Correcting Academic Plan after Degree Awarded

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for correcting an academic after awarding a degree.

Audience: All Staff

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles for the following pages:

Student Degrees

  • ZD SR Graduation Inquiry
  • ZD SR Super User
  • ZZ SR Graduation

Student Program/Plan

  • ZZ Student Program Limited
  • ZD SR Student Program
  • ZZ SR Student Program
  • ZC SR Student Program

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

There will be times when an Academic Plan configuration requires correction.  When that happens, degrees awarded based on that plan must also be corrected.

Step 1 - Revoke the Degree

Navigation: Records and Enrollment > Graduation > Student Degrees

  1. The Student Degrees search page appears.
  2. Enter Search Criteria to identify your student.
  3. Select Search.
  4. The Degree tab displays.
  5. Select the Degree Plan tab.
  6. Using the arrow keys, navigate to the row representing the Academic Plan award you wish to correct.
  7. Once you have identified the correct plan, select the Degree tab and note the Degree Status Date.
  8. Similarly, check for any Degree GPA and Honors (Honors are available on the Degree Honors tab) associated with this award.
  9. On the Degree tab, update the Degree Status field to “Revoked."
  10. Select Save in the lower-left corner of the page.
Step 2 - Update the Student Program/Plan Stack

Navigation: Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan

  1. The Student Program/Plan search page displays.
  2. Enter Search Criteria to identify your student and check the Include History box. You will only view the results for your institution.
  3. Select Include History.
  4. Select Search.
  5. Choose the Student Career Number associated with the completed program/plan stack.
  6. The Student Program tab displays. Select the plus [+] icon to add a new effective-dated row in the Student Details section. Yes! This is an exception to the general direction of “don’t do anything on top of a COMP row.”
  7. A new effective dated row displays today's date. Use the same Effective Date from the completion row. Ensure the Effective Sequence is 2.
  8. Select Program Action REVK.  
  9. Select the Student Degrees tab at the top of the page.
  10. Select the Update Degrees button in the Student Details panel.
  11. A message box appears: "The Degree records were updated successfully. (14600, 192)." Select OK.
  12. Select the Student Program tab.
  13. The Student Program tab displays.
  14. Select the plus [+] icon to add another effective-dated row in the Student Details section.
  15. A new effective dated row displays today's date. Use the same Effective Date from the completion row. Ensure the Effective Sequence is 3.
  16. Select the Program Action: COMP.
  17. Select the Student Plan tab at the top of the page.
  18. Select the looking glass icon and change the Academic Plan to the correct Student Plan code.
  19. Select the Student Degrees tab at the top of the page.
  20. Select the Update Degrees button in the Student Details panel.
  21. A message box appears stating, "The Degree records were updated successfully. (14500, 192)." Select OK.
  22. If you receive any future enrollment warnings along with the following warning, you may ignore them by selecting OK.
Step 3 - Restore Degree Data

Navigation: Records and Enrollment > Graduation > Student Degrees

  1. The Student Degrees search page appears.
  2. Enter Search Criteria to identify your student.
  3. Select Search.
  4. On the Degree tab, navigate to the Degree Nbr corresponding to the corrected degree awarded. This will NOT be the same degree number as the one you revoked in earlier steps. The Degree Status Date will be when you corrected the Program/Plan stack.
  5. Review the student’s transcript to confirm their degree is displaying correctly - QRG 9.2 Viewing and Printing a Student Transcript.


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