic Plan for a current or upcoming quarter/term whom your institution (College A) intends to award FA Preparatory Coursework Loans.


Financial Aid Preparatory Coursework Loans Background Information

Information included in this section is subject to change. College Financial Aid Offices should refer to the latest guidance and requirements from the U.S. Department of Education.

Preparatory coursework (per IFAP 2019-2020 Volume 1 - Student Eligibility Master File.pdf (ed.gov))

A student not enrolled in a degree or certificate program is eligible for Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loans (and a parent may receive Direct PLUS Loans on behalf of a dependent student) for up to one year if she is taking coursework necessary for enrollment in an eligible program

Preparatory coursework

A student may apply for a Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loan (or a parent may apply for a Direct PLUS Loan on behalf of a dependent student) for coursework the school has documented is necessary for the student to enroll in an eligible program. The preparatory courses must be offered as part of an eligible program offered by the school, though the student does not have to be enrolled in that program. You may not award Direct Loans for stand-alone courses that do not count towards an eligible program and exist solely to serve as preparatory coursework.

If enrolled at least half time in these prerequisite courses, the student is eligible for loans for one consecutive 12-month period (not per program) beginning on the first day of the loan period. If the period of preparatory courses spans more than one academic year, the student may receive multiple loans.

To be eligible for loans under this exception, the student must be taking classes that are a prerequisite for admission. A student who is only taking courses to raise his or her grade-point average in order to be admitted would not qualify.

Preparatory coursework

34 CFR 668.32(a)(1)(ii)

34 CFR 685.203(a)(6)

College A (Host School): College where student is taking preparatory coursework and receiving aid.

College B (Transferring-to Institution): College that student is transferring credits into and seeking admission.

Submitting the Academic Plan Configuration Request
  1. College downloads and completes the Academic Plan Configuration Request for FA Preparatory Coursework Loans Excel document.
  2. College submits ticket to Campus Solutions Core Support Team (CS Support) and uploads the completed form (Ticket request type: ctcLink Support > Campus Solutions > CS: FA Preparatory Loan Academic Plan).
  3. CS Support receives and reviews the document for completeness. Incomplete documents will be returned to client to complete.
  4. CS Support configures the Academic Plan using the following naming conventions:
  • Academic Plan Code (8 characters):

First 3 Characters Middle 3 Characters Last 2 Characters

Aligns with CIP (as usual)

Example: REN
Left-filled program length
Example: 04Y (4 Years)
Example: 11W (11 Weeks)

Ends in “PC” to stand for “Preparatory Coursework”

Example: PC

Example Plan Codes: REN04YPC, REN11WPC

  • Academic Plan Description: FA Prep Coursework XX.XXXX AAA
    Where XX.XXXX = CIP Code
    AAA = Program Length
    Example Description: FA Prep Coursework 51.3801 04Y
  1. CS Support adds new plan to college’s OAAP Academic Plan Exclusion configuration. These plans should not be available for selection in OAAP. See 9.2 Update OAAP Academic Plan Exclusions Configuration for reference.
  2. CS Support responds to Client confirming the new configuration has been completed and asks client to verify the ticket can be resolved.

Don’t forget! College Financial Aid Offices will need to ensure these plans are coded as “non-credential programs” on the Credential Cross Reference (SET UP SACR > PRODUCT RELATED > FINANCIAL AID > COD > CREDENTIAL CROSS REFERENCE).  We suggest reviewing every year during Aid Year Rollover.

  1. College confirms to CS Support that the ticket can be resolved.
  2. College completes their internal business process to Program/Plan stack and award Financial Aid to the applicable student(s). Colleges may need to update the Academic Plan SACR Security for applicable staff.  


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