9.2 CS - Student Records
9.2 End of Term Processes
- Academic Standing, Honors and Awards
- Award a Student Degree
- NSC Bugs and Other Known Issues
- Generating a National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) Report
- How to Use Excel for the NSC File
- Manually Adjust a Student Repeat Code from the Quick Enroll Page
- PERC: Running the Post Enrollment Requirement (PERC) Process
- PERC: Enrollment Requirement Rosters
- PERC: Dropping Students Who Do Not Meet Enrollment Requirements
- Run the Repeat Checking Process
- Run the Grade Lapse Process
- Setting and Releasing Academic Standing Service Indicators
- Understanding Repeat Rule Configuration
- Update the Expected Graduation Term
- Viewing the Grade Scheme Table
- Recording a Graduation Application
- Discontinue Student Program/ Plans in Batch (Batch DISC Process)
- Processing Term Withdrawals
- Manually Adjust a Student Repeat Code from Enrollment Request Page
- Manually Add a Student Repeat Code to Allow the Fourth+ Enrollment Attempt
- Refresh Term Control Dates
- 9.2 End of Term Processes