Transfer Rule Maintenance Queries

Purpose: You can use this document to run queries and maintain transfer credit rules.

Audience: Student Records Staff.

Queries to Identify Missing Rules


Use this query to identify transfer sources and course articulations you have awarded credit during or after the prompt term. The query returns a list of external subject\number combinations and which course(s) your institution has awarded transfer credit for since the prompt articulation term. Includes transfer rule information if you have a rule that works for that combination period.

Column Definitions

Source The institution from which the student transferred the course.
Source ID(s)

The Source Organization ID (s) for the transfer credit awarded. In some circumstances, there may be more than one ID here because there are duplicate entries in the External Organization table for an external institution.

Total for Source

Total number of students who posted credit from this institution during the time period.

Source Subject\Nbr

The Subject & Catalog number for the incoming course.

Posted as Subj\Nbr

The Subject & Catalog number for the course for which credit was awarded.

Posted as Course ID

The Course ID for which credit was awarded.

Students w Crse From Src

The total number of students to whom credit was awarded for this course combination.

Source Org ID for Rule

Source ID the rule was built under. If blank, no rule has been built.

Rule Descr

Description of the rule.  If blank, no rule has been built.

Comp Subj Area\Descr

 Subject Area of the rule. If blank, no rule has been built.

Rule Subj\Nbr 

Source institution Subject\Catalog number used in the rule. If blank, no rule has been built.

Rule Subject Area

Subject Area of the rule. If blank, no rule has been built.

Use Case 1: Reviewing Credit Awarded from a Specific Source

For this example, we’ll assume you’re building rules for Highline College (WA090), and you are looking at what courses have been transferred from Green River since summer 2024 (term 2245). 

When you run the query with these prompts, you will see that since Summer 2024, Highline has awarded transfer credit from GRCC to six students. Of those, five had credit for BIOL& 241 at GRCC. All five times, credit was given for Highline’s BIOL& 241, Course ID 107885. Since the columns from Rule Org ID through Subject Area are blank, you know there is no working rule for this course combination. Armed with that information, you can proceed to the Steps to Building Transfer Rules QRG. You can add that rule the next time a GRCC student has BIOL& 241 on their transcript.

Query Results
Use Case 2: Looking for Missing Rules for Commonly Seen Courses

For this example, we’ll assume you’re building rules for Highline College. You want to know what courses you’ve seen in the last year. You run the query for WA090 with an articulation term on or after summer 2023 (term 2235).

Next, you download the results in Excel using the "Excel Spreadsheet" link. You are pressed for time, so you decide to build rules if ten or more students transfer to that course during this time period. You use "Sort & Filter" to narrow the list of rows that have ten or more students who have transferred to that course from that source. This shortens the list from 1,745 rules to a more manageable 48 rules to build.

Query Results

Use this query to locate schools that offer the same Common Course Number (CCN) courses as you offer. Equivalencies between CCN classes should be quicker to evaluate than non-CCN classes.

The query assumes that all Subjects containing “&” are valid CCNs. Additionally, this query does NOT check whether the rules you have configured will work. You must still use the queries in the “Queries to Ensure Existing Rules Work” section to locate and correct configuration issues.

Column Definitions

Rule Institution

This is your institution.

Source School

The institution to which the student will transfer the course.

Source Institution

The Institution Code for the Source School.

Common Crs Subj/Nbr

This is the Subject and Catalog Number for the CCN.

Rule Inst’s Course ID 

The Course ID for the “matching” CCN at the rule institution.

Rule Inst’s Crse Status This is whether the Course ID for the CCN is active at your institution.
Rule Inst Max STRM on Schedule

This is the most recent term for this CCN on the class schedule. It can inform the rule builder whether the course is currently being offered. This includes institutions that have not yet cleaned up their Catalog and inactivated all their inactive courses.

Queries to Ensure Existing Rules Work


Use this query to ensure that you have updated all the applicable parts of a transfer rule when you have updated the “child” objects. It will also ensure that your rule pieces are not future dated.  

Column Definitions

Rule Holding Institution 

The Institution that owns the rule.

Rule Holding Institution Description

Description of the Institution that holds the rule.

Courses From Source Org 

External Organization ID of the organization from which the course originates.

Courses From Descr  Description of the Source Qrganization.
School Type

School Type of the Source Organization, if specified in the External Organization’s record.

Acad Prog 

Academic Program from the navigation. 

Max EffDt Prg\Src Equiv 

Academic Program from the navigation Records and Enrollment > Transfer Credit Rules > Program/Source Equivalency.
There is one row per program.  Ensure each of the five UGRD programs (ACADM, BCHLR, NOAWS, PRFTC, TRNST) is configured for each source.

