9.2 Add/Update Test Transfer Rules
Purpose: Add/update test transfer rules in ctcLink.
Audience: Campus Solutions Administrator.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC SR Transfer Credit Rules
- ZD SR Transfer Credit Rules
- ZZ SR Transfer Credit Rules
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Note the each institution will have only one Test Equivalency Rule, in which all test rules will be entered and maintained.
Add/Update Test Transfer Rules
Navigate: NavBar > Navigation > Records and Enrollment > Transfer Credit Rules > Test Transfer Rules
The Test Transfer Rules search page will display.
- On the search page, enter the Academic Institution.
- Select the Search button. The Test Transfer Rules page will display.

- On the Test Transfer Rules page, add an Effective Dated row by clicking the [+] key at the top. All rules will be copied to this new row.
- Change the Effective Date as needed to match the term in which changes should be effective.
- Add new a new Test ID and component by clicking the [+] button next to Test ID.
- After adding the new Test ID, the following fields will populate:
- Test component description
- Min/Max Score
- Begin/End Date
- Priority
- Maximum Age
- Edit the Min/Max Score as needed to create the equivalency with the course you will select.
- Enter an equivalent Course ID.
- After entering the Course ID, the Course Offering Number will populate.
- Select the Save button.

- The process to add and update the test transfer rules is now complete.
- End of procedure.
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