Viewing the Grade Scheme Table

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference to view the Grade Scheme Table in ctcLink.

Audience:  Records and Enrollment staff. 

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  • ZD SACR Academ Struct Config
  • ZD SACR Found Tbl Config Inq
  • ZD SR Super User

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A grade scheme is a grouping of grade bases, and each grade basis is made up of individual grades. There is a grade scheme assigned to each career--Academic and Continuing Education. The system matches a grade scheme to a career in order to assign grade schemes to individual classes.

Grade Scheme Table

Edits and additions to the Grading Scheme Table may significantly impact financial aid processing, official transcripts, repeat processing, enrollment requirement groups, and academic advisement reports. Access to the page used in this QRG is limited and is assigned by the local ctcLink security administrator.

Submit a CS Support ticket for changes to the Grade Scheme Table.

Navigation: Set Up SACR > Foundation Tables > Academic Structure > Grading Scheme Table

  1. The Grading Scheme Table search page displays. Use the default Find an Existing Value page to search for the desired Grading Scheme.
  2. Enter SetID.
  3. Enter Grading Scheme.
  4. Select Search.
  5. The Grading Scheme Table page displays

The below table displays Grade Bases values and their descriptions currently being used in the system.

Grade Bases  Description
GRD Graded
AUD Audit
PNP Pass/ No Pass
SUS  Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory
NOG Not Graded
ADM Administrative
GFG Grade Forgiveness
NON Non-Graded Component
  1. In the Grade Basis section, navigate to the desired Grade Basis. The arrows, located at the top-right of the screen, will move through the individual rows one at a time.

Process Complete.


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