Max EffDt Crse Rule

The maximum effective date under the navigation Main Menu > Records and Enrollment > Transfer Credit Rules > Course Transfer Rules (outside +).
Must be greater than or equal to Max EffDt Subj\Rule and Max EffDt Subject to pick up the rest of the configuration.

Max EffDt Subj\Rul

The maximum effective date under the navigation Main Menu > Records and Enrollment > Transfer Credit Rules > Course Transfer Rules (inside +; should match Max EffDt Crse Rule) Must be greater than or equal to Max EffDt Subject to pick up the rest of the configuration.

Max EffDt Subject 

The maximum effective date under the navigation Main Menu > Records and Enrollment > Transfer Credit Rules > Transfer Subject Area. 

Overall Max Effective Date 

The maximum of Max EffDt Prg\Src Equiv, Max EffDt Crse Rule, Max EffDt Subj\Rule, and Max EffDt Subject.  As long as it is not a future date, all your configurations should work if you update all three navigations to this date.

Crse TransferRule EffDt Issue 

Indicates if you need to update the Effective Date under the navigation Main Menu > Records and Enrollment  > Transfer Credit Rules > Course Transfer Rules. 

Transfer Rule EffDt Issue 

Indicates if you need to update Main Menu > Records and Enrollment > Transfer Credit Rules > Course Transfer Rules.

Prog\Src EffDt Issue 

Indicates if you need to update the Effective Date under the navigation Main Menu>Records and Enrollment > Transfer Credit Rules > Program/Source Equivalency.

Highest Date in Future 

Indicates if your highest date is in the future. If so, this query won’t help you diagnose effective date issues until you reach that date. Usually, it is best to remove or backdate any future-dated rows.

Example Results
Query results

Use this query to locate times you’ve set up a subject under the navigation. Main Menu > Records and Enrollment >Transfer Credit Rules >Transfer Subject Area. Still, you have not added them under the navigation Main Menu > Records and Enrollment >Transfer Credit Rules > Course Transfer Rules.

These Subjects will not be included when the system evaluates a student’s coursework against the transfer rules for this Source Institution.

Column Definitions

Rule Institution.
Institution Name
Name of rule Institution.
Source ID 
The Source Organization ID represents where the student took the course.
Source Org
The Institution from which the student transferred the course.
Comp Subj Area 

The Subject Area that is missing.

Eff Date 

The “top” effective date for the Subject Area.  The effective date you use under Main Menu>Records and Enrollment>Transfer Credit Rules>Course Transfer Rules
should be greater than or equal to this date.

Example Results
query results

Use this query to double-check that you selected the correct “Default Grade” option when setting up rules under the navigation. Main Menu > Records and Enrollment >Transfer Credit Rules >Transfer Subject Area.

Column Definitions

Source ID

The Source Organization ID represents where the student took the course.

Rule Eff Date

This Effective Date is under Main Menu > Records and Enrollment > Transfer Credit Rules > Transfer Subject Area.


Description of the Source Organization.

Comp Subj Area

The Subject associated with the rule.


The sequence number of the row.

Course ID

The row's Course ID.

Crse Eff Date

The Effective Date of the course that is “in effect” for the rule.


The Subject of the Course ID.


The Course ID’s Catalog number.


The Source Org’s FICE Code.


The Source Organization's Institution, if a Washington CTC.

Example Results
query results

Use this query to identify transfer rules related to inactive courses in your Course Catalog. Rules that point to inactive courses should be updated on a new effective-dated row to point to an active course.

Column Definitions

Source ID

The Source Organization ID represents where the student took the course.

Rule Eff Date
The row's Effective Date.

The description of the Source Organization.

Comp Subj Area 

The Subject associated with the rule.


The sequence number of the row.

Course ID 

The Course ID of the row (the now inactive course).

Crse Eff Date 

The Effective Date of the Course ID.


The Course ID’s subject.


The Course ID’s Catalog number.


The Source Organization’s FICE code


The Institution of the Source Organization, if a Washington CTC. 

Example Results
query results

Use this query to identify a list of courses posted for manual conversion but without an associated rule. It will also identify the number of students to whom the rule applies. Adding a transfer rule for the subject/number combination will remove the subject/number from the report.

Column Definitions

Sch Subj The School Subject from Legacy.
Course Nbr The Course Nbr from Legacy. 
The Description of the Course from Legacy.
Course ID The Course ID in ctcLink.
Eff Date The Effective Date of the Course in ctcLink. 
Subject The Course Subject in ctcLink. 
Catalog The Course Catalog Number in ctcLink.
The Description of the Course in ctcLink.
Posted Equivs The number of times the course was posted in ctcLink. 
Example Results

For current query information, go to Find the best methods for locating queries and reports by visiting Recommended Methods for Searching Queries and Reports.


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